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Everything posted by sbunny

  1. i've finally got around to finishing resistance and i thought i'd try playing with the mission editor a bit more now... and i've learned quite a lot, but i'm still stuck on one really stupid point, and the answer's probably really obvious but i couldn't find it with search (maybe cos i'm not quite sure what to search for) and it's driving me nuts! basically: when i place a unit in the mission editor, it seems to attach itself to the nearest group. how do i NOT do this? please. i know i know. i'm an idiot.
  2. sbunny

    Resistance "occupation" nightmare

    i've only just done this one, so it's still fresh in my mind if you want help. i eventually struggled through without losing any men after a lot of trial and error. first of all, order all your men prone, keep down, and then keep ordering them to halt so they're covering your back but not in the way of fire - that way they don't get killed or draw fire but they can watch your back for people flanking you or sneaking up on you, there seemed to be dozens of groups wandering around on this one. you want to use a dragunov, and take nothing but mags for this gun. then you can snipe the chateau almost from the moment you start. there were two russians walking down the road to the village, i picked them off first. then i shot the guard at the gateway. this caused all the other russians to run out - i just picked them off one by one. it helps if you shoot any looking at you first, because these have spotted you, whereas most will just run around aimlessly. a bmp came down from the chateau but my AT troops destroyed it almost as soon as i saw it. once it all seems quiet (wait a bit to make sure there aren't any that have run off because they'll run back eventually and surprise you as you approach), head up the chateau - there were two guards left inside who didn't run out, easily dispatched. you'll get the all-clear if you killed everyone. then i had to run to the north side of the chateau and kill two other groups of patrolling soldiers who had AT weapons and attacked the tanks and my men as they passed through. once you're confident that everyone's dead, get all fresh mags from the ural, load your men up, drive close to the enemy base (i chose the west side), then get down and (leaving your men behind you like last time) you can lie next to a bush and pick off everyone in the base again. this time take the anti-tank troops first - as soon as they're dead, you can call in the tanks who'll make short work of everyone else. after i moved into the village some more groups of troops came from the north (i think), the tanks took care of them but one tank got blown up and i had to pick off one or two final stragglers with my dragunov again, mostly troops who'd run off and were finally coming back. and it was as simple as that. (at the thousandth attempt)