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Everything posted by stu_pid

  1. i voted for europe, because i think it has the best landscape of these 3 theatres. but (tank) battles in an african desert would also be funny.
  2. stu_pid

    Trailer in ofp2

    I ever wanted to move this big field gun. So i think trailer would be a great advantage for ofp. Because it would be possible to transport small boats and especially every sort of cannons. You would only have to: - get in a truck - drive to the cannon - choose "append trailer" from the action menu and then you could pull the trailer wherever you want. easy, or not what do you think?
  3. stu_pid

    Trailer in ofp2

    oh ... it looks awesome. I never expected that this would be possible in ofp. thanks for the hint.
  4. stu_pid

    Lego warz beta demo

    Great work! I waste so much time on playing with Lego in my childhood. @ Sgt. Milkman: i think the robin hood units were the better soldiers, because of their camouflage
  5. stu_pid

    Squad sizes, what do you think

    i think a squad size of 12 units is enough, with larger squads ofp would become very confusing. but walker's idea of commanding more than only one squad is quite interesting. i hope BIS will add this to opf2. then it would be possible to fight for a whole island with only 2 human players(one east, one west)
  6. stu_pid

    System rqs?

    I hope it will run on my PII 400 with 128 MB RAM and Geforce 2 MX 32 mb
  7. stu_pid

    Your view distance

    if everybody who uses this forum would spent 1 € for me. i could set my view distance higher than 500
  8. stu_pid

    Behind the scenes...

    i've got it !!! thank you Avon Lady
  9. stu_pid

    Behind the scenes...

    ok. i found the briefcase. i played the campaign 3 or 4 times, so i know the name of the general. but what is his fucking nickname? it's so mean