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Everything posted by startrektng74

  1. startrektng74


    hey IceFLYER, if you really want to start mission making i can help you out there. show you some things. however, if you are really serious about it. i would suggest starting here. MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....=SF;f=7 you can find this under the BI Forums we are posting on now. also i would suggest reading this thread Mission Editing FAQ http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=26723 it will help you out with the basics and save you a lot of time in the long run. i also have some missions that i use AS templates but they are not real templates...i just simply save as and add in what i need. if there is anyway i can help get you any deeper into mission making let me know...you have my email addy  still werking on missions here myself. i have not had a lot of time lately to werk on them but i will get to them soon i promise. Bee
  2. startrektng74

    Weapons and ammo list

    i would like this list as well.. also if i were to unpbo an addon...how would i bee able to tell what the ammo names are for a certain gun...or for that matter what is the name of the gun. the name i need to use in the editor to equip my guys with. can anyone tell me what to look for in the unpbo'ed addon? i want to make my own customized weapons lists an crates an i have the addons i want but not all the addons come with readme's to point me in the right direction. hmmm maybee i should start a new topic for that one
  3. startrektng74


    howdy, dont worry bout emailing the sounds, i made sure ice has a copy of all of them. gonna put them all in a zip an put it on rapid share for walker an folgore to get. its taking longer to do the mission i was werking on but tomorrow is saturday for me so i hope to get some mission making time in. i am really anxious to finish it so i can show it too yall since i got the sounds. hopefully that will bee soon. will update you guys as things go. bee
  4. startrektng74


    thankx for the sounds man. they sound good. i mean they sound real good. i have been playing with ogg conversions for a while now and none of my sounds come out this good. preciate the csv an description files too, that helps out a lot. i am currently working on incorporating this stuff into a mission. will post it wen i am done. keep up the good work my friend.
  5. startrektng74


    IceFlyer my email address is startrektng74@yahoo.com i would like the gi joe theme..preferbaly from the series but i will take the movie theme too. an i would like serpenter screaming cobra la la la la la...that would bee kewl. and destro or cobra commander screaming COBRA!!! as they rush into battle and any of the joes going....YO JOE...would bee nice. again preciate the help here man.  ice aka jbauer74 i have the first 2 mission packs so far. i was werking on a misson for the comic #14 but i got side tracked with makeing missions for some other addons and stuff and have yet to go back too it. sooooo, so far all we have are the ctf's an the coops i made. i have in the works a few new missions but they are crude at the momment an need lots of work yet to bee done on them. i expect it will bee a month or so for i can get out any missions at the momment as real life keeps inturpeting the process. will post more here as it happens  this has been a msg from your friendly neighborhood BumbleBee Â
  6. startrektng74


    wow thanks a bunch IceFLYER...i am going to have to go play with this now   preciate the help man. now where do i find these gi joe sounds?
  7. startrektng74


    kewl GI Joe Sounds......pretty kewl. if i ever get this sound thing down it would bee kewl to have them in the missions.
  8. startrektng74


    joecobraisle missions update. i have 5 missions ready to go as is. an 2 more waiting for the release of the FANG. these are like the others, beta missions. if you encounter any problems or just simply cant run them plz email me at the email address in the readme file within the zip an let me know. here they are http://rapidshare.de/files....ip.html all these missions run fine on my puter without lag. i hope they run as well for you. ice and i are still werking on the gi joe vs cobra sin city mission. it is coming along nicely. just a touch laggy. trying to solve that problem. i have many other missions in the works several are comic missions based on some of the comic books. Â well thats it for now...happy motoring Â
  9. startrektng74


    well here it is basketball.rar...uploaded to rapidshare http://rapidshare.de/files/16116862/Basketball.rar.html all 6 megs. let me know if there are any problems with the file. i had to upload it 8 times for it finally went all the way. Â Â the missions for ice's island should bee done soon. i only have to change a few things more.
  10. startrektng74


    hey guys, its me again. ice aka jbauer74 asked me to upload his island for him. so here it is. there is also a list of addons you will need to download to make all the buildings an textures show up right. first the island http://rapidshare.de/files/16036379/joecobraisle.zip.html now the list of addons you will need. G.I. Joe Mod and the patch and all other files on this page http://www.storiamilitare.org/gjoe/mirror/ Bhd Leave No One http://www.ofpbase.com/pafiledb/pafiledb.php?action=file&id=130 new Ocean island http://www.ofpbase.com/pafiledb/pafiledb.php?action=file&id=625 Star light island http://www.ofpbase.com/pafiledb/pafiledb.php?action=file&id=800 F3WX Team's Object Pack v1.1 http://www.ofpbase.com/pafiledb/pafiledb.php?action=file&id=808 Ags Industrial pack http://www.ofpbase.com/pafiledb/pafiledb.php?action=download&id=48 http://operationflashpoint.filefront.com/file....k;35516 Jof_objects http://www.atwar.net/download.php?view.3866 PhilCommandos Expermental City http://operationflashpoint.filefront.com/file....d;51226 Cell7's Bridge aka C7 Bridge http://operationflashpoint.filefront.com/file/;36206/ basketball.rar sorry the only place i could find this was ofp.info an it would not let me download it. if you know of another place to get this addon or have it on your website let me know. i have the file but i am on dial up an its 6 megs. i will bee attempting to upload it to rapid share tomorrow, i hope. Ofpl_objects http://operationflashpoint.filefront.com/file....k;56225 city objects pack http://operationflashpoint.filefront.com/file/City_objects_Pack;55996 Ags building pack http://www.ofpbase.com/pafiledb/pafiledb.php?action=download&id=46 Aef_train v1.1 http://www.ofpbase.com/pafiled....&id=557 Fml_objects aka the farmland object pack http://operationflashpoint.filefront.com/file....k;35605 Nuclear Launch Buildings pack http://www.ofpbase.com/pafiledb/pafiledb.php?action=file&id=55 achouses addon pack http://www.flashpoint.ru/data....ack.rar Tmyk_traffic http://www.team-yankee.net/nuke....d&cid=1 Troublemakers (may or may not need) http://www.ofpbase.com/pafiledb/pafiledb.php?action=file&id=417 mine buildings (not sure if you need this or not) http://www.ofpbase.com/pafiledb/pafiledb.php?action=file&id=278 well thats it. i know its a lot but if i can download all that on dial up you guys with cable an dsl should have no problem. update on missions. i was supposed to release a pack of missions for this island but i have not finished them yet. i will try to have them done by tomorrow nite or maybee the next. sorry ice man Â
  11. startrektng74


    hey guys just a little update for you. i have been werking hard on some missions for Folgore's Cobra Island. an here they are. there are 6 of them. there are 4 addons needed for the missions an they are in the zip. the only other addons you will need are the G.I. Joe Mod itself and the patch. they are not perfected an pretty much my first release of them. so consider them beta missions if you please. if you have any comments or suggestions you will find my email address in the zip files readme. Â please let me know if there is a way i can improve these missions or something i can do in the mission some script or addon i need to use to make them better. (or even help me get my ctf flag to respawn right) they are are simple missions no comic books scripts or anything. they are ctfs an coops an such. i would love to do a 3 way ctf but my problem is there are no Joes or Cobras in the resistance side. if we had some resistance guys it would bee easier. maybee the iron grenaders or the dreadnots could bee resistance guys. i dont know. i am still werking on 4 or 5 more missions for this island as well as werking on reproduceing these same missions for ice's island as well. ice an i are still werking on the GI Joe vs Cobra Sin City mission. basically a cops n robbers thing with joes an cobras. again we need some resistance guys an ther are none. but we are makeing due with civilians for the momment. i hope these missions are ok enough to play. i have a 2 gigahertz processor an 512 megs of ram an they run ok for me with out any lag. i hope they run as good for you. i uploaded them to rapidshare. enjoy! http://rapidshare.de/files....ip.html Â
  12. startrektng74

    my ctf flag isnt respawning

    ok here is this mission i am werking on. it wont need any addons i have made sure to remove them all. the flag is not respawning for me. if anyone wants to test it out an see what i am doing wrong it would bee much appreciated. i uploaded it to rapidshare. here is the download link: Your Download-Link: http://rapidshare.de/files/15943004/Nogova_CTF_v0.01.noe.zip.html it is in pbo format so you will need to unpbo it beefore you can edit it. thank you BumbleBee
  13. i made my ctf based on the template that comes with the flashpoint game. i have a small problem though. wen the flag is dropped by a player it will not respawn it stays where it was dropped. i know there is a way to get it to respawn after a certian amout of time. i dont know how though. can anyone help me here. i just need the command / code / script that makes the flag respawn after its been dropped. im guessing its a trigger but what do i tell this trigger to do?
  14. startrektng74


    as of right now unless the mod is somehow reposted, no one will bee able to download it till ofp.info fixes there server problems. unless of course there is someone out there with there own ftp an they just happen to have that file on there. i would send you the file glady except that i am on dial up  lets just hope ofp.info ftp1 server comes back up soon
  15. startrektng74


    i have been working on several missions. i have 4 for sure that are ready to go as is, maybee 5 if i figure this one thing out. Â just let me know what yall intend to do as far as releaseing the mod an i will bee sure to upload the missions these missions are not comic book missions. they are the really simple ones like ctf an flag fights an skirmish an such. all useing the gi joe an cobra charaters. nothing really special but they are on cobra island an can bee easly adapted to go on ice's island. really looking forward to seeing walkers work. the one thing this mod an these missions is really missing is gi joe an cobra vehicles. glad to see some in the works.
  16. startrektng74

    my ctf flag isnt respawning

    well while that is a solution, one that i am curretnly working on. it is not what i really wanted...i wanted to know how it was done so i could duplicate it. but that is fine. thanks everyone for your posts an your help. see yall in the funny papers.
  17. startrektng74


    well i think it may bee that i still have old addons maybee. i have all the gi joe addons an the addons i need for ice's island in the same directory. prolly not a smart idea. since ice's island changes on a daily basis sometimes i am working on a mission pack for the island that originaly came with the gi joe mod wen it was released i have 10 or so missions in progress. they all use the gi joe mod addons and those that came with flashpoint an nothing else. i am going to hold off on the other missions till ice's island is a bit further along. i have to reformat soon wen i do i am going to see if i can straighten out my addon problem.
  18. startrektng74

    my ctf flag isnt respawning

    ok an update. i have been going through this template i got from the Zeus ppl. they have a pack of templates on the website. here is the website to get the templates: http://www.ofp-zeus.com/ they are in the downloads section and made by Pimmelorus i found this in one of the scripts #FlagReturn ?(local Server):ZEUS_WFlagRun = true;PublicVariable "ZEUS_WFlagRun" ZEUS_WFlagInSafezone = false Wflag SetFlagSide WEST Wflag setFlagOwner objNull hint format ["West's Flag \n has been returned"] Goto "start" #FlagReturn ?(local Server):ZEUS_EFlagrun = true; PublicVariable "ZEUS_EFlagrun" ZEUS_EFlagInSafezone = false EFlag SetFlagSide East hint format ["East's Flag \n has been returned"] EFlag setFlagOwner objNull  --- how do i use this. i mean i could prolly find a way to make this into a script but where would i exec it at. a trigger? and if in a trigger what would bee the command line. [this] exec "scriptsname.sqs"? the reason i can not use the templates is cause of all the things im NOT supposed to change in them. an this ctf mission is for a GI Joe vs Cobra mission. so you can see i would need to change lots of things like the score names from east to cobra an west to gi joe an so on. can someone plz help me with this?
  19. startrektng74


    here it is the pillbox i forgot to put in the last zip http://rapidshare.de/files/14728383/tpillbox.zip.html  Â
  20. startrektng74


    great werk walker you da man  btw Folgore do you plan to make these joes? Barbecue and Blowtorch i personally think they would bee a great addition to the pack.
  21. startrektng74

    my ctf flag isnt respawning

    well i have a mission that has a flag that respawns. im pretty sure its one of the triggers. i just dont know witch one it is. i am very new to this so a lot of the on activaction information used for triggers i dont fully understand. i was hopeing someone out there did or could point me in the right direction.
  22. startrektng74


    hey sorry bout the missing addons here they are pillbox: http://rapidshare.de/files/14621630/pillbox.zip.html biker pack: http://rapidshare.de/files/14622460/TMCM_pack_1.rar.html let me know if there are any other addons you need Â
  23. startrektng74


    oh btw, i took the ctf i made an put it on the other cobra island here it is http://rapidshare.de/files/14566035/GI_Joe_CTF_v1.5.cbri.pbo.html you will need this addon for it as well http://rapidshare.de/files/14557475/editorupdate_genbed.zip.html its the same addon you need for the coop hope you like Â
  24. startrektng74


    i still need a list of weapons for the ammo crate. right now i can put the saw vipers gun in an ammo crate but not the ammo. i dont know the name of the ammo just the gun. i would like a list of what the other guns are called an there ammo so i can make gijoe an cobra ammo crates. the ctf is pretty much done. nothing will change on it till i learn how to make the flag respawn an make the custom crates for the joes an cobras. the other mission could prolly use some changes but i do not know what i would need to change, some suggestions would bee nice here. its a tough misison you will need more then 1 person to finish it. its really designed for at lest 4 on each team to bee werking on there goals. the cobras defending an the joes attacking. the joes have the roughest time of it but its not impossible..or that was the intention of its design. if its too easy let me know. i am working on the issue 14 misison i will upload what i have on it later. here is the latest ver of the missions: http://rapidshare.de/files/14557456/joecobraislemissionsv1.5.zip.html this is an addon your going to need to get the coop to werk: http://rapidshare.de/files/14557475/editorupdate_genbed.zip.html
  25. startrektng74

    my ctf flag isnt respawning

    getting men an vehicles to respawn is NOT a problem. getting the flag to go back to its starting position after its been dropped is.