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Posts posted by sbh

  1. If the Recoil values are really realistic, i write a letter to Automat Kalashnikov and other arms manufacturers, telling them they can save a couple of cents on each weapon by not implementing the burst or full-auto modes, because they are useless.

    On some dead soldiers you can "take medical tools".

    How can i use them?

  2. Is it realistic that i shoot 30 rounds on a soldier standing 50 meters away and not hitting once with an ak74 in full-auto mode ? In single-fire mode i hit him without problems. I think this happens after i installed the latest FlashFX Patch.

    With every new Upgrade of FlashFX the lag gets bigger and bigger. In one mission i get on standard resistance 40 fps with FLashFX (low-cpu config) i get 8 fps !

    The Hand-signals are useless and on some misssions the little menu is filled with "orders" items.

    I think its a great addon to the game that a soldier can loose his rifle, but why are all these weapons without any ammo?

    With FlashFX the soldiers use handguns more than in the original game. Thats okay, but a soldier with a m21 or m60 fires most of the time their handgun?
