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About scottymate

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Could you remove all addons other than CBA and see what happens. Then add the addons back one at a time until the error happens.
  2. scottymate

    gQ Minigun

    lol I had to laugh at the readme file. Great addon. Reminds me of the days of Op Flash.
  3. scottymate

    WarFX : Blastcore

    Oh man, I read this and just had to comment. I know exactly how awful the feeling of losing work is; Nothing feels colder or more gutting. Backups are never as recent as you'd want them to be, and the motivation takes a hit. I don't know the specifics of your issue but is it a busted OS, or HDD? Just know though that your Blastcore mod is brilliant, and you've contributed a great thing already. I hope you can recover something if it's at all possible.
  4. That's great news dude, I can't wait to see what you guys come up with!! :)
  5. scottymate

    WarFX : Blastcore

    Don't know if this has been brought up before, but I find that at long distances, bullets impacts (impact effect) don't seem to register. Either that or it's so faint I can't see it. Making sniping at difficult because I can't see where the bullets are landing. ETA: After mucking around I see that there's a random selection of impact effects, one of which is very pronounced, and the others kick up some grit. Looks cool but pretty much invisible at long distance. :(
  6. scottymate

    WarFX : Blastcore

    Yea it's hard to see muzzle flashes especially during the day. They look better than BIS one's that's for sure, but they should occur a lot rarer IMO. I never liked the "muzzle flower" from op flash or indeed Arma, so I just remove them from the Weapons.PBO. Looks much better with just smoke.
  7. Make sure you're on one of the two islands that it works with (Utes/Chernarus).
  8. scottymate

    WarFX : Blastcore

    I think... you should release that right now!!!! Incidentally, is there such a mod or possibility for one that adds screeches when the rubber hits the tarmac during a landing? Puff of smoke and skidding sound. Seems a detail needed for planes. Anyway yeah, A10 sounds excellent OS.
  9. scottymate

    OA Out of memory error

    Downloaded the patch today and now get nothing but "Out Of Memory" CTD's after a few minutes of playing. Followed the instructions on increasing the page file with no luck. Got 6GB's of RAM.
  10. scottymate

    WarFX Particles

    Do you mean could not? That warping was added afterwards in the edit.
  11. scottymate

    WarFX Particles

    The shock wave looks like it was added in post. The actual explosion looks like WarFX to me.
  12. Obviously real life issues take precedence, but would it be possible to release an interim update that makes it compatible with all official islands? Even as little as using the one echo type across the entire map, ie the standard outdoor one. I'd imagine it's the mapping out of echo locations that takes so long. Please consider this, firefights are so much more intense with Dynamic Sound effects and you really miss them when on an unsupported island. :)
  13. scottymate

    WarFX Particles

    Hello OS. I have no idea how FLIR works in the game, if there's a separate texture for things that should be hot etc - If that's the case, have you given any thought as to how these effects appear through FLIR?
  14. I use it with VOP sound mod no problems. Pretty sure it can be used with any other sound mod. Right now though it only works on Utes and Chenerus. Is there hope for an update or did it die quietly? :( This is a mod I've been looking forward too along with War FX
  15. scottymate

    Instant ViewDistance v2.2 and up

    This sounds very handy. When on the ground I have a lower view distance for performance, but increase it when flying. This makes it easy and quick to change. Great stuff!