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Posts posted by skypine27

  1. I found an "OK" fix that worked for me.

    Turn OFF both SLI and Physx in the nivida control panel. This turns them off globally, not just game specific.

    Im playing with the latest beta patch and no mods, and turning off both these options solved my CTD while saving bug.

    I was finally able to finish the game. Well, actually, thats a bit of a lie. I actually got a bit bored about halfway thur Dogs of War (driving around in a BMP shooting guys in crappy Uazs and BDRMs got a bit boring, so I hit -endmission). Didnt know that was the last mission or I would have kept at it. Now, to find some decent, user made campaigns.

    But try turning off both SLI and Pysix (nvidia users)

  2. I recently gave ARMA II another shot, after putting it on the shelf for a long time.

    Am playing with the newest beta patch, 60393.

    I was getting constant CTDs during saves (either auto or manual) in Dogs of War.

    Finally, I noticed in the nvidia control panel, SLI and PYSX were enabled. So, I disabled both (in the global control panel), and wala, no more CTDs during saving. Also, got better framerates.

    I was able to finish the game (and was dissapointed that Dogs of War is the last mission). How do you buy a damn heilo in that mission?! I completed it with a T72 and a BMP as my partner.

    Anyway, turing off SLI and PHYSX in the nvidia control panel fixed the game for me. Its still far from perfect (I got several CTDs at other times) but I was able to win at least.

  3. I used to have to use the -winxp switch, but the new beta patches solved this.

    Try the newest one: (at the top of the screen)


    Game runs much better than 1.04 (at least for me), and I do NOT have to use the -winxp fix (which I still believe slows the game down)


    The newest beta patch does NOT fix (at least for me) the instant CTD while saving bug.

    I can not play past Dogs of War, as any time computer saves or I try to, BOOM, crash to desktop. No error message or anything, but looking in the log, the last line is always "cannot commit"


  4. well you're probably going to need a new vid card for better graphics; the ATI 48xx & 5xxx series and/or nvidia GTX 275 (or better) should be able to crank out max video settings; but good luck finding the top-of-the-line cards as supplies are short.

    Nothing cranks out max settings. I can't run max settings on my ultra-high end rig (see sig).

    To play max settings with decent draw distance 4K+, you need future hardware.

  5. Im running Arma II on a real high end system, and gave up playing it a while back. I could simply not find any solution to elminate the flashing white/blocky/black texture problem, except for the -winxp flag.

    However, using the -winxp flag caused horrible, slide-show, framerates.

    Any new solutions? Im running the newest nvidia 191.07 and arma 1.04.

    Thanks guys

    Sorry to start a new thread, looked thru old ones.

    Started this one in hopes that there is something better than -winxp

  6. Love the "game" (hard to call it a game) but the constant crashes, bugs, and graphic problems (especially for those of us with high end systems) really detract from it.

    I've decided to shelve the game for several months. Hopefully some new patches from BIS and drivers from nvidia will let all of us enjoy this game.

    Sadly, I had to do the same thing with ARMA. When ARMA came out, there was a bug where the game was totally unplayable (would load into a "black screen" and never display graphics) for those of us with 8GB of ram. Came back about 6 months later, and a patch had been released that allowed me to play thru the whole game.

    Seriously hoping it doesnt take 6 months for BIS to fix ARMA II...

  7. Sorry to start a new thread.

    just wondering if any new "fixes" have come down the pipe.

    I'm playing on a home built "super computer" (see sig)

    I suffer from the white/flashing/missing/blocky texture problem on any nvidia driver newer than 181.71.

    So, I was playing thru the game on 181.71, and Ive gotten to Dogs of War, and I get constant CTDs (playing Arma 1.04).

    So Ive been trying newer nvidia drivers, including the one that just came out (191.00) and I STILL get the white/flashing/missing/blocky texture problem. The only thing that "fixes" it for me, when using these newer drivers, is the -winxp flag, but I get HORRIBLE (ie, slide show) frame rates when I use this.

    Any new ideas?

    BIS and Nvidia, dont you guys talk to each other?!?!

  8. Im on the mission in Razer Two, Called Manhattan The Day After (or something like that).

    I've gone to the guys house, got the map case, blown up the house, and then gone back to Manhattan, after it fell under attack and everyone is dead.

    I let the priest keep the weapons in the previous mission, so some locals show up and offer to help me get to the beach. I agree (didnt take the chopper option)

    Anyway, we run thru the woods, and they take me to small red VW car. All my guys are in the car (as passengers) and a local is in the drivers seat, but he wont take us anyway. We just sit there.

    Any trick to get him to start driving?


  9. Zarf:

    Let me know if it works for you on the new system.

    Mine still does not. I did a totally new system build and a clean fresh install of Win 7 64, newest nvidia drivers, and Arma II w/ patch 1.03

    I still get the white, screwed up textures unless I use the -winxp flag (which I dont like doing)

    Let me know if it runs OK on your clean build.

  10. I cant seem to solve the flashing whites, black textures, blocky textures, unless I use the -winxp command. I have this problem both with SLI off, and with Quad SLI ON.

    I dont like the -winxp command is I think it hurts framerates (by limiting ram usage to 2GB)

    Any other ways other GTX295 and 8GB+ ram users have solved the texture problem?

  11. Exarch:

    Adding the 2nd GTX295 did absolutely nothing (for ARMA II anyway). In fact, it made things worse.

    For example, after installing the 2nd card, when I first loaded a save from my campaign, the frame rates are very slow, like watching a slide show. I was like "WTF?!?!" The for some reason, I alt tabbed out of the game to the Win 7 desktop, then went back into the game. At that point, the frame rates were back to normal, pretty smooth.

    However, after playing for a while, the slide show-frame rates would surface again, until I did the alt-tab trick again.

    I am forced to play with the -winxp as when I leave that out, I get the horrible flashing black, white, blocky, textures.

    Im very dissapointed with the whole ARMA II thing, and have started to replay Far Cry II and GTA-4 until a new patch from BIS as well as new drivers from Nvidia come out.

    Are you having to use any -winxp or similar shortcut flags to play?

  12. Ran 2 passes of Vantage @ Extreme, made it thru fine.

    Ran the IBT test for 30 minutes (got bored and needed to use the computer), made it fine.

    So Im hoping 800 Watts is cool.

    NOW, if I could just get ARMA II to play worth a sh*t.

    Time to replay Far Cry 2 until another patch and new nvidia drivers come out...

  13. Well, I did it.

    I dropped 500 bucks on an XFX GTX295, so now I have quad SLI.

    And guess what:

    ARMA II still runs not-so great! Amazing.

    Nazul: I will try turning of HT in the BIOS right now

    dogz: I use the 3 x WD 2TB Greens for storage and video editing. I have ARMA II installed on a SSD Raid 0 setup. 2 x Corsair P128 SSDs to be exact. NO stuttering due to HDs, thats for sure. I have my other games installed on a 300 GB Velociraptor.


    Was wondering about overloading my 800 watt PSU with 2 x GTX295s and 4 mechnical harddrives, but this little thing only estimated I need 634 watts!:!:



    Tested with HT disabled in the BIOS. No improvements. Everything I read when I google Windows 7 and Hyper Threading actually says Windows 7 is optimized for Hyperthreading and benefits greatly from it blah blah blach. So I turned it back on.

    Overclocked the CPU to 4.2 (up from 4.06) and will test that now.
