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Everything posted by stoppelhopser

  1. stoppelhopser

    Custom animation class in config

    well... never mind. figured it out myself. it works like this: class CfgMoves... //... put anything u like here { //paste everything from CfgMovesMC here } in CfgVehicles add to your soldier class: class YourSoldier : SoldierEB { moves = "CfgMoves..."; } override any animation classes u like and your units will follow it.
  2. stoppelhopser

    Binarize problem

    i am also having the problem of binarize not running. i guess you can only have one model in the addon for binarize to work. i am sure my config is alright, but my addon hosts a total of 5 model so far and i guess that is a problem. if someone could verify this.....
  3. hi everybody, the landsers are about to become final! i´ve been quiet for a while but now i got time again to take care of it. so far i removed texture bugs, improved this and that and added an officer with field cap. here´s a screeny: http://home.knuut.de/macrodx/ofp/news.html cheerz stoppel
  4. stoppelhopser

    Ww2 landsers final stepping forward

    nope... didn´t kick the idea of a coat. comes up next! just finished the sniper. check my news-site for some screenies
  5. hi everybody, the landsers are about to become final! i´ve been quiet for a while but now i got time again to take care of it. so far i removed texture bugs, improved this and that and added an officer with field cap. here´s a screeny: http://home.knuut.de/macrodx/ofp/news.html cheerz stoppel
  6. stoppelhopser

    Ww2 landsers final stepping forward

    I just uploaded a shot of the re-edited K98. http://home.knuut.de/macrodx/ofp/news.html exams went ok. don´t have results yet though
  7. stoppelhopser

    Ww2 landsers final stepping forward

    I just uploaded a shot of the re-edited K98. http://home.knuut.de/macrodx/ofp/news.html exams went ok. don´t have results yet though
  8. stoppelhopser

    Ww2 landsers final stepping forward

    hi desantnik, think the problem is not the landsers, but the weapons. modelspecial for the m16 for example is the one with the mortar on the muzzle. i thought i already told you, but maybe i´m mistaken. i think the problem should be solved if the configs of the mp40 and k98 are changed: model = "DX_k98"; //already there modelSpecial = "DX_k98"; and for the others respectively. i am currently working on the weapon models and i´ll post new versions soon. then i´ll also take care of your prob.
  9. stoppelhopser

    Ww2 landsers final stepping forward

    hi desantnik, think the problem is not the landsers, but the weapons. modelspecial for the m16 for example is the one with the mortar on the muzzle. i thought i already told you, but maybe i´m mistaken. i think the problem should be solved if the configs of the mp40 and k98 are changed: model = "DX_k98"; //already there modelSpecial = "DX_k98"; and for the others respectively. i am currently working on the weapon models and i´ll post new versions soon. then i´ll also take care of your prob.
  10. stoppelhopser

    Ww2 landsers final stepping forward

    well, @ least i tried to make it look real
  11. stoppelhopser

    Ww2 landsers final stepping forward

    well, @ least i tried to make it look real
  12. stoppelhopser

    Ww2 landsers final stepping forward

    tnx, well i´m workin on the landsers with high pressure to get them done. then i´ll take care of those russians. i aimed the first russian beta for mid-february
  13. stoppelhopser

    Ww2 landsers final stepping forward

    tnx, well i´m workin on the landsers with high pressure to get them done. then i´ll take care of those russians. i aimed the first russian beta for mid-february
  14. stoppelhopser

    German ww2 landser addon

    hi there, i´ve just put an update of my german landser addon online. i also created some new weapons for them. the files and more info are here. njoy
  15. stoppelhopser

    Ww2 russian infantry

    hi, i´ve been working on some russian infantry. i plan to release them together with the final version of the landser addon. you can find some shotz here: http://home.knuut.de/macrodx/ofp/news.html cheerz
  16. stoppelhopser

    Ww2 russian infantry

    yo Johan_D, you can see what i have planned on my news page ... but i need time. Â
  17. stoppelhopser

    Ww2 russian infantry

    @DimaS: well, don´t worry about your english... i watched enemy at the gates and saw the russians wear khaki shinels there, and, althoug you rather wear a long coat when it´s cold i didn´t mean them to be "winter camo" units. maybe u wanna get in touch with desantnik whom i signed as betatester for the russians and work out sort of a list of items i have to apply to the different units, like u did above, that would be great. basically i made the shinel unit because there also was a demand for a coated unit for the landsers and i wanted to find out how it looks best and behaves correctly...
  18. stoppelhopser

    Ww2 russian infantry

    hey, i really appreciate the enormous feedback, tipps and support. but those russians are in a state i wouldn´t even call beta. there is still alot of work 2 do and as i wrote on my site i won´t come out with em before february. i laready planned to include what you people suggested earlier, like different headgear, more variation in uniforms and certainly some russian weaponry to go with them. plus i am still working on the landsers which i don´t wanna keep beta for ages. so i guess you need to be a little more patient
  19. stoppelhopser

    Ww2 russian infantry

  20. stoppelhopser

    Ww2 russian infantry

    hm, well the config is not so special you couldn´t post it but i don´t know if that will help as there´s nothing extraordinary about it and it seems to work for most people... i´ll take care of the problem anyways just give me a little time
  21. stoppelhopser

    Ww2 russian infantry

    what game version do u use? or is there anything special in the mission you createt? i don´t know, but maybe some action a "special unit" would be required 4? maybe you could de-pbo the addon and in config.cpp add a line modelSpecial = "/DX_gl/DX_gl_..."; below all lines defining the model. eg: model = "/DX_gl/DX_gl_Sldr"; modelSpecial = "/DX_gl/DX_gl_Sldr"; works maybe...
  22. stoppelhopser

    Ww2 russian infantry

    well, i could add more detail on them... as for the red star, only few units actually had insignia on the uniforms. the red star was basically found on the front of the helmet, but still not on every helmet. but as with the landsers i wanna release different units with different equipment and detail... and what do u need black german units for? no german unit has ever worn black stuff in combat, except tankers. i think i´ll leave these ss-shit units to someone else
  23. stoppelhopser

    German ww2 landser addon

    aight, my turn @Col. Kurtz: i tried to set the skill level 4 the group members by adding "skill =[value]" to the "Unit" classes. although ofp didn´t complain, it wouldn´t work. i checked the commented config from bis, and they didn´t specifiy any skills for the groups. then i inserted standard ofp group in the editor and checked the initial skill levels, and learned the following: units ranked "private" all have skill 0, coporals have a bit more aso. so i think it´s not possible to set the skill level in by the addon. hint: don´t set the skill level via the "edit unit" menue, but open the mission sqm and type the values there (0...1). it´s faster! @TkKivi: the texture problem should be fixed. get the beta2. i also thought about coats, but i am not sure if that´ll work well. i´d have to assign the coat-polygons to the legs so that they are moved. and i guess that´ll rather look like wide pants rather than a coat. i´ll give it a try though, but that´s not first thing. @desantnik: the equipment is the least problem. the hard work is the textures ! @all: if i had more time, i´d throw you guys to death with addons. so there´s a demand for 101st airborne and russians? i thought about russians, cause most other modders do americans... plus i think the russians had some good looking armour.
  24. stoppelhopser

    German ww2 landser addon

    good point. i´ll take care of that. i´ll also add binoculars to the officer.
  25. stoppelhopser

    German ww2 landser addon

    aight, back to topic: i´ve put an update of the k98 and mp40 online. i reduced damage level and they can be picked up now.