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Everything posted by soul23

  1. soul23

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    i have a question. how i can use addons in ffur.. example i want use the bas delta force and littlebirds ..how i can use addons.when i put the addons in the ffur2005 addons folder come a message..bas tsf required c8x_jamruss. or other addons.what i must do to use addons.?
  2. soul23

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    when the packs are finish and ready to download.then make my friends and i a great ofp ffur party for the village.... you are invited
  3. soul23

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    our village is in switzerland...its called wasen..come and check out the village of ofp freaks
  4. soul23

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    our half village is waiting for these great packs...all ofp gamers in my school are talking about the new unreleased packs...we unistalled ofp totally and istalled again..without addons and mods..we cant wait...you are great tb and respect for the trailer @pierre
  5. soul23

    What is The Name of This Song

    Hi @ All What is the Name of this Band and What is the title of this sonG? ftp://www.gamezone.cz:8021/ofpd/videos/Su27AirShow.rar
  6. soul23

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    @TB84: Do you use for the FFUR mod the where is my rabbit sky textures??
  7. soul23

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    i cant download the ffur 1985 trailer..help me plz!!! ok its allright..>>right click>>save as
  8. soul23

    OFP videography

    Hi @ All What is the Name of this Band and What is the title of this sonG? ftp://www.gamezone.cz:8021/ofpd/videos/Su27AirShow.rar
  9. soul23

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    hey tb..why you use the 6 color desert camo for the desert west soldier...plz take the 3 color... grz evers
  10. soul23

    International Special Forces

    i want test your black ops bambi plz. grz evers
  11. Hi @ all.. Ive got 2 Problems in ffur mod...in the ffur mod 5.0 i havent the llaumax sky...and in the 4.5 mod..i cant press escape when i die...i dont see the "you are dead" screen...i see only the gamplay screen..i hope you can help me...thunderbird where yre you??
  12. Hi @ all... Our Team has begin to create an Black Hawk Down Island...with all important show places... here are some pics.. Black Hawk Down Island Pic 1 Black Hawk Down Island Pic 2 Black Hawk Down Pic 3 Its a early Beta Status..Plz dont laugh
  13. soul23

    Black Hawk Down Studios

    sry exigent..a beta or relase date is in the moment unknown..
  14. soul23

    Black Hawk Down Studios

    our mod makes a island and a campaign...the other mod makes i think units and a island and weapons..
  15. Hi @ all Im the leader of the Black Hawk Down Studios.We want create a campaign based on the movie Black Hawk Down.We search any Scripters, Missionmaker, Camscripter and Islandmaker. Visit www.bhd-studios.de.vu Or send me a Mail. : niri55@hotmail.com Greets soul
  16. soul23

    Black Hawk Down Studios

    hey 456820 i want you in my team...we need cam scripters... @ landwarrior: we create an island for the capmaign...dont worry we dont use tonal...
  17. soul23

    Black Hawk Down Studios

    yes marcusjm go home plz....your comments dont intresting any person in this forum.
  18. soul23

    Black Hawk Down Studios

    "we noticed your critizism, but from our point of view there are mods which are worse concerning their topics!e.g. the invasion 1944 mod!"
  19. soul23

    Black Hawk Down Studios

    yes i create a english section and we create a new island based on sgh mogadishu with new buildings...with olyimpic hotel, bakara market and the target biulding