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Posts posted by se@l

  1. i have playd OFP from the start think its a great game.

    Specily with al the addons for it....but i gues you whant new thing like explosion,grafics etc.I have been thinking of baying xbox and OFP E for some time..and i think i hav it a go. But its gone be great when armned assault releses...and OFP 2. When i play OFP on pc i love to play big war campains...a lot of addons on the map....and then play it like i big campain al at one time smile_o.gif . This take a lot of may computer performens wink_o.gif Do you now if it posibel to do the same thing on xbox editor? wod be great.

  2. Hello smile_o.gif

    I am thinking of baying a x-box and the game OFP E.

    I have ofp on may computer is it beter grapics on x-box??

    Is the game funier to play on x-box??

    aprichiet answers


  3. Hello smile_o.gif

    What does "super AI" means?

    in the setup menu you can chose somthing cald super AI.

    Stupid questien maby.I now that the AI gets harder to bit.

    But in what ways...does the aim beter?....more agrisive? shoot more? etc...

    ofp fan pistols.gif

  4. Hello smile_o.gif

    I play ofp a lot but somtimes ofp frezzes way?

    i have 2.8 mhz....120gb memory and 1gb ram

    i play with resulution 1600...

    is it becos i have to many addons in the addons folder use to bi 840 mb...then i cant start ofp over that...i play a lot with different mods..maby i chud install ofp again?

  5. hi ! i wonder if some wone out there no how to make a script for a soldier to make a fire? I am vorking on a mission were i wont to be able to make a fire apear from the command list.

    sorry for the bad trenslation whistle.gif
