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About sic_uk

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  1. *bump* Has anyone found a solution to this problem? Or are we stuck with the actual OFP engine only having 50m Cells? Cheers, SiC
  2. sic_uk


    My few for animals: - Flies around are a must! Even the ancient game Deus Ex has them buzz around the bodies after so long! - Dogs, Cows and a few other farm animals! Why? Look at Everons plentiful supply of farms but where have the animals disappeared to?!?!?!!?  But I hope that BIS don't spend too much time on them! However something I feel that needs adding more importantly are multiple weapons (obvious  ) and I would love to be able to enter and exit vehicles more realistically! (E.g. not climbing up the vehicle & suddenly disappearing! -M113) - Also possibly allow shooting weapons throw the holes and maybe even been able to open the doors on the vehicles! A lot to ask for?? Hmm I don’t think so, since many games incorporated these features already! - E.g. MOHAA 1st mission with the truck! This is just my most wanted feature list  Si
  3. Yeah, i started the project because i had problems with the amount of add-on's in my opflash folder! So I found the DKM Add-on Manager but found it very basic and clunky, hence why i started this project. I'll probably finish it off (well almost finished now! and see what the response is like. About looking in PBO files - its a feature i'm considering, however it would obviously would require a PBO depacker and i currently dont have time to build one! Si
  4. Currently i've been writing a add-on manager and i am about 50% the way through. I was just wondering would there be any intrest for it?? Because if there isnt I wont continue! It supports the following features: - * Automated installation of PBO files (wouldn't make any mess like a MSI installer) * Grouping of Add-on's * Easily backing up of the Add-ons * any more ideas?? Si