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Everything posted by smuga

  1. smuga

    Crash with high graphic setting.

    Thanks, changing Terain Grid to 500000 did the trick. And it runs better with no map enabled too. S!
  2. Operation Flashpoint Resistance ver 1.96 is giving me an error message " Create index buffer failed 8876017c- out of memory " I have quite a powerfull system - P4 2.4, 1 GB memory, Radeon 9800 Pro 256 Mb. The game is running well on lower graphic setting. Whenever I increase the "visibility range" in video options to over 2500 meters, the game crashes and displays above messege. After that I am no longer able to even start the game and change video settings, it will crash before it gets to main menu. The only way is to unistall it and start from scratch. In separate OP. FL . prefrences I do "autodetect video" but it still crashes. Can this game be played on such a high video setting on my computer? The game has few years and I belive I should be able to max the video setting on my system with 1GB of memorey and 256MB Radeon 9800. Please advise.
  3. smuga

    Crash with high graphic setting.

    I'll reinstall and add no splash no map and see how it goes. It might be Radeon 9800 becouse it ran better on weaker GForce 3 Ti200 before. What does that no splash no map suppose to do anyway? Does it optimaze settings? PS: I spend 15 months in Iraq, there should be Humvees with MK 19s and 50 cals in OPF.
  4. smuga

    Crash with high graphic setting.

    Shortcut changed sucesfully but stil no result. Game crashes before getting to main menu. This is the messege I get after the crash: Create Index Buffer failed 8876017c - out of memory? I have over 1GB of memory on my system. Battlefield Vietnam runs smooth on highest setting. I dont know why all the problems with OPF?
  5. smuga

    Crash with high graphic setting.

    This is what I have in Target line in Properties of the shorcut: C:\games\OperationFlashpoint\FlashpointResistance.exe If I add "nosplash" or "nomap" at the end , It gives me "invalid name" messege so I cant change it. Writte a full target line for me please.
  6. smuga

    Crash with high graphic setting.

    I have no idea what a "no map" switch is Please explain