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Posts posted by shaBAM!

  1. Your main problem would be SLX, as it uses it's own weapon models (Based on vanilla ArmA weapons, just with various tweaks) which are overriding vanilla ArmA ones.

    and great work on the packs, AimPoint! The black weapon textures look a little low quality-ish on places, but it's not THAT noticable really. New desert camo looks freaking good, and thanks for animating the weaps!

    Damn, well that's a shame these are some awesome weapons. :)

    Is there some way I can load the AMP weapons first so they override the SLX weapons?

  2. Hi, I'm using SLX and ECS. I'm getting a lot of crashes with SLX, I disabled ECS and I still get the crashes.. I'm getting errors about missing vehicles, but I'm pretty sure I installed everything correctly. I've tried redownloading the file and reinstalling.

    Also, it seems like whenever I enter a vehicle I get a crash.

    I'm using patch 1.14.

    Any help would be appreciated! Thanks in advance.

    EDIT: Fixed, forgot to download the vehicle addon. Someone should update the armaholic required addons.

  3. Hello everyone. I've had Operation Flashpoint for a couple of months now and to say the least, I can't get enough of it.

    I've gotten fairly familiar with the mission editor and I've made quite a few fairly simple missions with extremely simple scripts but nothing advanced.

    At this time I'm making a mission and I want to add some custom music in it, I was wondering if there was any way to add music to the trigger drop down selection. If you would be so kind as to go into detail if it is a difficult process, that would be very helpful.

    Thanks a bunch in advance. smile_o.gif

    EDIT: Also, I'm not sure if this is in the right forum, feel free to move it.

  4. Hello everyone. I've had Operation Flashpoint for a couple of months now and to say the least, I can't get enough of it.

    I've gotten fairly familiar with the mission editor and I've made quite a few fairly simple missions with extremely simple scripts but nothing advanced.

    At this time I'm making a mission and I want to add some custom music in it, I was wondering if there was any way to add music to the trigger drop down selection. If you would be so kind as to go into detail if it is a difficult process, that would be very helpful.

    Thanks a bunch in advance. smile_o.gif

    EDIT: Also, I'm not sure if this is in the right forum, feel free to move it.

  5. OK, first off, your mod looks great.

    But I'm having some problems.

    I followed the install instructions properly, but when I goto put the config.bin in the ECP/bin folder, I don't see any file that I'm suppose to overwrite. (am I missing something? huh.gif) The closest thing to it is, 'config.ccp.' I simply placed the config.bin file in the required folder, (along with all the other files in their appropriate folders) started up ECP, and loaded up the map Battlfield, and everything had the standard BI models. (I have all the addons by the way)

    Can I get some help? I'm sorry to bother you guys if I'm missing some small, insignificant thing.


  6. I get this error whenever I try to play the mod.

    No enty 'config.bin/CfgWorlds.newland'

    The landscape is just water and when I hit enter I just fall into it and die. I can elaborate if you need me to. huh.gif

    The pictures look absolutley great and I'm really eager to try this mod. I hope you guys can help me out.
