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Everything posted by skypine27

  1. skypine27

    XAM 1.3:05 Released !

    Wow. Downloading 1.35 now, to play with ArmA and Queens Gambit. Wonder how playing through the Armed Assault campaign again with this mod installed will be. Any opinions on people who played the original Armed Assault campaign (patched 1.08) and then played it again with XAM 1.35 installed? Anyone tried the Queens Gambit campaigns with 1.35? PS. Does anyone else think the Royal Flush campaign absolutely stinks??!
  2. skypine27

    OFP Vs Arma QC SP Campaign

    I played OFP, ArmA, and just started with the Queens Gambit campaigns. To preface, I don't give a s h it about the story line in any of those campaigns. I play from strictly a war/simulation gamers perspective. In fact, I skip every possible cut scene I can. OFP: Thought it was a decent campaign. Didnt like being forced to fly the A-10, as OFP has a HORRIBLE flight sim model. I play a lot of flight sims, as well as fly professionally as my job. The distances you can see in OFP on any machine just makes for a crappy aircraft sim. The helos though, i thought were fun. ArmA Campaign: Thought it was awesome. Played it @ version 1.08 with 3 simple mods installed. Best campaign hands down Ive ever played in the series. Again, I dont care about the story. I'm talking from a war gamers point of view. Really liked every single mission. QG: Just started Royal Flush. Thought it was terrible. The buying weapon thing does not work well. If you have to click "revert" because of a save game bug/crash, which there are many, then it seems you lose the weapons you bought in the previous mission. Where do you put weapons you find in the field to keep them in future missions? I don't find driving a crappy 4 x 4 through the woods to free concentration camp and lumber camp prisoners fun at all. Got to that mission, and quit. Switched to Rahmadi Campaign. Seems fun so far. On 2nd mission, The President. Just an opinion as a guy who likes war simulations, not watching a Russian made war movie.
  3. skypine27

    Xam 1.4 video

    For those of us with limited bandwith, should we skip on downloading XAM 1.35 and wait for 1.4? Will it really be released by Christmas? Just 12 days to go...
  4. I have Queens Gambit installed, and thus have Armed Assault patched to 1.08 (1.08 patch seems to come with the install of Queens Gambit). I just played through the Armed Assault campaign (never played the game before 1.08 was released). Â I thought it was totally awesome. Â Much better than I remember the original Flashpoint 1985 campaign being. Now, I just started playing the Royal Flush campaign. Â I am not enjoying it at all. Â Im on an early mission where I have to drive some crappy 4 x 4 through the woods to a "concentration camp" and a "labor camp", then call in some transport trucks to pick up the prisioners. Â These missions do not seem enjoyable what so ever. And the whole buying weapons thing from Dealers. Â Sound fun in theory, like stockpiling weapons in the old Resistance game. Â But, in practice, I don't like it at all, just like I tought it never worked well in Resistance. Â If, because of a save game bug, you have to hit "revert", it seems you lost everything you bought in the previous mission, and start off with some default stuff. And, where do you "put" weapons you find in the field to use them on the future missions? In a truck that may or may not be yours in the next mission? I don't have any documentation to Queens Gambit, maybe that's my big problem with the weapons thing. Â Again, I just dont find Royal Flush fun at all. Â Anyone else feel this way? Â I just swtiched to Rahmadi. Â Played trough first mission, assault the beach. Â Seems fun so far. Thoughts?
  5. I just installed Armed Assault and Queens Gambit, and am playing through the Armed Assault Campaign. I played through Flashpoint so I am not new to the series, though I have some questions. One: How do I turn off the intro!?! Is there a -command I can add to the shortcut, or do I have to have to use a loader. Two: I dont really understand the concept of Team Switch, in the last mission (I think its the last mission anyway) of the Armed Assault campaign. Im playing through Final Countdown -Tsunmai. Anyway, I clear a small field with about 10 dudes and a striker, then a prompt "Team Switch Available" comes up. Theres LOTS of players to pick from. Two harrier pilots (which I find to be a waste to play in this game), maybe 6 chopper pilots, a tank platoon, and the original guys and striker I took over the clearing with. How does this all work. If I continue with my original guys, will the harriers and choppers take off and do their work? Or will they sit there until I play them? I swtich to the tank platoon and I see they seem to be "playing" without me, but the air units don't. Is this correct? Thanks guys.
  6. skypine27

    ArmA is just ... awesome!

    Man! What a game!! Just finished playing through the original Armed Assault campaign. Â Patched to 1.08. (have Queens Gambit installed). Â Never played, original, unpatched game. Thankfully! Â Heard ArmA was not too playable until 1.08 came out. Played thru with 3 mods installed: DrugsVegitationFix (fixes enemy AI detection when you are hiding behind trees/bushes), Six_pack1 (better tracers, and a blood/first aid addition), and Q114s Sharper Recoils (weapons feel better). WHAT A GAME!! Just finished the final misssion, Final Countdown: Had my original team with their striker and humvee, Â that fought off some small enemy teams. Â Ordered them all to "stop". Â (Unsure if this prevents movement under AI control when I team switchs to other units. Â Does it??) Team switched to the two harrier pilots, had them mount, start engines, then team switched back to my original guys near the Humvee and Striker to check on them. Â I think they had started to move a bit. Â Saw the two harriers fly overhead and saw smoke clouds in the distance as they dropped their cluster bombs. Â Both pilots were shot down within 5 minutes, one lived and remained on the map, sitting there (still playable). Â The other didnt punch out in time. Team switched to the 3 Sabetorus. Â They were already injured. Â Shot some enemy dudes with Aim Point M4s, then climbed down the hill and planted the satchel charges and blew up the three BMPs. Â Stood too near to the BMPs, and the secondary explosions killed two of my guys, and left me badly hurt. Â Said screw it and Team Switched to the AH-1 helo pilots. Took off in a Cobra as the pilot. Â Flew towards the Camp. Â Saw a few patrols of enemy soldiers, mowed them down with the cannon. Â Blew up 2 t72s with hellfires. Â My gunner was shot and killed through the glass, and the cannon was now stuck off center, in its last position. Â Targeted some machine gun emplacements, lined up the nose off center, and started spraying lead. Â Switched to rockets at sprayed them and the machine gun emplacements. Â Got shot down by lucky machine gun fire (too lucky in my opinion) from the enemy machine gun emplacements. Â Luckily I was low, and survived the crash landing. Now a solo, hurt, pilot with just an M-16 and iron sights, I ran towards the HUD objective of Check Out The Town (or whatever it said) . Â Saw a lone enemy soldier running out in the distance. Â Hit crouch, switched to burst, and got him with about 6 rounds. Â Kept running towards ojbective. Â Saw a friendly machine gunner running across my field of view! Â He was solo and running towards whatever his squad's objective was!! Â I followed him towards wherever he was going, be before we got there, BOOM "Missson Complete, Town has been taken!" Â I guess the other units that were in play (My original guys, and maybe the M1s) did their job. What an amazing game, on a high end system though. I enjoyed COD4 alot too (especially the AC-130 mission) . Â It was like playing a movie, like Blackhawk Down, in parts. Â Fantastic graphics. Â But still, very, very scripted. Â Even though you are outside in many missions, you are forced to go a certain way by unlimited enemy troops pooring at you until you make the programmers desired move. Â Still, it was a very fun game. But the sheer scope, randomness, open-endedness, etc of Armed Assault can not be matched in any game out there. Â (Of course, I'm playing it on a freaking 5000 dollar computer, and I STILL cant max the settings!! Â I could go back and replay the last mission 5 different ways and still not have the same outcome. But what a game! Now looking forward to playing the other two campaigns! Was it perfect? NO. The game STILL needs patching. Â Needs a 1.09 patch or a 1.10 to help things out. Â Need to somehow solve the Vista 64 and 4GB ram problem, other than using boot manager to limit ram to 3072. Â I think the extra gig could come in handy with all the scripts and things happening in the game. Â Had too many CTDs about a DTX1 error, but eventually found a hot fix that seems to have solved it. PS. Â Any mods, big or small, worth installing to replay the original campaign?
  7. skypine27

    Help with team switch, dont fully understand it

    For the -nosplash command, do I need to use , or ; ? i have other mods loaded D:\GAMES\Atari\ArmA\arma.exe -mod=DBE1;@DurgsVegetationFix;@SIX_Pack1 Will the air units play on their own, in the final mission? Thanks again.
  8. I have played Armed Assault and Queens Gambit on my system with Vista 32 and 4GB ram. I am aware of the Black Load Screen problem with 4GB ram, and fixed it. (By removing 1 GB stick, loading the game, configuring the res and graphic settings, shutting down the game, reinstalling the 1 GB stick, and then reloading the game. (sorry for the LONG sentence). This worked fine, and I was able to play both games with all 4GB installed without any problems. Now, I have a new problem. I am now trying to play the game with Vista Ultimate 64 (not 32 like before). The game installs fine, but wont load at all. I get the little 4 or 5 check boxes as the DVD drive spools up, and then I get a crash (see screen shot) http://img181.imagevenue.com/loc511....MG] I get this crash wether I have 3 GB installed or all 4 GB (I do not think its a memory issue) Are other people able to run the game under Vista 64? Thanks for any help
  9. Update: Tried the old drivers, 158.24 Same result, game will not even begin to load. (same screen shot as before)
  10. Sickboy: What version video drivers are you using for Vista 64? And what does the Securerom patch actually do? (cant find a link to it) (Ive patched to 1.08 and game still will not load)
  11. First off, I'm a long time player of Operation Flashpoint on Wiindows XP, with a microsoft sidewinder 2 joystick. Im building a new, Vista, SLI system to start playing Armed Assault. Unfortunately, Vista will NOT support my old Sidewinder 2 Joystick (even though it is USB, it wont detect it) which had a nice, twist grip for the rudder axis. So, I have bought a new CH Fighterstick, and a set of rudder pedals. I'm still building my system, so I have not had the chance to try them out yet. Does Armed Assault support rudder pedals for the yaw axis? And, like in Flashpoint, can you reverse the throttle slider for Helicopter use (it should be the opposite of aircraft throttles) Thanks guys
  12. skypine27

    Garbled loading screen

    Sorry bro, I dont have any other ideas. But glad you now know where to get new video drivers as they are released.
  13. skypine27

    Garbled loading screen

    Alan: This definately works: I tested it installing ATI drviers for an x1900 in my m5550 that I modded. http://www.driverheaven.net/modtool/ Follow the instructions at the bottom of the page, step by step.
  14. skypine27

    Garbled loading screen

    You have to download newer ATI drivers, even though they are not specific to your machine. Google ATI Mobility drivers I'm not sure how easy they are to install, as I do not have an ATI card in my laptop. http://ati.amd.com/products/catalyst/mobility/index.html They are similar to nvidia Forceware.
  15. Good to know that Vista 64 is finally becoming gameable. My mobo (Striker Extreme) also has 4 dimm slots. So I also need 4 2GB dimms. (they are available on Newegg, though still too pricey and at slower speeds than the 1 GB dimms) I think by the time SP1 is released for both OS's, I'll try a switch to Vista 64 w/ SP1 slipstreamed and see how that works. They'll also be far cheaper and faster 2 GB dimms available by then. Thanks for the info (gave up playing Armed Assault until it will boot wth all 4 dimms installed in Vista 32...)
  16. I have a really strange problem with Armed Assault. I recently built a new SLI system (not just to play Armed Assault) Â with 2 PNY 8800 Ultras. Anyway, Armed Assault loads and plays "fine" (though still not even close to maxed out on a Quad Core QX6850, 4 Gigs Ram, and 2 8800 Ultras...) But here comes the problem.... The game will not work at all with ONE video card. Â For reasons I dont care to go into, I have decided not to run 2 cards in SLI. Â I am now down to one 8800 Ultra. Â Armed Assault loads, but I do not get the red Atari screen. Â I just get a black screen, all the way to the Armed Assault main page. Â Everything stays black, but works, like looking at a photo negative (see screen). Â Everything works, but you could not possibly play the game.... I have tried nvidia forceware 162.22 aned 163.44. Same black / grey screen problem. http://img164.imagevenue.com/loc1108....MG] This happens EVERY time I try to load the game with one video card. Â I have uninstalled and reinstalled it many times. Â I have even formatted the HD and reinstalled Vista several times. Â Each time, no luck. Â With one card, the game just will not show playable colors. Â I can have both card installed, an de-select SLI (so the game runs on just one card), and it plays fine. Â The issue comes into play only when I have one video card physically installedin the system... Any ideas?
  17. Are you gaming under Vista 64? Â How does that work?? I'd like to upgrade to 8BM of ram and run SLI in Vista 64, but assumed it was terrible for games. Â I play tested Vista 64 on my laptop, and even with simple games like Civ IV, Sid Miers Railroads, etc, I got a LOT of crash to desktops that I did not get while playing with Vista 32 Has vista 64 finally become game-able? PS. Â I'll probably wait until the next version of forceware comes out (ie, greater than 163.44) and try Armed Assault then. Â I'd like to be able to play it, with one video card, and without removing DIMMS! I refuse to go SLI with two 8800's under Vista 32, until when, and if they ever get the memory bug fixed. I dont like having gigs of ram installed, only to have windows only be able to access 2.50 of it! (with two video cards installed) Thanks for the info man.
  18. skypine27

    Joystick and Rudder Pedals question:

    Well then thats a step back from Flashpoint. In flashpoint, Im 99% sure (its been a while since I played), that there was a check box for "invert throttle" axis for Helios (similar to an invert y mouse axis). So you could map the throttle slider normal for Aircraft, then check that box, and it then work in reverse (ie, corretly), for helios I cant belive Armed Assault skipped that? The game is a terrible flight sim (for the A-10 anyway), but helos are fun. I guess I'll map it correctly for helios and skip the A-10 stuff
  19. Interesting thought about renaing arma to fear.exe! Never thought of that. In any case, Im running one video card, no more SLI for a while. The thing I did not like about SLI, in general, is with 2 8800 Ultras, they use System memory. I have 4 gigs installed, and with one video card, all Vista memory pages display "3.25" gigs of memory, in the control panel/system screen and in the "welcome to" screen on bootup (if you have that check box enabled) However, when I install the 2nd vidoe card, my memory drops down to 2.75 GB in all windows screens. And, if I enable SLI Broadcast Aperture in the BIOS (which is reccommended in SLIzone formums), the system memory drops FURTHER to 2.50 GB available. I had several "low memory" warnings from Vista while game, with several bit torrents open in the background etc. I'm not willing to make this sacrifice for SLI yet. Unless someone knows of a way to physically stop a 2nd video card from using system memory, then Im using one card for the immediate future. I will try the next set of nvidia drivers, after 163.44 (they had the same Black Screen problem) and see if Armed Assault will run then Thanks man
  20. skypine27

    The Maxed Out Arma

    I CANT play max settings, and i just spent 6000 dollars building a new system. Vista Ultimate 32 Bit Intel QX6850 Quad Core 3.0 overclocked to 3.33 4 Gigs Corsair Ram 2 x Segate 500 GB ES drives in Raid 0 TWO PNY 8800 Ultras Factory Overclocked Creatlive Labs Xi-Fi Platinum (64 MB onboard ram) Armed Assault still does not play at max settings. I get 15900 on 3D Mark 06. 21000 on 3D Mark05 Â I play view distance set to 1500, and everything else on Very High. However, see my other thread, the game does not even load correctly when playing wtih one 8800 Ultra. Â Any ideas why??
  21. skypine27

    Joystick and Rudder Pedals question:

    S h i tt. Too late, I already bought a new Logitech extreme 3D pro (has twist grip for rudder and slider for throttle). I like the stick so far, but joystick axis is a bit too stiff. Question: How do I reverse the thumb throttle for helis? I have it set fine for helis, ie, pull the throttle tab "back" (towards you) and the heli climbs, push it away and it descends. But this translates into backwards use for airplanes, Ie, if I push the throttle forward, that is idle thrust in an airplane. Another question, where are the controls for the Harriers exhaust nozzles (or is it just the auto hoover button) Thanks guys
  22. skypine27

    Joystick and Rudder Pedals question:

    Thanks guys. Guess Im going to Best Buy today to look for a new, single, joystick that has a throttle slider and a twist grip. (and works with Vista...)
  23. skypine27

    WGL Everon

    This may have been covered, but the rar file posted on the 1st page of this thread does not extract. I get some kind of "the archive is in an unknown format or damaged" error. I've downloaded it twice. Anyone else have this problem?
  24. skypine27

    ECP 1.085 Released!

    How about the Resistance weapons bug I mentioned? Â Is ti just me experiencing it?
  25. skypine27

    ECP 1.085 Released!

    I will admit I did NOT read this entire thread, with 400 posts, that would be tough. So I apologize if I'm repeating info that has been covered. Two questions: One, does anyone else have this bug? I've done a clean install of GOTY, and patched it with the GOTY 1.96 patch. Followed by running the full ECP self installer. While playing the Resistance campaign, the weapons I gather and put in my tanks and/or trucks are NOT saved from one mission to the next. Each mission, all I have in inventory are the crappy AK-47 and 74's Two, has anyone tried running the new ECP with Y2K3 7.1? I like the unit choices and weapons better in Y2K3 than in EECP. However, I am very impressed with the AI and other aspects of the new ECP. Can one install Y2K3 and then run the new ECP installer, and have a somewhat working product?