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Everything posted by survey

  1. survey

    ArmA2 8GB RAM Problem

    No black block textures whatsoever in arma2 you say with 12gigs of ram and latest nvidia drivers? Then, is it specific 8gigs of ram that creates this and above 8 goes beyond a certain threshold. Since i havent heard of any reports from people that i can remember using more than 8gigs of ram. (if i scroll back in thread perhaps?).
  2. survey

    ArmA2 8GB RAM Problem

    Ok, then it's an nvidia problem and hopefully it will get fixed. I'm not whining since the game runs fine after limiting ram under win7. Just have to ask, do you have 8 gigs of ram? since no one claimed it was a 64bit problem but they claimed it was a 8 gig ram problem. edit: Oh yeah if you commented on the 32bit os perspective i just meant that if you presume that most people are using an os that only uses around 3,2gigs ram max that could create some problems.
  3. survey

    ArmA2 8GB RAM Problem

    ethne, perhaps i'm missing somekind of logic here but win7 latest nvidia drivers works fine with other games right? If so there is a problem with nvidia and bis and not win7 and nvidia. (btw haven't i seen the same reports regarding 64 vista/xp in this thread? regarding the "don't use beta/rc os") Is arma2 using some aspect of the dx that the rest don't , or perhaps the first ones that takes advantage of the higher amount of ram available, since most games is still coded in a "everybody uses a 32bit os" perspective i presume that could pose somekind of problem. I'm having a hard problem seeing it's a win7 problem though , since most people are running earlier versions of their drivers with 8gig ram with sucess. Just don't like the claim "this is NOT a bis problem" since i want them to look into it.
  4. My core2duo linux-server is waiting for it, i read some people suggested wine, but isn't that bound to have stability issues? Anyway, would be nice to get a response from developers if i can expect a linux executable anytime soon or if i will have to do some wine-workaround.
  5. The blur most likely comes from postprocessing, set it to disabled.
  6. Running win7 rc x64 no problems of the kind you explain, though other problems. Seems like it could be a low ram problem and huge pagefile writing on same drive. Just guessing. Please post your setup.
  7. Just remember with the current 1.02 patch you have to redo that setting every time you start the game. Switch to low on postprocessing then disable again.
  8. survey

    ArmA2 8GB RAM Problem

    Yeah should have typed "didn't fix anything for me", thanks for correcting.
  9. survey

    Multiplayer crap..

    Once again blame the server not the game, or the people, i play with people that actually care for teamwork. The thing is that you can customize the server settings so much for how advanced you want it to be. At the same time you can disable stuff via editing missions. At the moment we are planning a "mod" that will disable map as you mentioned, and only be available for the squadleader. If the people who are on that server running that mod aint serious, you sure as hell is going to have a problem. But yeah in the end i feel your frustration, you bought the game and want to enjoy a decent experience online with serious people. So would i if i decided to join a public server.
  10. survey

    ArmA2 8GB RAM Problem

    Just to be clear, -winxp didnt fix anything for me, forward on i will presume you all have 8gigs of ram. I have the latest nvidia drivers running but i limited my amount of ram through msconfig just like bruno said, i tried a few diffrent settings of the amount of ram and well they all helped from the main problem wich was getting huge amounts of non textured objects in the game, for example grass that was huge black blocks. Choose "run", type in msconfig, click boot and choose advanced options, once there, you should have maximum memory, click the checkbox and type in 7680, reboot and start arma2, if it works fine, run it like this until we get a fix. If it doesent work, just redo the same procedure but click the checkbox to uncheck it, you will again use the full amount of ram, restart and well wait for next patch.
  11. survey

    Multiplayer crap..

    This is an army sim i don't get it why cs people are drawn to it at all, such a great community at ofp times when it came to people developing addons/mission, no other game community can beat that. I'm just wondering where all of you makers , people who want realism are, you sure aint on public servers wich i stray far from. Spec: Pc x86 ---------- Post added at 01:46 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:43 AM ---------- Oh yeah and wildone you ended up in a couple of asshole servers, thats not either troubleshoting or the developers fault.
  12. survey

    Patch 1.02 makes image blurry

    Confirmed that even though it says disabled you have to set it to something else then back to disabled every time you start the game. As someone else said, this setting feels like you are extremely nearsighted, hope they fix it soon.
  13. Hi! I sure dont know how to put this , but whats your suggestions to the best multiplayer game with maximum realism, i mean i love the fdfmod, the fx and sounds. It's extensions over regular ofp and so on. Ecp works fine also, but what if i want to combine both ecp and fdfmod on the same server, i mean is it realy realism to have such a huge recoil as the mp5 gets when running a bas mission when fdfmod is loaded. And when running west or sfp (swedish units) we get finnish speaking at some missions. Even though no finnish units. I know this may be a "well then just load the server with ecp when you want to play regular, and fdfmod when you want the fdf units". But that takes alot of time and would be quite annoying when switching between mods. My question is since i've never shot a mp5, is it realy realistic to have such recoil on such a weapon, if so i will just go on with my friends and play with fdfmod loaded all the time. Else i dunno what solution to find, since so many weapons with "less" power seem to bounce like hell when shooting one shot rounds, and even gets better aim with full auto .. wich seems to me rather unrealistic. Hope, you get my sentences , since im so into my problem they might get a bit "annoying" Thankfull for replys. /Lars
  14. survey

    Wargames addpak 4.0 released

    Well first of all i must say that i find this to be a great mod, since i love realism , and so does my friends that i play with. But, theres some real issues , alot of us get lost sound , i mean while playing , no sound at all , while teamspeak is still generating sound .. for some of us .. the computer reboots .. for no aparent reason , yes i know (check your computer lamer, update winmoose and blablabla) but thats not the case. All other mods run just fine , finnish defence forces was the mod that we found to be the  "best" before this , .. so it feels rather crappy that when we find THE mod , something has to go wrong . I've been searching the forums but well , if you find a hit in this post , well you know i dont want to go thru 700+ hehe I removed the high texture skies in hope that it was thoose that made the trouble, but ah well , some mod is making this not work for some reason , and it annoys me .. because i want to enjoy this fine package and so does my friends that i play with . update: winxp, radeon card, the crash not being mission specific, the loss of sound can come at any time, but i think it happens most of the time for people when heavy explosions is in, has happened on both sblive and audigy and yes ONLY with this mod. Crashes can happen at any time though it just reboots, havent had this problem with ofp earlier. Just feel its a shame since this is a great mod, please someone who can point me in the right direction. edit: btw how can you not love seeing your machinegunner taking out a bmp