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Everything posted by se@l

  1. se@l

    what does "super AI" means

    Hello What does "super AI" means? in the setup menu you can chose somthing cald super AI. Stupid questien maby.I now that the AI gets harder to bit. But in what ways...does the aim beter?....more agrisive? shoot more? etc... ofp fan
  2. Hello What does "super AI" means? in the setup menu you can chose somthing cald super AI. Stupid questien maby.I now that the AI gets harder to bit. But in what ways...does the aim beter?....more agrisive? shoot more? etc... ofp fan
  3. se@l

    way does ofp feezes?

    Hello I play ofp a lot but somtimes ofp frezzes way? i have 2.8 mhz....120gb memory and 1gb ram i play with resulution 1600... is it becos i have to many addons in the addons folder use to bi 840 mb...then i cant start ofp over that...i play a lot with different mods..maby i chud install ofp again?
  4. se@l

    way does ofp feezes?

    hah i got it now ..lower the grafic setings to 1200.
  5. Hello I am downloading a lot of scripts and then play them in ofp....put how do i do if i want to play with more then one script? do i right it mayself with trigers?? help please
  6. se@l

    Mercenaries 1

    hhhooyyyyaaaa great addon
  7. ....jjiiipppiii...gött jobbat gubbar
  8. se@l

    DMA Release Day

    HHHOOOYYAAA........great m8t
  9. se@l


    hi ! i wonder if some wone out there no how to make a script for a soldier to make a fire? I am vorking on a mission were i wont to be able to make a fire apear from the command list. sorry for the bad trenslation
  10. se@l

    Bell-206 - Police pack

    ooo okey i check it out
  11. se@l

    Bell-206 - Police pack

    hello m8t....nice addon.....were is the download link?
  12. se@l

    SJB Weapons Pack Released

    hoooooyyyyaaaaa looks great m8t
  13. se@l

    Uzi Pack v1.0

    woow nice addon m8t i have uset it in may spec op djungel mission for close combat.....nice job
  14. whats a description.ext...help please??....i am traying to make own music into mission i have made a music folder in may mission folder cald music....then i have to give a command in may description.ext.....but what is that... HEALP PLEASE!!!
  15. hi ! I am traying to make own sound in to missions.....but i dont now how.....please help.....i traid to make sounds files to pbo files and make a music folder in may mission folder but that doesent work.....what to do???