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About slizeroid

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    Private First Class

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  1. slizeroid

    Lotus esprit '79 upgrade

    hehe cool
  2. slizeroid

    Scripting simulating nos ?

    Really, thats not how I did it. I got the velocity of the car when the script was initiated and times'd it by 1.5
  3. Hi, I was just wondering if there is any way to encrypt script files and .sqm's and such, cuz I am making a demo for my mod and we dont want guys dePbo'ing it and using our scripts or editing the mission (yes, it does sound paranoid but thats the way I am )
  4. slizeroid

    Scripting simulating nos ?

    Ive made my own NOS script thats alot better (and more complicated, but more cool) its currently in mid stage (cuz I stopped half way through, but now I am startin again) and it will be released soon
  5. slizeroid

    Iraqi islands

    all it is is a hole in the ground where there used to be a river or stream. They are also one of the best natural defenses in Iraq. They are normally like this: Â Â Â Â Â \ Â Â Â Â Â / Â Â Â Â Â Â | Â Â Â Â | Â Â Â Â Â Â | Â Â Â Â | Â Â Â Â Â Â \/ K, that was buggered up
  6. slizeroid

    Flaregun as sidearm... how to?

    do any of U guys use the flare gun as a handgun? I did once on a game of an *cough*edited*cough* version of Skye virus and it saved my life!
  7. slizeroid

    Iraqi islands

    BTW will U be adding any wadi's or such to it. That would make it so much better for missions
  8. slizeroid

    Iraqi islands

    yeh thats what I meant, reformatted. Anyways, do U know when the site will be back online?
  9. slizeroid

    Iraqi islands

    Leone, can U send me the OFPGW demo (the latest released one) to me, I wanna make a scud hunt level (like bravo two zero, only with a good outcome) and Ive had my disk defragmented cuz of a virus. If U could send it over MSN messenger or gimme a d/l URL that would be great. My hotmail address is: huntadude@hotmail.com
  10. slizeroid


    also an animation for cleaning your weapon would be good. The original M16 was about as prone to a jam as the old SA80 unless it was thouroughly cleaned atleast every 2 days in vietnam
  11. slizeroid

    Some thanks

    Hi Im slizeroid, and I just thought that we should thank all the groundbreaking mods and I have made this thread. I would like to thank: CoC (for the unified artillery project and command engine) BAS (for the JAM project, making it easier for players everywhere) BIS (for making the best gmae ever) Inv1944 (for defining the term detail) SEB (for making the best ever vietnam addon pack) plz add any1 else U think should be comemarated and I may make a hall of fame mission
  12. slizeroid

    Murphys money tutorial!!

  13. slizeroid

    Chainsaw and suomi smg

    Any tree that can be destroyed by weapons could
  14. slizeroid

    Crime city weapons

    It does, some spec op guys once tried taping weights to the bottom of it to make it more balanced when fired
  15. slizeroid

    New mission editor

    I meant more like a 3d, and easier to script in version of the normal mission editor