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Everything posted by sortel

  1. Any format would be fine. Â The medic yells in Band of Brothers would do nicely. Is there one in the game? Â I could not locate a list of built-in sounds. Thanks!
  2. Thanks for all of the suggestions! The doWatch seems to work with respect to the spin-to-north problem. Â Unfortunately, its a pain to create markers and get each to watch them. I wish I knew why doStop and commandStop cause them to look north instead of just wherever they are (via the az editor setting). Â I am going to try in 1.46 to see if this is a bug or an intended effect. There should be a formation "None" that keeps the team in communication, etc, but does not cause them to move together or assemble. Â It seems like commandStop should do just that!
  3. Can a group of units be put into NO formation? Â I want them to be coordinated with respect to targeting, etc, but stay (initially) where they are placed and not run towards each other (assemble). Â Some are placed 20-30m away for an ambush. I tried Special=None rather than Special=Formation in the editor, but they still assemble. I tried: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">"_x doStop" foreach units group this<span id='postcolor'> in the group leaders init. Â However, this caused the units to stay put, but not attack, charge, etc when enemy units are detected. Â Also, and this is the REALLY BAD PART, they all turn around and face due north (zero degrees) upon initialization!! I even tried: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">"_x doStop; _x setDir 180" foreach units group this<span id='postcolor'> with no luck - they still just spin around and worship the north regardless of their az setting. I find that I am grouping more units together than I would like due to the 63 group limit. Thanks!
  4. Thanks. The spin-to-north thing bothers me the most. Hopefully someone can shed some light on that. I'll try a doWatch after the do stop to see if that helps.
  5. FYI Well the above was using the 1.46 engine. It looks like whatever it did not like was fixed in the resistance (1.91) engine, so nevermind. Thanks anyway.
  6. This one is a little hard to describe, but I'll try. Â It is a mission that I have created. Problem: When the MP mission first starts 4 players are standing next to each other. Â I am acting as the server/player. Â To them, I appear to be frozen. Â However, I can move. Â They cannot get into a chopper, but I see them get in. Â Very weird. Background: I have built this mission as a series of iterations. Â That is, I save what I have with a numerical extension and then add more. Â I can go back two versions and the mission works fine. Question: My main question is: Â Does anyone know what situation can cause this that is mission content specific? Â (i.e. adding units, grouping, etc not MP networking version issues) Â I have used the stock editor for all of it. Â Is this an editor-generated problem? Â For example, can doing a copy/paste of units or something like that cause it? Â I wonder it there is a good mission checker out there? Endless babbling and commentary: This happened once before and I ended up rebuilding the entire mission after methodically removing bits and pieces failed to point out the problem. Â There must be something the editor lets you do that causes the engine to get out of sync an have a cow. Â Ahhhh! I can send the mission to anyone who wants to see for themselves. As always Thanks!
  7. I have seen several posts regarding getting tanks to shoot objects. Â However, they all seem to reference things like cement blocks and other stuff that I can't seem to find. Does anyone know how to get an East tank (say T72) to shoot a building, sandbag or any other object? Â Why you say? Â For the scare factor! </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">T72 doWatch someObj; T72 doFire someObj<span id='postcolor'> Â It just spins around to watch the target, but just wont fire I also saw some folks talking about wrist watches and other West objects. Â I can't find any in the editor. Â Can a side be assigned to an object like a sandbag? Or are these custom objects? Â If so, can they be created without a game mod? As always, thanks!
  8. Very cool! Â Mine just started working just referencing the tank itself too. Â However, it only finally worked when I did:</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_tank fire ["Gun120","Heat120","Heat120"]<span id='postcolor'> I was missing the third parameter in (muzzle, mode, magazine). Â I guess the mode is just the same for tanks, but all three seem to be needed. Thanks a million!
  9. I'll check into that. The tank is a T72 and I think that it has both, but I will research. Also, I am testing this under v1.46 Thanks.
  10. Here is the exact code modified from above:</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">; shoot.sqs _tank = _this select 0 _target = _this select 1 _gunner = gunner _tank _gunner commandWatch _target @_gunner knowsAbout _target == 4 hint "got track" ~1 _gunner commandMove getPos _gunner hint "moved - not sure why I need this" ~1 _gunner commandTarget _target hint "targeted" ~1 _gunner fire ["Gun120", "Heat120"] hint "should have fired"<span id='postcolor'> Executed as: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[eastTank, myTarget] exec "shoot.sqs"<span id='postcolor'> All message appear, but it will not shoot a chair, fence, armored target, or any other non-west thing. Â I also tried "Shell120"s. Thanks all
  11. Close but no cigar: Â Just as with my original code, the tank will target, swing around, and shoot a "West" jeep or any other "West" thing. Â But, it will not target an object that it does not consider "West". Are there any standard objects in the game that are considered "West" or can you set the side of an object after the fact? Â Create a custom object? Thanks all!
  12. Actually, I did read the previous thread about this. Â However, it referenced "West" objects like wrist watches and concrete blocks all of which I can't find. Â So, in the spirit of not "digging up old threads", I decided to start another. Thanks for the tips all! Â I'll give it a try. BTW: Nobody has commented on the custom or "West" objects yet? Â What was all of that about? Are there any?
  13. I thought that the WP placement radius, as for units, provided some randomization of where WP are placed, not the actual size of the WP. Also, I did find that the terrain has A LOT to do with how accurately (or not ) the choppers fly. Â For example, they tent to drift off-course down hills if to the left or right of the WP course, pick up speed going down hill and most likely overshoot WPs, and go much more slowly up hill. Â I found that where the WPs were placed with respect to the terrain made all the difference. Â However, it is a pain and involves a huge amount of trial and error. Â Plus you don't always get to use the route you wanted. Still an awesome game! Â
  14. I know that choppers have been covered in a lot of detail, but I have not seen a specific answer to the following: For example: A chopper initialized with </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">setCombatMode "Blue"; setBehaviour "Careless"<span id='postcolor'> 1) Why does the chopper stop and do a 180/360 spin at some waypoints? Â Can this be fixed? 2) Why does the chopper (and other vehicals) have to stop/start at each waypoint? Â Can this be changed? I find myself using as few WP as possible since they seem to slow things down so much. Thanks!
  15. Thanks for all of the replies. Â It sounds like a known issue with the AI. Â It would be nice to be able to set the WP size rather than just it's random placement radius. Â This would help with chopper flight error that seems to occur due to terrain and wind. As speculated, I am ferrying troops and would like to avoid enemy positions and mountains. BIS: A waypoint type of "Intermediate" would be nice. Â Just go there and expect to keep going. Â Of course, this could have some pretty funny side-effects if there is no next WP (i.e. once there, it just keeps going in original direction and speed - like in space) Â I'll keep working on it.
  16. Is there anyway to output text to a file on the server or to the screen in order to debug multiplayer scripts? I have been using hint, but it is clearly not designed for this and does not work as I need in multiplayer mode. Â Thanks!
  17. Thanks for all of the replies. Â Since nobody has mentioned a method to output trace info in scripts, it must not be possible. Along the lines of when/where scripts run: 1) Where does the script in a trigger's condition field run? Â I would assume the server. 2) All of my units have this in their Init field: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">this exec "initSoldier.sqs"<span id='postcolor'> Here is initSoldier.sqs: </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ; initSoldier.sqs ; Initialize soldier with equipment and mode ; Clear weapons RemoveAllWeapons _this ; Add Magazines ; Seems to be better to add magazines first _this AddMagazine "M16" _this AddMagazine "M16" _this AddMagazine "M16" _this AddMagazine "M16" _this AddMagazine "M16" ; Add Weapons _this AddWeapon "M16" ; Select _this selectWeapon "M16" ; Set bahavior _this setbehaviour "aware" ; Stop (if not team leader) ? leader _this != _this: doStop _this exit <span id='postcolor'> As you can see the last line stops the caller it is not the team leader. Â All playable soldiers execute this script, but randomly one or more non-player playable units on the players team still shows "Away" Â It does not seem consistant except that it NEVER occurs on the Server-player's units. Where does a script called from the Init field of a "Playable" unit whose leader is a real MP "Player" get called? Thanks.
  18. Sure. Â For example, when a trigger fires off a script, I want to make sure that it is only runs once on the server, so I would output hint format ["Trigger: Wave #1, West Count=%1", _wc] If I were to see two in a log, then I would know that it was called twice. Â I am still trying to understand what is run where and when in MP mode. Another example: I am running a script in the Init field of each soldier (4 groups of 5) in a coop MP mission. Â At the end there is a "_this doStop", but for some reason, some team members still show up as "Away", except on the server/player. Â I would love to write out some trace info on each of the "playable" units to see when/why this is not working. Thanks!