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Everything posted by spooky

  1. spooky

    I have just finished resistance

    well it wasn't easy by i made it i didn't like the end but well you can't have it all i wan't tell the end let's say it's not happy end very good work to codemasters people and all those you work hard for this game,looking forward for some patches to corect some bugs like the one where the bullets go throw wall and kill you!!!i am sure the guys in codemasters are all ready working on it.
  2. spooky

    I have just finished resistance

    i am not from a english speaking state so i have made so many mistakes sorry but were is you FUCKING PROBLEM !!!!!!!
  3. spooky

    I have just finished resistance

    soory i didn't know that well the game is the best i have ever play
  4. hello guys i am at the mission where you have to destroy the bridge at the mission brifing i have lost all the weapons i have so far and i can not arm my men i only have the weapons i have from the last mission!!! is this a bug or it's in the game?
  5. can any one tell me where i can download some new stuffs for my operacion flashpoint????????
  6. thank's guys and sorry for my mistake placebo but i am new in flashpoint,
  7. can any one tell me where i can download some new stuffs for my operacion flashpoint????????
  8. i have a problem ending the misions i make at the mission editor i use the trigers but i can not make them work!!!! i have a team atacking a vilage and try to kill all enemy i want to make the game to end when i have killed all the enemy unit how i can do that i have try to sycronize the triger with my soldier but when i move close it ends the game with out one shot fired any suggestions??
  9. spooky

    `mission editor ?

    i have a problem ending the misions i make at the mission editor i use the trigers but i can not make them work!!!! i have a team atacking a vilage and try to kill all enemy i want to make the game to end when i have killed all the enemy unit how i can do that i have try to sycronize the triger with my soldier but when i move close it ends the game with out one shot fired any suggestions??
  10. spooky

    `mission editor ?

    thank's that was fast i will try it,it so cool to make your own missions, do you know if i can use artiliery in the editor,i have found a artiliery piece but i can not use it,can i have fire suport?and how to i use it?? thank's again
  11. spooky

    `mission editor ?

    thank's that was fast i will try it,it so cool to make your own missions, do you know if i can use artiliery in the editor,i have found a artiliery piece but i can not use it,can i have fire suport?and how to i use it?? thank's again
  12. spooky

    Help for mission editor

    Can anyone tell me how to erase a unit from the map when i have all ready put it on ,and how to i delete waypoints when i i have make a mistake, i have try to play on line but i could not join a game any ideas?
  13. Can anyone tell me how to erase a unit from the map when i have all ready put it on ,and how to i delete waypoints when i i have make a mistake, i have try to play on line but i could not join a game any ideas?
  14. spooky

    Help for mission editor

    thank's i will !!!!!!!!
  15. spooky

    Help for mission editor

    thank's i will !!!!!!!!
  16. spooky

    A rooky platoon leader

    i found that when a soldier is arm with mortar rounds you can order him to use them by the action menu number 6
  17. spooky

    A rooky platoon leader

    When a man of my scuad is armed with the m16m209 or with the mortar rifle is he going to use this weapons by his own will or i have to order him to do so and how?
  18. spooky

    A rooky platoon leader

    the ai some times mess thinks up i was leading an assult when a solider of mine throuw a grenade and kill me!!!!!! well any way the game is fantastic i was wondering how i can play with a team in multiplayer mode i try it but i was play with ai only
  19. can any one tell me how i can join a multiplayer came i try but i can not any tips how i can do this???
  20. spooky

    Hoe the hell do i join a game?

    thank's i will download this !!!!!!
  21. spooky

    `how to use the m209

    hi again i have another guestion is there a trick to fire the m209 more accurately i can never get the right range i have download vercion 1.46 but i can find the new guns where can you use them i am playing the 1985 campain
  22. spooky

    `how to use the m209

    how i am going to use the greange lunger i can not find the range to shoot is there a trick or something?any hints will be helpfull how i am going to use the new weapons in the american campaing? i have version 1.46
  23. spooky

    I have a ?

    hi guys i am new at operacion flaspoint i have the gold edition i have update to v 1.46, the new weapons are in this update? the bison+the xms and the g36 or i have to download them separetly,when in the game you can use them , sorry for my mistakes in typing but i am not very good with english