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Everything posted by server1

  1. server1

    Ofp2: simulation or arcade

    i tell you guys one thing i have bean looking at Soldner secret wars demo and man it sucked it was a complete arcade and because of that they are getting getting grilled but wat i really like from Soldner forums is that the dev's is the admin so everything asked gets looked at for-example Soldner was a pure third person game but after we became cry baby's well now its a first and third person game  i hope OFP will stay true to its origin
  2. server1

    Brief me on ofp!!!

    was up !! I'm old ofp player since release of 1.0 but since 1.90 i have been gone for  long time (from ofp) is it still good coz i deleted it from my PC and is there any new patches stuff. please reply Â
  3. server1

    Ofp2 needs ropes

    OFP2 needs ropes realy i recently went to my home country i have two AK74 one is russian made the uther is indian wen i was firing some rounds i found that ofp is realistic exept two things no ropes on guns (looks ugly wen soldiors are on safe mode) and the grabing of the gun and the head is horibly misplaced evry one nows how to hold a M16 or Ak74 you hold the damn wooden part or the metal stick looking place not the air like in ofp so i hope they remake all the animations and add ropes for flags and soldiors. the russian one is just like this one but instead of brown its white dont ask me why i dont expect much from BIS coz the comunity made ofp wat it is now not BIS bis just made medeocer i never use BIS made things mostly its Com.made
  4. server1

    Wargames addpak

    i have a 1.3ghz GF4 and the game lags when i drive in a town alone how am i seposed to fight more then a soldier 1 on 1 or let alone a tank??? by the way wats a good pc for Flashpoint? i wana buy a new one Â
  5. Hi i need ofp animations a lot of them please help i can find eny and ofpec is closed so i cant chek there
  6. server1

    I need some info or a link

    Â Â Â Â thankz guys both are great cites ----Nice web page ;)
  7. server1

    I need some info or a link

    duz anyone have a list on animations ? thankz
  8. server1

    Game physics

  9. server1

    More cheats

    if you want god mode or a killing machine then download robotmech http://ofp.gamezone.cz/index.php?sekce=unofaddons/misc if you see the link zobrak is more then 3 feet mech isnt strong BUT robot mech is a cheat in its self
  10. server1

    Request summary2

    ass the title says for requests that are not stated in the Summary request hope you have lot
  11. server1

    Request summary2

    hmm no one seems to like ropes in ofp
  12. server1

    Latest indirect news on ofp2

    they play Xbox whit a game pad hmm select a target whit one butten commands for ai's ? ? no editor only missions play the campaing till ress and then no more          PCweLOVEyou!!!  Â
  13. server1

    Operation flashpoint 2

    I dont expect to buy a vage game like res (I bought ofp and red hamer and goty and res) i thought i bought a big upgrade like 1.3 but it had nothing but Fixes, the only new things were the bridg and the moterbike i want my money spent in a game not a patch (i hope nothing like BF road to rome ) viatnam means new aircrafts vehicles and men if its viatnam i hope that they include realistic ropes this time im waiting for a upgraded ofp2 Â
  14. server1

    Operation flashpoint 2

    ofp2 pic]www.vietnampix.com/bilder/face2a.jpg]ofp2 pic Notice the cigaret in the pocket of the soldior and m14 and the sleevles shirt and larg telephone MUST BE VIETNAM!!! Â i know its old news
  15. server1


    Yep makes me feel like a outcast
  16. server1


    Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â GREAT IDEAS Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â i hope BIS is reading i will for shure buy the game if it had more anemation like MAFIA and Gost recon mixed whit Americas Army (i love hand commands )!
  17. server1

    Request summary2

    Number 1 is (for me that is  ) ropes! there are no ropes in ofp exept static ones 4 example guns in ofp swing in the air as you cary them on your back that looks soo rubish that you can notise that no1 make pics from the side of a soldior when he stand on safe mode. ropes can do a lot for ofp 4 example cargo ropes on helis would look grate or parashoots whit realistic ropes or soldior in aircrafts whit seat belts and cargo in planes lockt in whit ropes and world war 2 para drops and last but not least spec ops climbing ropes whit hoocks to climb walls or somting.  Â
  18. server1

    Interface discussion

    I realy like all these idears and to add i would like someting on my desk to pinch me so i dont start tolking to a sexy female civilian
  19. server1

    Company-platoon-squad hierarchy

    Major that can comand squad officars in MP missions for example the major comands suport waypoints or rearm helis backup and artilary barages
  20. server1


    Great idea but im stil waiting for the ability to use your own gun and shoot out of a bmp or a heli or tuck (it can be easily dune in a bmp forexample 7 gunner positions but the prob is that they need to make a anemation for siting gunner and i hate men entering a APC's treu the side or whitout opening the door they should bind the door script and entering or somting but now why should i have a open door and close door script if i can enter whitout tuching the car Â
  21. server1

    Graphics engine improvement

    I hope ofp has ropes becouse the guns on the backs of soldiors look realy bad ropes kan help meny tings in the game for example heli can have real loking moving cargo ropes and soldiors in heli can wear seat belts, cargo in planes or helis can be lockt whit real looking ropes Paradrops like the ones in world war 2 and parashoots can have more realistick ropes and rope climbing for spec ops flags whit ropes (flags on vehicles dont have ropes looks like rubish). ropes would make the game more realistic and more fun! i hope BIS reads this sorry for my english im DUCH! not that duch ppl cant speak english
  22. server1

    More cheats

    NO CHEATS !!! the game is allready easy
  23. server1

    Graphics engine improvement

    i hope OFP2 will have ropes please ropes ropes and anemations and grafiti not too much