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About skypine27

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  1. skypine27

    Arma 2 Save Game Crash

    I found an "OK" fix that worked for me. Turn OFF both SLI and Physx in the nivida control panel. This turns them off globally, not just game specific. Im playing with the latest beta patch and no mods, and turning off both these options solved my CTD while saving bug. I was finally able to finish the game. Well, actually, thats a bit of a lie. I actually got a bit bored about halfway thur Dogs of War (driving around in a BMP shooting guys in crappy Uazs and BDRMs got a bit boring, so I hit -endmission). Didnt know that was the last mission or I would have kept at it. Now, to find some decent, user made campaigns. But try turning off both SLI and Pysix (nvidia users)
  2. I recently gave ARMA II another shot, after putting it on the shelf for a long time. Am playing with the newest beta patch, 60393. I was getting constant CTDs during saves (either auto or manual) in Dogs of War. Finally, I noticed in the nvidia control panel, SLI and PYSX were enabled. So, I disabled both (in the global control panel), and wala, no more CTDs during saving. Also, got better framerates. I was able to finish the game (and was dissapointed that Dogs of War is the last mission). How do you buy a damn heilo in that mission?! I completed it with a T72 and a BMP as my partner. Anyway, turing off SLI and PHYSX in the nvidia control panel fixed the game for me. Its still far from perfect (I got several CTDs at other times) but I was able to win at least.
  3. skypine27

    Arma 2 Save Game Crash

    I never used any command tags, but still get the instant CTD when trying to save
  4. skypine27

    Arma 2 Save Game Crash

    I used to have to use the -winxp switch, but the new beta patches solved this. Try the newest one: (at the top of the screen) http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php Game runs much better than 1.04 (at least for me), and I do NOT have to use the -winxp fix (which I still believe slows the game down) UNFORTUNATELY: The newest beta patch does NOT fix (at least for me) the instant CTD while saving bug. I can not play past Dogs of War, as any time computer saves or I try to, BOOM, crash to desktop. No error message or anything, but looking in the log, the last line is always "cannot commit" PLLLLLLEEEEEEAAAAAAASSSSSSSEEEEEEEEEEE 1.05 solve this.
  5. skypine27

    Arma II is going on the shelf...

    Sure hope it fixes the instant CTDs I get when trying to save (auto or manual) in Dogs of War. I cant play anymore until thats solved. beta 60393 still doesnt help
  6. skypine27

    Arma 2 Save Game Crash

    Did you solve the problem? Just curious, as I still can not save w/o an instant CTD in Dogs of War
  7. skypine27

    Arma II is going on the shelf...

    Yes, Im at the beginning of the mission so there is no "revert" option. (The scene in Dogs of War where your guy talks for about 10 minutes about retaking the north)
  8. skypine27

    Arma 2 Save Game Crash

    I too also get the instant CTD when saving a game (either auto or manual). I cant play past Dogs of War (using latest Beta patch I DLed today and this still has not solved the problem)
  9. skypine27

    Arma II is going on the shelf...

    Man, I still keep getting the instant CTD when saving a game (with the latest beta). Last line in the log gives me the "cannot commit" thing. Hope thats fixed in 1.05. Id really like to play past Dogs of War!
  10. Nothing cranks out max settings. I can't run max settings on my ultra-high end rig (see sig). To play max settings with decent draw distance 4K+, you need future hardware.
  11. skypine27

    Arma 2 Community Issue Tracker

    Can anyone trouble shoot this CTD during save? Happens EVERY time I try to save (either auto or manual) in Dogs of War: http://rapidshare.com/files/304386742/arma2CTD.rar edit: read my own crash log, last line has the dreaded "cannot commit" error!?!
  12. I get constant, I mean 100%, CTD when saving a game (auto or manual) in the mission Im playing now, Dogs of War. Any new solutions? Im running the latest Beta Patch. CTD Crash Log: http://rapidshare.com/files/304386742/arma2CTD.rar edit: read my own log. Last line has the dreaded "cannot commit" error :-(
  13. Yup, confirm about the latest patch. Game plays fine (good framerate too) and NO -winxp tag is needed. However, now that i can play, i notice a new problem: Constant CTDs everytime I try to save (or autosave) in Dogs of War!! WTF man!?!
  14. Im running Arma II on a real high end system, and gave up playing it a while back. I could simply not find any solution to elminate the flashing white/blocky/black texture problem, except for the -winxp flag. However, using the -winxp flag caused horrible, slide-show, framerates. Any new solutions? Im running the newest nvidia 191.07 and arma 1.04. Thanks guys Sorry to start a new thread, looked thru old ones. Started this one in hopes that there is something better than -winxp
  15. Shataan: What is WinLauncher?