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About secco

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  1. secco

    List of words?

    Thanks for the list spitfire and for the reply Gameer_77. Now if I'm not asking too much... Do one of you know how I can use the "list trigger" command? I just didn't get it. list trigger Operand types: trigger: Object Type of returned value: Array Description: List of units that would activate given trigger. For trigger of type "Not present" the list is same as returned for "present". Example: list triggerOne
  2. Does anyone know if I can get a list of the words that we use in scripts? Pay attention: I'm not talking about the scripting commands. I have them. I'm talking about the words like "leader" for the leader of a group... "count" so we can count units... "distance" to check the distance between objects... "Eject" when we use the Player action command...etc. Anybody, plz? I need this list so I can improve my scripting and not wasting so much time trying to guess them! Thanks for all of you that might help! Greetings, Secco
  3. secco

    1.60 beta version for mp

    Suchey, tks bro, at least I know I can run it under WinXP pro. Aldega I tried that, but it didn't work. I ran the program outside codemasters/ofp/... and it gave me the same message, and I copy: "Verifying Operation Flashpoint, version 1.46... Warning: No CRC information about version 1.46. Operation Flashpoint: Updating version 1.46 to version 1.60... Operation Flashpoint patch 1.60 has been applied successfully." Ok, but it installs automatically the OFPMPTEST into this path: Codemaster/ofp/ofpmptest and a folder named OFPMPTEST with a BIN file in it. So, if I try to run OFPMPTEST outside this path (and I tried that too in a separate folder with the IFC22.DLL and is3Dfx.dll files) the same problem occurs: it creates an erro report telling me that it will be sent to Microsoft. When I open the report I see this: "AppName: ofpmptest.exe AppVer: ModName: ofpmptest.exe ModVer: Offset: 00131a39" I can't understand a thing!!! Can you? Well, Tks for the help anyway. But I do hope you could reply this one. Greetings, Secco.
  4. secco

    1.60 beta version for mp

    Suchey, tks bro, at least I know I can run it under WinXP pro. Aldega I tried that, but it didn't work. I ran the program outside codemasters/ofp/... and it gave me the same message, and I copy: "Verifying Operation Flashpoint, version 1.46... Warning: No CRC information about version 1.46. Operation Flashpoint: Updating version 1.46 to version 1.60... Operation Flashpoint patch 1.60 has been applied successfully." Ok, but it installs automatically the OFPMPTEST into this path: Codemaster/ofp/ofpmptest and a folder named OFPMPTEST with a BIN file in it. So, if I try to run OFPMPTEST outside this path (and I tried that too in a separate folder with the IFC22.DLL and is3Dfx.dll files) the same problem occurs: it creates an erro report telling me that it will be sent to Microsoft. When I open the report I see this: "AppName: ofpmptest.exe AppVer: ModName: ofpmptest.exe ModVer: Offset: 00131a39" I can't understand a thing!!! Can you? Well, Tks for the help anyway. But I do hope you could reply this one. Greetings, Secco.
  5. secco

    1.60 beta version for mp

    I decided to Download the 1.60 beta version software for MP. I put it into the right file: Codemasters/ofp/file. My OS is WinXP pro, and when I double click the OFPMPTEST.exe, I can see the Flashpoint logo but then I return to desktop. There is an error report that can be sent to MS (but it doesn't tell me what the error is). Is OFPMPTEST 1.60 compatible with WinXP pro? I even tried to change the compatibility to Win95, Win98/Me, Win NT and Win 2000, but anything happened, not even an error report. CAN YOU HELP ME?
  6. secco

    1.60 beta version for mp

    I decided to Download the 1.60 beta version software for MP. I put it into the right file: Codemasters/ofp/file. My OS is WinXP pro, and when I double click the OFPMPTEST.exe, I can see the Flashpoint logo but then I return to desktop. There is an error report that can be sent to MS (but it doesn't tell me what the error is). Is OFPMPTEST 1.60 compatible with WinXP pro? I even tried to change the compatibility to Win95, Win98/Me, Win NT and Win 2000, but anything happened, not even an error report. CAN YOU HELP ME?
  7. secco

    Mp 1.60 beta (help)

    My OS is a WinXP Professional. I decided to download the 1.60 version for MP. When I run OFPMPTEST it looks like OFP will start because I can see the "logo", but all of a sudden I return to desktop. There is an error report, but it just doesn't say which error was found. Only that it will be send to MS. I tried to change the compatibility to Win95, Win98/Me, Win NT and Win 2000. Nothing happened, nor even an error report. So, can you help me? I'd like to use it. What do I have to do but cry?