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Everything posted by ste_pa

  1. ste_pa

    Game crashing

    yes. you maybe should consider upgrading your graphics card. also, are you using lluamax?
  2. ste_pa

    Cannot create 3d Device

    yes. you maybe should consider upgrading your graphics card. also, are you using lluamax?
  3. has anyone seen these or has any suggestions for the following?
  4. ste_pa

    Anyone seen these before?

    since i found the solutions and the answers to these above i will post in here and maybe i will help someone else.... errors #1 & #2 are caused by bad installation of Lluamax mod.reinstalling helped.no more errors. error #3 was a misplacement of jam2 update.just moved it to ofp/addons folder and all works fine now.
  5. i have exaclty the same symptoms.... i have the same gfx card like you do and the latest driver also.and i play in the same server with you....(i m stef  ) and it also hangs for me as you said for 10 secs or so and some times crashes with the error sometimes not...i think must something form the new addons
  6. i have exactly the same problem and i waiting for the solution.this started to appear lately without me changing anything. pic here: my configuration is: CPU:Intel P4 3.00 Ghz HT MOBO:P4C800-E Deluxe (intel i875) GFX: FX5900 128Mb RAM:1Gb OFP v1.96Beta Experiencing the problem in any mission but as mentioned randomly.Every once and a while that is. I m using HW T&L OS: Win XP Home SP2
  7. ste_pa

    OFP2 and "armed assault" - what's up?

    i have a simple (endangered to be considered stupid) question: why BIS doesn't publish the game (or any next game) on their own?what do they need in order to make this happen?
  8. ste_pa

    OFP2 and "armed assault" - what's up?

    that is maybe cause they didnt go there to sell any game,but only to find a new publisher quoting myself from 10 pages back.... and i guess since OFPEC has an article saying the same thing well.... i think that they will have definitely more news for ofp2 (probably not tommorow) when they have a publisher too.simple and clear
  9. ste_pa

    Armed Assault - should the name be changed?

    he will.....oh he will
  10. ste_pa

    OFP2 and "armed assault" - what's up?

    Nothing.... You are the Joker man..... Â try again.... it s exactly HERE (open up your speakers)
  11. ste_pa

    Armed Assault - should the name be changed?

    I thought he is a she...... I agree AA is not the best name they could end up with but i m sure they had their reasons.... how much does codemasters want so we can use the name? what the hell let s buy whole Codemasters! I think operation as a part of the name is not that important.but Flashpoint ye.should be included somehow...
  12. I thought he is a she...... I agree AA is not the best name they could end up with but i m sure they had their reasons.... how much does codemasters want so we can use the name? what the hell let s buy whole Codemasters! I think operation as a part of the name is not that important.but Flashpoint ye.should be included somehow...
  13. ste_pa

    OFP2 and "armed assault" - what's up?

    once again check  THIS at channel # 4 Â
  14. ste_pa

    OFP2 and "armed assault" - what's up?

    that is maybe cause they didnt go there to sell any game,but only to find a new publisher
  15. ste_pa

    OFP2 and "armed assault" - what's up?

    Paul Statham, of the Czech developer Bohemia Interactive, expressed itself in an interview to operation Flashpoint 2. The Gameplay is to become still more realistic in the comparison to the predecessor and therefore the software software-Schmiede the play only for PC will publish. An Arcade adjustment of the war simulation excludes Paul Statham completely - finally realism is the largest plus of the play. Otherwise the successor with mad diagram and new play elements are to convince. ps:used babel fish
  16. ste_pa

    OFP2 and "armed assault" - what's up?

    well the community did a lot...true so they can use some of the best addons out there in an enhanched version or modded anyhow to fit in the ofp2 engine.its simple and it ll keep ppl happy
  17. ste_pa

    make your own OFP2 screenshot

    i am in an OFP2 thread plus if you would scroll back pages you would see other ppl posting images from new ofp....muppet
  18. ste_pa

    make your own OFP2 screenshot

    not very enlightening but .....
  19. ste_pa

    make your own OFP2 screenshot

    Check Here channel # 3
  20. ste_pa


    is this your idea of how afganistan buildings look like? The island looks really great.i m sure a lot of people will get it for their servers once it is done....