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Just a thought i got when reading fdf forums. Would it be possible or necessary to add support for weapon systems? Like anti-aircraft radar vehicle sending data to missile launching vehicle. They would somehow be "tied" together by the game engine so that they could easily send information to each other. Or some kind of information link between forward observers and bomber airplanes (not belonging to same group) Could even complex weapon systems be simulated this way?
USS Monitor's current status below: It looks like I can't finish it on my own, out of time and skill. Fire LOD problems etc. Model is 95% ready, config is 90% ready. I wonder if anyone could help with texturing and LODs. I would gladly send you the model.
I took config from russian Mirage Patrol Boat and it worked perfectly. Thanks for the help!
I made a ship addon that uses some CWMod stuff, and it works more or less but turret cannon wont fire. I added a 12.7 MG to config.cpp and that MG does fire. So there's no wrongly named parts at the O2 model because MG works? Turret cannon does show up ingame (both the model and the weapon name), I can select it and it is loaded to the full. And the small white dot moves with which you can aim at 3rd person view. When I lock to an enemy boat with right mouse button and try to fire the cannon with left mouse button, nothing happens, only commander keeps repeating "fire" each time I press LMB. Ship model also is visible through smoke Config is below: #define TEast 0 #define TWest 1 #define TGuerrila 2 #define TCivilian 3 #define TSideUnknown 4 #define TEnemy 5 #define TFriendly 6 #define TLogic 7 #define true 1 #define false 0 #define private 0 #define protected 1 #define public 2 class CfgPatches { class gunboat { units[] = {gunboat}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1.75; }; }; class CfgModels { class Default{}; class Ship : Default{}; class gunboat: Ship{}; }; class CfgAmmo { Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â class Default{}; Â Â Â Â class Shell: Default {}; Â Â Â Â class Armstrong_shell: Shell { Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â hit=80; explosive=true; Â Â Â Â cost=1000; Â Â Â Â indirectHit=10; Â Â Â Â indirectHitRange=6; Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â minRange=20; Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â minRangeProbab=0,5; Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â midRange=1500; Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â midRangeProbab=1; Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â maxRange=3000; Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â maxRangeProbab=1; Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â displayName="Armstrong shell"; Â displayNameMagazine="Armstrong_shell"; Â shortNameMagazine="Armstrong_shell"; count=40; Â initSpeed=600; Â reloadTime=40; Â sound[]={"\CWArmstrong\Gun.wav",db1,1}; soundFly[]={"\CWArmstrong\fly.wav",10,1}; }; }; class CfgWeapons { class Default{}; class MGun:Default{}; class MachineGun7_6:MGun{}; Â Â Â Â class Armstrong: Default { scopeWeapon=0; scopeMagazine=2; displayName="Armstrong shell"; displayNameMagazine="Armstrong_shell"; shortNameMagazine="Armstrong_shell"; modeloptics=""; initspeed=700; magazines[]={"Armstrong_shell"}; reloadTime=1; sound[]={"\CWArmstrong\Gun.wav",db1,1}; ffCount=1; irLock=false; airLock=false; laserLock=false; }; Â Â Â Â class Armstrong_shell: Armstrong { ammo="Armstrong_shell"; count=40; displayName="Armstrong shell"; displayNameMagazine="Armstrong_shell"; shortNameMagazine="Armstrong_shell"; sound[]={"\CWArmstrong\Gun.wav",db1,1}; irLock=false; airLock=false; laserLock=false; }; Â Â Â Â }; class CfgVehicles { class All{}; class AllVehicles:All{}; class Land : AllVehicles {}; class Ship: AllVehicles{}; class BigShip: Ship{}; class gunboat: BigShip { displayName="monitor"; accuracy=0.80; fuelCapacity=500; model="\USSMonitor\USSMonitor.p3d"; // weapons[]= {"Armstrong"}; // magazines[]= {"Armstrong_shell"}; weapons[]= {Armstrong, MachineGun12_7}; magazines[]= {Armstrong_shell, MachineGun12_7, MachineGun12_7}; vehicleClass="Armored"; scope=public; hasDriver=true; hasGunner=true; hasCommander=true; getInRadius=40; CommanderAction = "ManActCWGcommander"; CommanderInAction = "ManActCWGcommander"; driverAction="ManActCWGcommander"; driverInAction="ManActCWGcommander"; gunnerAction="ManActCWGcommander"; gunnerInAction="ManActCWGcommander"; gunnerOpticsModel="optika_zsu_gunner"; cargoAction[]={"ManActShipCargo"}; irScanRange=4000; irScanGround=1; side=TWest; type=VArmor; crew="UNIONNCO"; maxSpeed=15; steerAheadSimul=2; steerAheadPlan=2; predictTurnSimul=3; predictTurnPlan=3; Â Â Â Â transportSoldier=12; transportAmmo=10000; class Reflectors { class Left { color[] = {0.9, 0.8, 0.8, 1.0}; ambient[] = {0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0}; position = "L svetlo"; direction = "konec L svetla"; hitpoint = "L svetlo"; selection = "L svetlo"; size = 0.5; brightness = 0.25; }; }; cost=2000000; armor=450; armorStructural=2.000000; class Turret { gunAxis="osa hlavne"; turretAxis="osa veze"; gunBeg="usti hlavne"; gunEnd="konec hlavne"; soundServo[]={"Vehicles\gun_elevate",0.001000,1.000000}; minElev=-3; maxElev=17; minTurn=-360; maxTurn=360; body="OtocVez"; gun="OtocHlaven"; }; }; };
Thanks for your advice, I tried to move "class Armstrong_shell: Armstrong" from CfgWeapons to CfgAmmo but it didn't have any effect. I guess it's just when I incorrectly mixed 2 configs together (brsseb's boat tutorial and CWMod cannon)that made the problem Thanks for the suggestion and I try to make it work
Screenshots of USS Monitor Union iroclad armed with 2 Dahlgren 11" cannons. CWMod models used (armstrong cannon modified to look like Dahlgren, CW NCO's as crew) First vehicle addon i've made. I try to get it playable within few weeks (my real life job allowing). Advice and criticism welcome as always Config and textures are somewhat unfinished. If I can get this addon to work I will also make a southern ironclad Outside view Gunners view Commander from gunners position Drivers house
I have a problem using couple of triggers when I tried to do a mission. I tried several hours to make them work and read some forums & stuff but there is something I just can't spot. it was a senario where a team starts at their camp, then walk to enemy camp and kill enemy officer, then return to their own camp, and mission would end when they reach their tent. So no rocket science here, it is just me again But the mission always ended at same time when enemy officer died and both objstatus1 and objstatus2 showed up green. I tried it like this: trigger1 condition: !alive enemyofficer (officer not alive) on activation: "1" objStatus "Done" trigger2 activation "vehicle present" (player returns to his tent) and I chose end#1 when player enters his tent area again after first leaving to the enemy camp. I just can't remember  it so please tell it once more Â
Thanks about your advice, I tried to follow them just as you told and it still didn't work. Mission ended at the moment that officer was shot, no time to return to my camp. It is something obvious I just can't see (as usual ) Mission needs Ciwil War Mod 1.1 if you wan't to look at it. Go to and download file named (endmission trigger didn't work no matter how I tried  so I just removed it)
I made a little mission where you sneak into an enemy camp and back at night. Go to and download file named (endmission trigger didn't work no matter how I tried  so I just removed it. Any advice more than welcome )
How about adding air temperatures to OFP2 engine? Addons makers could make their vehicles to not start easily on extreme cold and they would boil off in extreme heat. Then again, it could be done by scripting already in OFP1, I guess. May very well be too realistic or unnecessary in any case.. Just an idea.. maybe someone can come up with better ideas about it
>You know what Suma, tripping/sliping on ice and so on >would be fun as well, at least for me.  Same feature >category I guess.  Walking slower in deep snow, if we have >any. Maybe air temperature is not among the most important things to add  It would then need ice covers over lakes to look good.  Imagine driving Abrams over very thick steel ice, anyone volunteering?    Spec ops swimming under ice to their target Â
I think among a few other things that people wish to be corrected in ofp2, there is one (that bugs me frequently for some reason). Granted, it may not be the most important one. Here we go: Bullet speed doesn't slow down when bullets fly. If this could be implemented, it would add a lot of realism. It might make the difference if a sniper hits you from 800 meters away, the bullet is less powerfull then in real life. If you fight with m-16 or ak-47 you shoot from 50 to 300 meters or so, maybe bullet speed is not so important then. But if it would slow down, it would change the trajectory bullets are flying, and you could adjust your firing like in real life. Also if bullets would exist more than 1,5 seconds it would nake impressive suppressive fire.
How can this be done: AI units are created around player at random positions, placement radius 2000 metres. But they are NOT created closer than 500 metres
How can there be such an ass-kicking game like OFP? omg omg omg omg omg omg. When they release OFP 2 i'm not gonna handle it. * Disconnects real life* omg omg omg omg
Is it possible to make a scenario where heavy traffic is moving between two cities for hours to come? I mean when there are 20-30 vehicles on the road, collisions will occur and AI repair trucks (in support waypoint) don't seem to support too much sometimes. So eventually it's always the same. You fond walking drivers where there should be heavy traffic. Can AI repair trucks even repair damaged trucks and jeeps on their own anyway. I could always learn how to make script that spawns new vehicles who inherit their predecessors waypoints?
Not sure if this is talked through, if so i'm so sorry OFP2 could include rifle bullets flying longer than 3 seconds. That would make it really suppressive, and dangerous. True, it's not by any means most important. Why i proposed it is one of those moments in OFP you can't experience in any other game: I was running with my AI team to engage AI enemies almost a kilometer away. Enemy was shooting friendly AI's who were closer... and... suddenly, out of the blue, a rifle tracer flies over the forest, and kills one of my AI's just there. From almost a kilometer away. It was a very striking moment, would get anyone hooked in OFP2 i think.
Only way to compensate for the 3 sec bullet-life would be to create an addon, a rifle that would fire bullets travelling very fast, like 2000 or 3000 m/s instead if the real 750 m/s etc. If this can be done, it would allow long distance sniping, but wouldn't be too realistic.
Based on testing I have done I can confirm that in 1.94 rifle bullets live 3 seconds or at least very close to that, so 3 sec life-time is very likely to be true. It can be both annoying and fun at the same time, when you shoot with .50 machine gun the tracers just disappear few meters before they would hit the enemy, with the BIS .50 machine gun the bullets did fly about 1500 metres during 3 seconds, and they just disappeared just before hitting their targets. I don't believe it would add too much lag to OFP2 if rifle bullets would live 10 or 20 secs to add the realism taht it is dangerous to be within several kilometers from battle area
Winchester .44 magnum rifle is available at It is a replica of the model 1892 fixed-magazine hunting/sporting rifle with modern scope. If all goes well a pack with several 1800-era rifles is made, Henrys, Winchesters, Spencers etc. These would of course be of interest only for those who don't need a mayhem of full-auto fire
Yes unscoped rifles are at the list, many of those who gave feedback wished them. It is true 1800-era guns rarely had any scopes. I only need to figure out correct accuracy, or rather unaccuracy, so one could not hit targets too far away. About the sounds, they're quite wrong in v1.0. I have now actual report, cartridge insertion and lever-sounds so they will be in v1.1. Recoil will be reduced and cycling of the lever more rapid, based on the feedback from those who have the IRL gun. I was planning to do Henry rifle next, which was the predecessor of Winchester family. Old revolvers like Colt Dragoon would also be nice. Dunno why 1800-era guns are of interest to me, maybe coz there are so many modern weapons already in OFP.
Send them to if you like. It's not so easy to fond pics from internet I have found. There's a lot but they're too small so often. Maybe it's time to make some of the older weapons for OFP And to those who are interested about them (not so many perhaps as about the newest hi-tech guns)
Winchester lever-action in .44 magnum. Maybe complete in couple of weeks. Very likely to add a scope, since original open sights might be somewhat cumbersome. Trying to get better quality textures than on my first addon. Picture of said rifle can be found on the following address
Thanks about your comments For some reason I like to make weapons that arent latest super-hyper killing machines. And most of all it's fun, I wouldn't do them if it wont. I was thinking about of making somekind of a collection with several sporting/hunting rifles from years 1800-1900 but of course it's a long way. About the 30-30 caliber, it's only a matter of little resizing and some textures and config editing so I guess any calibers can be included that has reasonable amount of difference between themselves.