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Everything posted by stoppelhopser

  1. stoppelhopser

    Prevent ai from firing while driving tank?

    well, now at least i know what the maxLeadSpeed attribute is for thanks fab
  2. stoppelhopser

    Should i use wav, wss or ogg?

    well, i guess ofp uses direct sound for sound playback. currently, even in directX9, direct sound only supports pcm wav data, which means, whatever soundtype you use will have to be converted to that format by the game engine. if you wss a wav file you will notice that the file size remains the same. my guess is that wss simply speeds up loading, because it can be a pain in the ass(codewise) opening wav files with the standard windows api. if you have your own format and you know where the actual sonddatra is located within the file, access to that data might be faster. ogg simply helps to keep resource files smaller, but doesn´t help the audio engine in any way, since the files have to be decoded on load. the only module that can playback acompressed format is directMusic, which is capable of handling mp3 directly, but it is not capable of 3d positional audio. my suggestion: use wss
  3. stoppelhopser

    Muzzle flash bug only in odol?

    as far as i know, the corresponding muzzle flash texture has to be in the "data" folder within your "binarize" folder.
  4. stoppelhopser

    Prevent ai from firing while driving tank?

    unfortunately, what you wanna do is not possible. i tried the same thing to prevent tank turrets from moving when soldiers sit on tank hull, because it´s kinda stupid to see the barrel move through a soldiers head. i tried everything, but nothing worked. my first attempt was to continuously set the gunner´s direction to the driver´s direction, because this one unit has the tanks direction always. prob here is that for all units in the tank the direction is always the tank´s direction. next idea i had was to disable the autoTarget AI of the gunner, but i had to skip that idea pretty fast because i had to learn that once u called disableAI this is finite,... can´t be switched back on to make the tank stop for shootin, the only measure i could think of would be the fired eventhandler. but since that is only called when the weapon is actually fired, that won´t do the trick, since you would have to know you want to fire (or AI) in advance. pretty much a drawback for the ww2 community, since all tanks will just have to act like modern tanks
  5. stoppelhopser

    Possible to make a soldier carry another?

    @gameworx: jope... aus der schoenen pfalz
  6. stoppelhopser

    Possible to make a soldier carry another?

    hmm... maybe try to set "transportSoldier" property to 1. i guess for "man" this is set to zero by default. might not work if this property is only introduced in "class LandVehicle". "Land" is the base class for both unit classes, so if "transportSoldier" is property of "Land" you can make your man a carrier. if this doesn´t work, try to inherit your soldier class from "LandVehicle" and set all necessary properties as defined in "man" (like simulation="soldier";). if that doesn´t work neither then that´s it for my ideas
  7. stoppelhopser

    Realistic aa guns

    do´n´t think that´l work because on units the weapon is put in place of the proxy, on vehicles weapons are part of the model itself...
  8. stoppelhopser

    Spotting rounds

    as far as my experience goes this is a matter of the simulation property. "shotRocket" actually makes the ammo behave like a rocket, that is, common rockets explode. even explosive=0; won´t help. try using simulation="shotBullet".
  9. stoppelhopser

    Unit textures

    ahhhh... a real rooky here u go: you need 2 dl some tools to pic and pack resources. i recommend to check OFP Editing Center´s editor depot for downloads. you need TexView (Bis) to open the texture files, then save them as tga or gif, change them, and put them back to the resource format. prior to that you must first unpack the corresponding .pbo file. there are tools for that, too. as i said, best is to check ofp editing center. there you´ll find everything you need to start modding.
  10. stoppelhopser

    Properties are not inherited

    @powerslide: might help if you could post the class of your fuelstation, too, not only the inheritetd classes. maybe you have a tiny mistake in your f.station class that makes the eventhandler not working, but in inherited classes you overrode a property that makes it work for them. your latest idea of adding multiple variants of eventhandler scripts won´t help, because each "physical" object has it´s own eventhandler thread at runtime, so it deosn´t matter how your variables are named... another thing: each type of eventhandler has a specific set of arguments that can be passed. a good documentation on eventhandlers can be found here: http://www.ofpec.com/editors/comref.php?letter=3#Event%20handlers
  11. stoppelhopser

    Building ww2 flak 88

    Reaper, you gotta make a difference between "visual lods" and "engine lods". by visual lods i mean those whose property is a distance value (like 0.150, 0.350 aso.). engine lods are those used by the game engine to handle the model (like geometry lod, view pilot lod etc.). to do the engine lods properly you need a chzech to english translation to know what all the vertices are for. for example in memory lod you have to define the start and end of the barrel by setting the "konec hlavne" and "usti hlavne" vertices to the right place. i have prepared an online translation for these words that i will put on my site these days. for the lower resolution lods just remove polys one doesn't see from a given distance. e.g. if you used a 16segment cylinder for the barrel in the highest res lod, you are safe to reduce it to a 10 segment or even less for the 0.350 lod. the purpose of these lods is merely to save cpu and gpu power by not drawing too much detail one can't see anyways.
  12. hi, gettin nuts over this... might be 2 stupid, but as far as i´ve learned if u want an explosion anywhere you do it with camcreate. but that appearently only shows an explosion but does not cause the corresponding dammage... now how can i create an explosion anywhere, mainly in the air(!), that causes dammage? tried everything, nothing worked... i´d like to have something like "mine" create [pos] -> mine setdammage 1 -> buuuuuum .................. lost help?
  13. stoppelhopser

    Explosions that actually cause dammage?

    once i did it you can have it
  14. stoppelhopser

    Explosions that actually cause dammage?

    thanks for the hint! problem here is that i have to calculate the detonation time for the shell right when it is fired. doin it by nearestObject i only get the shell itself. it might work with the torpedos, but in my testmission 22 aa-guns fire and all execute the script, so it´s gotta be fast and accurate. if i have to check all types not to take into account, it is too slow. i would have to know the target, then calculate the explo-time right away before the shell gets there...
  15. stoppelhopser

    Explosions that actually cause dammage?

    hmmm, not so sure bout that. maybe works faster if you do not script that code but make it a function, just as <distance> probably is. as scripts can be interrupted in execution you have three major points of possible delay here, so it might not be faster... also i think distance takes into account all three parameters. to calculate a distance in a 3d-space you actually need them, or what distance would that be? z is the depth parameter. if not taken into account you´d only get a planar distance value. my question here would be how to get the current target object of the gunner. couldn´t find any appropriate function for that... is there anything like "_target= currentTarget _gunner" ?
  16. stoppelhopser

    Explosions that actually cause dammage?

    ah, @Colonel_Klink: you ever tried that successfully? i only get <obj-Null> always...
  17. stoppelhopser

    Explosions that actually cause dammage?

    thanks for the help everyone Bullz_eye_on_my_back´s comment finally gave me the idea testing my shell on "myself", ... camcreate getPos mysoldier ... and boum, i fly through the air, dammage 1... damn, i thought i was smart , but obviuosly i´m not  so camcreate actually causes dammage *hehehe*. sometimes one needs a slap in the face now here it comes: gotta find a good algorythm to make ai adjust the time for shell to explode so it comes in range of the target...
  18. stoppelhopser

    Explosions that actually cause dammage?

    remarks: - i think this thread actually goes here because it is supposed to help an eventhandled script for a gun - a way to grab any "air" class target in range would do it also, but as far as i know you have to use a specific class like "Cobra"... but how the hell can u know what addons are going to come?
  19. stoppelhopser

    Sad news

    i met lawrie at the time when he was in the line of fire of the community and we have written maybe ten times or so. those couple o´mails where enough to me to see that he was really a good guy! he focused on the subject and was full of ideas! and those ideas earn my great respect, since they aimed on bringing mod groups together, making addons more compatible. i really respect him because to me it seemed that modding was always more important than reputation. it is really sad he had to go... it is really sad!
  20. yo! maybe someone can help cus i´m gettin nuts over this... did a 88mm flak 18 anti aircraft gun... works fine so far if you use it against ground targets such as tanks.... but the d...n AI won´t attack air targets this drives me completely nuts since everything like weapon and ammo aso is derived from corresponding shilka-classes. before i post that rotten cpp i wonder if someone might know what the essential parameters are for a unit/vehicle to attack air targets... i tried hard but didn´t figure it out... i´m already asking myself whether it might be some stupid thing like "damn you mod maker... with a reload time of 4 i wouldn´t even think about attacking a balloon..." HHEEEELP
  21. stoppelhopser

    Help: anti-air don´t attack air targets....

    hey marss ... guess you got me wrong here the dummy bullet without dammage was meant only a tracer object, meaning, grab it by eventhandler so can actually cause damage by an explosion in the air, that is, i tried to simulate a timered aa-shell... well, got that so far it really looks nice seeing all these explosions in the air once air targets show up. problem is i haven´t yet figured out how to cause dammage on targets that are in range of the explosion... tried it with nearestObject, but that´d require to be able to use general classes, like "Air", but it seems you gotta be more specific about the type of object u wanna grab. next prob: it won´t be too hard to add a menue for the player to set detonation time for the shell, but ai won´t use it i guess... if someone´s got an idea that´d be great
  22. well i just did a similar script for aa-guns to shoot timed shells. there is no other way than tracking the projectile-object that you get by the nearestObject function. but that shouldn´t be a problem at all. i should think 2 more faces in a addon model use much more cpu time. at least on my machine (gforce 3 blabla biggest model, athlon 1.9xp, 512ddr) i have now 10 choppers attacked by a battery of 22(!) 88 flaks, and they all shoot beautiful timed shells in detonating in the air. for testing i implemented a hintText showing the detonation height given by <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">_shellpos select 2, and with a desired denonation height of 200m i got results of +/- 6m! so i guess it´s all fast enough! also if you only use getPos() once, you will obviously get only the shell pos at given time, and and if you do that right when bullet is fired, you get [0,0,0], which also shows that the eventhandler grabs it so fast that it has not even time to travel far you´ll have to poll the position continuously.
  23. stoppelhopser

    Help: anti-air don´t attack air targets....

    thanx put it in, but didn´t do the trick in the first place neither.... plus i dunno what those params do *hehe* but... i figured it out! to get what i wanted i coded some dummy bullet that didn´t have hitpoints, just to trigger the eventhandler. and here was another prob... AI didn´t wanna shoot bullets with hit=0. dunno why, but that was the least i had expected but it works finally and it looks damn kewl !
  24. stoppelhopser

    Help: anti-air don´t attack air targets....

    ok... figured it out i guess... AI dosn´t use shells against air targets tried to overcome the problem by definig two muzzles: one with a tank-compatible weapon and ammo, one with a shilka-compatible gun and ammo. but now the problem is that AI doesn´t switch to the anti-air muzzle to attack targets... guess this is one for the pros SUMA?
  25. hi, started on some winter wehrmacht troops for the eastern front. screens can be found here:Stoppelhopser unofficial OPF addons a beta will be out in about two weeks cheerz