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Everything posted by sciencetweak

  1. sciencetweak

    Falklands Christmas Present

    Sorry CBFASI, I may have been mirroring, but have only just got around to trying it. It's nice, the detail of the chains for the ferries really adds to it and they make nice eye candy. Can't wait to see the rest of your stuff.
  2. sciencetweak

    Isle Of Man

    Thats right Ash, its called Ronaldsway...my grandmother was born there and I went on holiday there last year. Got some nice photos of some Harrier at Ronaldsway Also I don't know if this has come up but its Snaefell...not Suaefell :P Looking good though
  3. sciencetweak

    SkyDiving Addon

    no problem, I've uploaded the new version for now same link as above
  4. sciencetweak

    SkyDiving Addon

    Ok, up temporarily, can't take advantage too much of my host Download here
  5. sciencetweak

    Vietnam town

    mirror provided by Tweak It'll stay until a more reliable mirror is set up at OFP.info etc
  6. sciencetweak

    Swiss mod released

    looks good, I'm trying it out in a few hours or so, @dynamite, working bayonets have been available with the Project-UKF pack for some time
  7. sciencetweak

    A little rowboat

    I'll keep my mirror up until I put something new up, now ofp.info is up that should keep them going, looks great pc, I'm going to try them in a minute
  8. sciencetweak

    A little rowboat

    mirror by tweak:- here hey might as well its small Â
  9. sciencetweak

    Project: UK Forces Land Rover Pack

    you need to download the missing texture from the first download, check the PUKF page
  10. sciencetweak

    DXDLL 1.0 (not Geforce MX compatible)

    At last an answer which s easy to understand. Thanks
  11. sciencetweak

    DXDLL 1.0 (not Geforce MX compatible)

    Å50, so I might as well as long as it will work
  12. sciencetweak

    DXDLL 1.0 (not Geforce MX compatible)

    With every thing? I jsut want to check as I don't wan tto buy it and end up with no wasting the money
  13. sciencetweak

    DXDLL 1.0 (not Geforce MX compatible)

    Sorry Guys have to check, does the GeForce FX5200 work with the DXDLL Thanks
  14. sciencetweak

    are we spoilt kids ?

    I agree, as addons produced have got better, people only want them to get better, feel thankful for what you have got. I'm involved in a mod but I am working at my own speed and hoope people will download my addons but if they don't at least I have learnt and enjoyed doing something
  15. sciencetweak


    I downloaded Oxygen recently but cannot put textures on, background or otherwise. Any help will be appreciated Thanks in advance
  16. sciencetweak


    How dare you, well um I hadn't.... Last night after going on I moved Bulldozer to the root of my drive and started Oxygen, also with my CD in the drive, and Buldozer started with it, which is strange as i twas still linked ot the one in a folder so I'm guessing it was the CD, so from now on I'll run it with the CD in the drive. ANd I guess due to that problem, it was not allowing textures cus after making sure they were in the right folder (Buldozer on) they worked. SO thanks for all the help but it's now sorted
  17. sciencetweak


    I'lll have a look, if it doesn't help i'll be back  Edit: I had a look and it didn't seem to tell me anything I didn't already know, so i don't think it''ll help, thanks any way, any other ideas
  18. sciencetweak

    USCG Pack Release

    Yeah well done Pappy and a happy birthday, looks a decent pack oh and on a side note good work extraction,