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Posts posted by snowballrules

  1. you have now lol the onley thing is most of the chaos equipment is from druing the horus hereysy cause they cant really make any more so most of it is in very limmited numbers. umm fordge worls have sum pre herysy pics if it helps to keep the fluff and detal

  2. have you tried ofpec they have brill tutorials on the breafings and stuff (i have a working breafing on my old com but thats out of action atm and i can rember how to do it

    here is an idea unpbp the thake the car mission and look at the html thing for that as soon as this mods released im going to start on the sum horus herisy missions based on the horus herysey books (followin the imperil fists legoin smile_o.gif ) could somone make the imp fists primarck for this and the iron warriors one to

  3. living legends thats all i have to say least the units dont look cartoonie like that last pack did lol.

    and Sanctuary amazing jump sqript it was scary seeing normal soilders to that imagen assult marines doing that ill s**t myself

    from what i can see of the map it looks ace two damn i cant wait for this mod im gunna go crazy waiting for it.

    since the fists are being used are you gunna make artillery groups as they are the masters of siege if u need any info on the fists or any of the othere races pm me im full of knowlege (years of reading and collecting and writing does that smile_o.gif )

  4. hey guys update hehe

    here is an almost finshied pic of the battlewagon/trukk textures were applied by preditor


    still needs alot of work im can only model i cant make the thing work so hopefully spad could sort that out when im done i need ideas to shall i make it into an anti armour or anti infantry (i have a model of the zzapp gun smile_o.gif) let us know what you think

    here is a pic with the zzap gun mount


  5. ok guys been doing sum more work today i have a pic of a wip battlewagon alot of work needs doing to it mainly detal but here it is


    the lungbusterbody is sooo handy i made the front part, wheels and shooter are from squiqqy and wartrak.

    comments will be great im heading out soon so no more work will be done on it today tomorro hopefully
