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Everything posted by startrektng74

  1. startrektng74


    Snake Eyes is in there  #14 looks like a good story not sure how im going to convert it to a misison but will do the best i can. i could use some help makeing these missions here. if anyone wants to volunteer there help or expertise it would bee much appreciated.
  2. i am useing waypoints to tell my ai guys to move to the location of the vehicle but wen i use the get in waypoint they just stand outside the vehicle..is there some activation command i have to use to get them in the vehicle an if so what is it. can anyone help? p.s. if you cant tell im new to mission making so pretend i know little to nothing at all wen it comes to explanitions.
  3. startrektng74

    how do you tell them to get in

    hey it worked. all i did was reset the waypoint to make sure it was connected to the vehicle an they got it...not only that but they patrol an continue the rest of the waypoints...thanks guys. i really appreciate all the help.
  4. startrektng74

    how do you tell them to get in

    yes its an ai group. the vehilce i am trying to work with is the cobra hiss tank. it does not allow me to add men already in it. the idea was to get the hiss drivers to get in the hiss tank an then patrol. while it seemed like a good idea at the time it has tuned into a mission nitemare. i have tried putting the "get in" waypoint on the vehicle an around it. i have even traded out vehicles to see if they would get in any vehicle with no success. i am on the verge of giving up the ghost here. i was hopeing there was a script or some code i didnt know that i could use to plop guys in vehicles or something.
  5. startrektng74


    yes jbauer aka ice asked me to make missions for his island so that is what i have been working on. i am sure i can make missions for the other cobra islands but i have 2 of them in my list as well as ice's island for a total of 3 cobra islands. just let me know which other island you want missions on an i will start some for that too. i have taken the old cobra soldier out. didnt know he was old, took out roadbloack too figured he was old as well. i have reworked the mission with what i think to bee only new addons. will upload wen i am done makeing some other changes as well. i will talk to jbauer about uploading the new island an the changes he has made.
  6. startrektng74


    here is another mission i updated today. it is FAR from finished. its a basic idea of what i am werking on. as with the last one it goes on ice's joecobraisle. http://rapidshare.de/files....bo.html if you have any mission ideas plz let me know i am still a newb wen it comes to mission making but i am doing my best.
  7. startrektng74


    i need a list of all the weapons and the names of there ammo to put in a customized gi joe crate here is the ctf mission i mentioned beefore. however it is not complete. the flag will not respawn wen dropped and the vehicles dont respawn like they are supposed too. it goes on ice's island. http://rapidshare.de/files....bo.html as i said it still needs work. p.s. if anyone can help me with getting the flag to respawn wen dropped plz let me know.
  8. startrektng74


    Folgore i would like to create a custom ammo crate for these missions but for that i need a list of the weapons you created for them. is there a way you could maybee get me that list. as it is. the joes an cobras are hard to kill with normal weapons. it would bee nice to bee able to get the ammo for the weapons they are holding out of the crates.
  9. startrektng74


    i have a ctf so far its the only mission that is 90% complete an it still needs some work i will look into getting a rapid share acct or something so i can upload it. so far the only real issue is the cobra flying vehicles, the trouble bubbles, they are useless, i am concedering taking them out all together.
  10. startrektng74


    how about Sci-Fi - 1986 and Tunnel Rat - 1987 2 very kewl charaters.
  11. startrektng74


    hey guys just thought i would let you all know im am werking on some simple missions for this island. nothing big yet. as soon as i get all the bugz werked out i will post them so you can see what i have accomplished so far. if there is anything else i can do to help let me know.