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About smokedribs

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. smokedribs

    mini medic help

    I will post it monday when i go back to work.
  2. smokedribs

    mini medic help

    I modified a vehicle repair script to work, you can heal soldiers to 80 percent of their health with it using the script. If anybody wants the scripts i can post it.
  3. smokedribs

    mini medic help

    I need a way to make a medic only heal your health partially. Is there a way to do this with a script. Thanks in advance.
  4. smokedribs

    Camera.sqs multiplayer help

    Never mind, I made my own camera.sqs that just gets position of the object and works good.
  5. I want to use camera.sqs for an observer in multiplayer. If I give any player a this execute "camera.sqs" command, then every player in the mission looks through the observer camera. Is there any way to just have camera.sqs effect 1 person.
  6. smokedribs

    How to make 2+ weapons on 1 vehicle

    Its not perfect on hills since the attached weapon tries to maintain its relative angle to the terrain its driving over. Ill try to fix it so it works a bit better.
  7. smokedribs

    How to make 2+ weapons on 1 vehicle

    Oh yeah, Is there a way to put a script somewhere besides your mission folder, where the game will always see it regardless of it being in your mission folder. I dont want to copy this script to every mission that uses it. Thanks!
  8. Here is the script i use to create a vehicle with extra weapon stations.  I created a atgm stryker using this script. First I created the stryker with a machine gun as its weapon since its a wheeled vehicle.  Next I created a seperate atgm vehicle with a gunner in it.  In the code of the atgm vehicle I put the following line in the init field to call the script, which was named skippy.sqs.  Stryker1 refers to the carrier vehicles name, so name that whatever you name your vehicle you want to attach the weapon to. [ stryker1, this, [ 0, -2.1, 2.1, 0 ]] exec "skippy.sqs" Play with the numbers to position the weapon exactly where you want it on your vehicle.  With these numbers I put my atgm on the correct spot of the stryker. Since this is a seperate vehicle now the stryker can have 2 gunners, and the missle fires missles, no more silly explosive bullets on wheeled vehicles.  This script will work with any vehicle.  So you can mount a machine gun on a truck for example and position it correctly. When the main vehicle drives around the attached vehicle (weapon) will stay positioned and drive with the main vehicle, its pretty cool. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ;// Carry a unit on another unit, maintaining relative offset and azimuth ;// [ carrier, cargo, [ offset.x, offset.y, offset.z, azimuth ]] ;// Carrier that carries cargo [object] _carrier = _this select 0 ;// Cargo carried by carrier [object] _cargo  = _this select 1 ;// Cargo's offset (from carrier's origin) and azimuth [4-vector] _co    = _this select 2 ;// Init _co_x = _co select 0 _co_y = _co select 1 _co_z = _co select 2 _co_a = _co select 3 endCargoSession = false #loop ;// Get carrier's position and azimuth _pos = getPos _carrier _dir = getDir _carrier ;// Rotate cargo's position around carrier's z-axis _sind = sin _dir _cosd = cos _dir _cargo setPos [( _pos select 0 ) + _cosd * _co_x + _sind * _co_y, ( _pos select 1 ) + _cosd * _co_y - _sind * _co_x, ( _pos select 2 ) + _co_z ] ;// Set cargo's azimuth relative to carrier's _cargo setDir ( _dir + _co_a ) ~.01 ? (!endCargoSession) : goto "loop" @endCargoSession exit Here is a picture of my atgm stryker with the missle object.  The ATGM isnt textured yet but you can see a sample of what you can do with this script. ...smokedribs
  9. smokedribs

    Crew member help

    Thanks for some replies but if I made my vehicle Jeepmg, there is only one LOD, if I make a viewcargo and put all my proxies into the cargo, I still sit in the pilot view in the middle of it, because the jeepmg class only supports one LOD. As far as crew replacement. I was asking if I can change the crew per position. Such as the gunner crewmember is a different model then the driver crewmember. Viewgunnerinexternal doesent work, seems like its only for tank class vehicles. Wish they would just let tank class vehicles have wheels grrr.
  10. smokedribs

    Crew member help

    Anyone know if you can make a crew member invisible or make a gunner a different model then say the driver?
  11. smokedribs

    Radar display for soldier unit

    Thanks for the info, i will give it a try
  12. smokedribs

    Radar display for soldier unit

    So is a radar or health display possible for a soldier, anybody ever figure this out?
  13. smokedribs

    Crew member help

    Its an interesting idea, but I need a gunner to man that gun. Â It works good but I need a way to make the gunner invisible. Â I made a infantry Stryker, as you know the gun turret is remote controlled from inside the cabin. Â I found a good way to simulate it, but when you are a passanger inside the cabin, you see whats in the cargo view and thus you see the gunner kind of floating on the roof, even though nobody can see the gunner from outside of the vehicle. Â This could all be solved if JeepMg class would have a gunner lod, but of course it doesent work. Â So any ideas on how to make a gunner invisible?
  14. smokedribs

    Crew member help

    I made a jeepmg class vehicle with a remote control turret, that works great. Â My problem is for this to work I had to put a gunner sort of floating on top of the vehicle. Â Is there anyway to make the gunner invisible, since I can only have 1 lod in the jeep, I cant put him into a seperate LOD. Â If I cant make the gunner invisible, is there a way to have a different crew member per position. Â Like I use a soldier model for driver, and say another model for the gunner? Thanks!
  15. smokedribs

    Statistics tracking

    That would be awesome if you can find that script. Let me know if you do, exactly what Im looking for.