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Everything posted by soccerboy

  1. yeah i sat down and thought about it and i think i'll just do both versions so you all can choose which one you wish to use. i'll continue updating it though with fixes and more features here and there until my abilities fall short. is there anything wrong with the credits?
  2. i brought out a hotfix on the first post that should have fixed the problem with FPS loss caused by a few scripts. if its still there with [1.03 hotfix 1] let me know and i'll look into what causing it.
  3. oh you basically use the high command module to get it to move. the option that i've implemented in the options.sqs is so that the unit marker and range markers move to its new position on the map when you're ready to shoot again so they display the actual position and not the position it just was in. i've given you the option to turn it (on) or (off) so if its not needed that you don't have an unneeded script lingering in the background. for now if you want to use it you'll have to turn it on and tell it which name you have given your vehicle but thats going to change in 1.04. in 1.04 you'll only have to turn it on or off and not tell it what name your vehicle has.
  4. i've noticed that myself yesterday too during a few missions of mine and i think i found out whats causing it. its one of the scripts that checks if the player died so that he releases his battery with his death. i'll bring out a hotfix for you guys soon. keep your eye out for more information tomorrow. Edit: it seems the fix was easier and quicker than i thought. i'll be releasing it very very soon after i test it a few times on a few fully loaded missions. your suggestions from 1 - 3: #1 in the next big release, probably 1.04 or 1.05, i've did just that. actually i did one bigger and opened it up to everybody to simulate an artillery operator that prioritizes fire mission opon request which will basically be first come first serve lol. #2 i have no idea how the SOM module interrupts a fire mission or i would have done that already but i also haven't done any big research on it yet either. i've only used what was written on the wiki. #3 that i think would go beyond my ability unless i would just magically spawn mines and the like. about the voice part i was thinking about taking the one SOM uses but i'm not that good with the description.ext so the times i've tried i crashed my game lol. also i'm working on converting all this into an addon like package. it won't add any new vehicles or weapons but just put the scripts in a pbo so it'll be easier for you all to continue using your missions without the need to repack each time a new release comes out. but i would like to know what you all think before i put to much work into it and you guys just want me to continue the script package instead. i personally favor the addon idea because i got annoyed with packing my 4 missions each time i had a new build done. anyways off to prepare the hotfix. see you all tomorrow. Hotfix is done and you guys can give it a shot. in my test i ran 2 missions with a few squads assaulting a town with me calling in artillery and the FPS was acceptable. write back if you still experience FPS problems or if it fixed your problems. i apologize that i have never noticed this issue until now and any inconveniences i've caused anyone. i will check back a few times today to see if the hotfix worked for you guys.
  5. i'm happy to inform you all that i've released 1.03 to you guys in my opening post. if anybody runs into and issues or bugs please let me know, i wouldn't want anybody to have to deal with broken code of mine. i've also updated the opening post with a remark of something odd that i've noticed. if anybody knows whats wrong with the dedicated server please enlighten me. Note: ok i've done some research and it seems i have a build that i'll be testing and so far it looks good. if all goes well i'll have this all packed up in a nice PBO file in the next few days Change log: V1.03 Added: Ammo limitation and Ammo Resupply Interval. Resupply Interval is adjustable by the user in the options.sqs. the user can also disable resupply all together. Added: Ammo Readout to the Action Menu to view your current ammo pool for your current battery. Added: Dispersion Ability for 50m to 200m and have added the Dispersion to the Dialog on mission submission. Added: Ability to move the M270 MLRS and have the Unit Marker and Range Markers Follow it around. Added: Added Version Number to the Initialization Message so users know which version they are currently running. Fixed: Corrected some typos in the dialog. Fixed: Fix a problem with not being shown who is in charge of the battery you're trying to acquire. Changed: the Ability to set the rate of fire to 0 seconds so that all guns can fire almost all at once. Changed: increased preparation time between mission submission and shots by 2x. Removed: Reload text between fire missions. Removed: Unneeded code in some scripts.
  6. i will try :) i think that would unfortunately go beyond my abilities. i only written this as an interface to be able to call in artillery strikes with what BIS gave us as Apocal mentioned above my post. don't worry i didn't take it as a demand. i welcome suggestions and advice from people to help me make this better. i personally would like to have a nicer layout with a graphical interface but it'll take me a bit of time to learn and play around with that but thats not going to be a big priority for me at the moment. right now the priority is mainly bug killing and feature additions.
  7. i'm trying it right now but i don't quite understand how to use it. the tests that i've run so far totally nuked (crashed) my game and without proper documentation its gonna be really hard for me to figure this out since i'm inexperienced with dialog creation. i will continue playing around with this though but i don't see success anytime soon alone without documentation for a guideline EDIT: i just found a nice big page on dialogs on the wiki so i'll be spending some time learning everything i can about dialogs to bring you guys a better interface. no promises about when i'll be able to implement it.
  8. i have not, no. i didn't know something like that existed. can you provide me a link on where to find it and maybe i'll see if i can use that instead. i personally think a graphical interface would be a lot nicer and would work better :)
  9. i haven't look into adding that in yet because if that certain person would die then the artillery support couldn't be contacted anymore unless respawn is active. i will look into adding that though in another build. Edit: oh you mean certain class like force recon and stuff? if so hmm that would be tough to do. without research right now i could probably limit the artillery to like maybe a few people that you would have to name inside the editor. i'll still do some research into it though if i can or can't single out a certain class. thank you. i'm happy you all like my work. i'm already working on the next build and i'm currently in the testing phase of it. heres a preview of things to come. if no show stoppers turn up i'll be able to release it today or tomorrow. V1.03 Added: Ammo limitation and Ammo Resupply Interval. Resupply Interval is adjustable by the user in the options.sqs. the user can also disable resupply all together. Added: Ammo Readout to the Action Menu to view your current ammo pool for your current battery. Added: Dispersion ability from 50m to 200m in 25m increments and have added the Dispersion to the Dialog on mission submission. Added: ability to move the M270 MLRS and have the Markers Follow it around. Added: Added Version Number to the Initialization Message so users know which version they are currently running. Fixed: Corrected some typos in the dialog. Fixed: Fix a problem with not being shown who is in charge of the battery you're trying to acquire. Changed: the ability to set the rate of fire to 0 seconds so that all guns can fire almost all at once. Changed: increased preparation time between mission submission and shots by 2x. i just got off my server and it seems that the first time map loading is still bugging out the system. it seems to me that none of the official artillery call commands work other than that of the m252 no matter what i do. if anybody has an idea about this please let me know. a way around this problem is once you booted your server and load a map for the first time, restart the mission and after that it should all work like it should with any mission you load after that.
  10. yeah but counter battery would mostly be PvP unless somebody scripts the AI to attack the Artillery Directly but this is mostly ment for Coop play to make small or big teams to have more firepower than they would normally have and you're right i spelt "Acquiering" instead of "Acquiring". i don't think its worth another hotfix though since its no show stopper but i've already corrected it and i'll release it in the next few days once i get the ammo limitation simulation done unless somebody finds a serious show stopper then i'll release another hotfix version. what do you mean not all ammotypes going? they all work. some batteries don't have certain types of ammo as documented by the devs on the wiki. the M119 Howitzer has all ammo types. the M252 only has HE,WP,Illumination. the M270 only has HE. gruss aus bayreuther region.
  11. is a neat idea but the markers and stuff wouldn't update to the new position since the markers are tied to the module and not the unit. also the MLRS can shoot almost like 80%-85% of the map so i mean i don't know why i or anybody else would need to drive it around to hit something. if people want to be able to do it i'll look into adding that abillity. i like the dispersion idea. i think i'll do that after i've added the simulation of limited ammo and resupply of the battery. also theres a typo in the bottom part of the options.sqs which i mixed up (isnull battery2) and (isnull battery3) those two should be reversed so (isnull battery3) should come before (isnull battery2) i'll update that and upload the next minor version again. i'm telling the people who can fix this themself what i did wrong so they don't have to redownload it again. but now that i've updated it hopefully this is going to be the last hotfix so i can move on to expanding a working system.
  12. oh thats a good idea. if people do complain about it i will change it. thank you for the "hint" :) Edit: in fact i think i will change it just so everybody is happy. i'll release the next one with a silent hint after i gather more feedback from you guys.
  13. i'm encountering the same issue and it started just today after i installed my 2nd 8800GTS w/640MB and what ever i do i cant get it to stop crashing at startup. EDIT: ok i figured out what was the problem, it was a sound issue but i'm still unsure how to fix it, my problem started after i installed OpanAL from 3dmark06 but editing the shortcut and added "-dsound" i was able to get the game to start. the solution isnt my credit i got it from another thread. doing more research into the issue i suspect that ArmA is trying to use the OpenAL audio and not DirectX and i suspect thats why its crashing. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">-dsound Use DirectX sound. -openal Use OpenAl sound.
  14. soccerboy

    Order GERMAN SPECIAL EDITION from Puplisher

    ok ty very much for the info. yeah i ordered yesterday (tuesday) and took care of the payment the same day and the bank ensured me that my payment would go out that same day so i'll wait another day or 2 and see what happens. Edit (16.11.06): joy. i just got my confirmation
  15. soccerboy

    Order GERMAN SPECIAL EDITION from Puplisher

    cool. i hope i get mine soon aswell in the next few days. just so i have an idea of what time frame i'm lookin at here, the time between ur transfer and confirmation was 3 days?
  16. soccerboy

    Order GERMAN SPECIAL EDITION from Puplisher

    i didn't get a confirmation yet either, let me/us know what u find out if u write them a mail. ty. Edit: also what kind of confirmation do we get, like an E-mail or an actual letter?