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Posts posted by somethingcool

  1. Not that its much consolation, but i get this error some of the time, normally in the editor, but i have had 2 mp mission ctd's with this and all thats in the RPT file is

    ErrorMessage: Cannot create system memory surface: 8007000e

    which is exactly the same message you get, not found a reason why though :@

    My Specs

    AMD 3800+ 64bit

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    7900GT 512mb GFX

  2. I think i read somewhere that armed assault has a built in program that will check the addons in a users folder against that of the server, although i may have dreamed it wink_o.gif

    In a squad i am part of we have used SFV's in Flashpoint to ensure that we are all running the same version of files as to stop the game going crazy.

    If there is not a built in option for this, do any developers have plans to release something like the AutoAddon server that was released for Flashpoint? Of course if it does exist any link to the biki would be most appreciated.

    It would seem a good idea (to me) to have everyone in a squad using the same version of addons from the beginning, rather than waiting for incorrect versions to start spoiling MP sessions!


  3. I have shock horror just picked BF2 up again, its pretty good for pointless rampaging with a couple of the SES guys.

    You may well find the biggest problem with ARMA the learnng curve , with OFP it is VERY steep, your chucked in the deep and it is literally the ai see you on "steal the car" and your toast.

    The mods made by the community have made the AI even smarter, additions like Dynamic AI Control and ECP gave them the ability to provide each other with effective covering fire, flanking manouvers etc.. you will find it very different.

    M72 Laws and the such like have massive drops on them over distance, they dont just spam on forever like a lot of other games.

    Firing an M21 at 1000m will give a massive bullet drop you have the start making adjustments for wind speed (although you cant measure it so its just watching for the magic purple splat in the distance).

    OFP has its quirks yes, spinning on the spot with binos anyone, however it is one of the most intense games out their, and many seasoned players may well have forgotten the major learning curve when they picked the game up

    My advice, get OFP out to all your interested members (come on Å10 aint much :P) and start learning the ropes (campaign is a great way) pick up some good mods learn how to install those correctly and youll be right ready to adopt ARMa as a clan who have a clue, rather than the 100s that start up the day the games released without a clue!!

  4. Hi,

    Ive had a search through the forums for this problem and seen a couple of items that kinda apply but im still a bit stuck. I am trying to move a group of units (called support) around the map using on mapsingleclick. Ive got it working in Singleplayer/mission preview however once uploadeded to a serverr it fails to work.

    I have marker 1 on the map that is moved by a trigger set on radio alpha with this code

    onMapSingleClick{"marker1"setMarkerPos _pos;onMapSingleClick {}}; support move getMarkerPos "marker1"

    it moves the units in the SP game but no MP, can any genius help me place this into a script so that i can execute it outside of the engine as it were

    i tried

    onMapSingleClick{"marker1"setMarkerPos _pos; onMapSingleClick {}}

    ; _support move getMarkerPos "marker1"

    that however didnt work crazy errors, can somebody help me do it:S preferabley id like it to say "where to" when you activate the trigger then confirm either the cordinates or just that they recieved the order when you click on the map.


