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About spring-R

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. spring-R

    OGN Australian server

    hello i used to play on the OGN aussie flashpoint server. but i havent seen it on the server list for half a year or so. could anyone tell me what is going on with the OGN flashpoint server? cheers
  2. spring-R

    a story for OFP2

    i would like you to consider my story for Operation Flashpoint 2. i think this is a fresh background story for OFP2 as it doesnt involve WWII, Vietnam, or Russians. as the story for OFP was fictional, so is this (well kinda) it is the year 2003. the Taliban and all its remains are only to be found in history books. the various states/countries in the middle east are reasonably calm and peaceful. Afghanistan has a Democratic government. after some uneasy years of protesting, the Americans have moved their forces out. some radical extremists who are inspired by the Taliban's ideas see this as the perfect oppurtunity to overthrow the young and vulnerable Independant Democratic Government of Afghanistan. the surronding countries form MERA (middle eastern revolution army) and mobilise its army. surrounded , the IDGA (afghanistan) have no one to turn to as the USA have agreed to not have anything to do with their matters. the IDGA have resorted to the UN. seeing this, Australia and the remaining members of the UN have flown forces to the distressed IDGA in a peacekeeping project. the russians are now the extrememists (MERA), the americans are now the Australians (and other UN members) and the resistance is now the outnumbered Afghanii army (IDGA). so what do you think? cheers
  3. spring-R

    a different story

    i would like you to consider my story for Operation Flashpoint 2. i think this is a fresh background story for OFP2 as it doesnt involve WWII, Vietnam, or Russians. as the story for OFP was fictional, so is this (well kinda) it is the year 2003. the Taliban and all its remains are only to be found in history books. the various states/countries in the middle east are reasonably calm and peaceful. Afghanistan has a Democratic government. after some uneasy years of protesting, the Americans have moved their forces out. some radical extremists who are inspired by the Taliban's ideas see this as the perfect oppurtunity to overthrow the young and vulnerable Independant Democratic Government of Afghanistan. the surronding countries form MERA (middle eastern revolution army) and mobilise its army. surrounded , the IDGA (afghanistan) have no one to turn to as the USA have agreed to not have anything to do with their matters. the IDGA have resorted to the UN. seeing this, Australia and the remaining members of the UN have flown forces to the distressed IDGA in a peacekeeping project. the russians are now the extrememists (MERA), the americans are now the Australians (and other UN members) and the resistance is now the outnumbered Afghanii army (IDGA). so what do you think? cheers
  4. spring-R

    squad control?

    it states at the OFP2 site that we will be able to take command of larger squads. but isnt 12 (11 soldiers) already enough? your opinion may differ but i think 12 is enough. i mean, the most often controlled are the few snipers, everyone else is just a tag along. the max i reakon would have to be 24 (23 others) which should equate to 8 fully manned tanks. or 24 MIGs or FA18's (which would be cool) any ideas? cheers
  5. spring-R

    Flashpoint 2 music?

    do you people remember the metal band from OFP? they're called Seventh www.seventh.com.au anyway, u reakon it would be cool if their music was used in Flashpoint 2? i thought they played some very good music. any other ideas?
  6. ok the main area of concern is the playing areas in OFP 2. im really anxious as to how the maps/islands? will be formed. in OFP the playing areas were fictionary islands. the water surrounding these islands stopped/limitted the player from going further. BUT, in OFP2, there will be theaters such as Middle East, Asia, Africa and Europe. this means REAL places, not fiction Everon or Nogova. so how will they limit the maps? (they could make the whole continent a playing area)
  7. spring-R

    Red dawn changed?

    oh and also, i always set up an ambush at the ruins, outside of guba's base. the UAZ comes along, i sick the spetz natz, and have the conversation with guba. during the conversation, the T-80 comes along and blows me to smithereens! in ver1.00, my carl gustav and LAW dudes would blow up the T-80 during the clip but it doesnt happen anymore!
  8. spring-R

    Red dawn changed?

    has the second last mission Red Dawn changed in Resistance/GOTY edition? eg. is it still possible to destroy the scud(after arresting guba) by travelling by land vehicles to the scud instead of using the Hind chopper? i sense that you only have enough time to take out the scud launcher with the chopper in Resistance/GOTY edition. In the good old original (version 1.00 i think) you could take your squad by M113 to the scud site and blow it up.
  9. spring-R

    Australian servers

    one last thing, there's an awful lot to download to play on the OGN server.(Wargames addon=100mb) oh and how much does the auto addon downloader end up downloading after a while? i heard some have accumilated 3gb's of addons
  10. spring-R

    Side effects of addons

    i apologise if this has already been answered but, can addons hinder your Flashpoint? eg. can some servers not allow you to connect because of your addons? OR does it stuff your Flashpoint up?(ie wont let u play campaign missions) could someone please tell me the effects (if any), cause im feeling a bit suss about downloading and installing a 100mb addon (Wargames Addon pack 4.1)
  11. spring-R

    Australian servers

    thank you very much people. i hope to see you;s there soon!
  12. spring-R

    Australian servers

    im from australia and ive been playing on overseas servers for the past year. ive got cable , i play on these servers and i end up getting pings of 300+ i was wondering if there are any australian or new zealand servers i can play on? thanks