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stealth squirrel

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Everything posted by stealth squirrel

  1. stealth squirrel

    Israel and palestine

    Ok theres a long-running argument going on betwenn Israel and Palesatine over some religous thing, so why do they think blowing each other up will solve it? Israel is more or less backed up by America and therefore its allies too(Britain) and Palestine has its Arab allies, the Fanatics!!so why is it considered good and holy to blow the shit out of the innocent civiians? oh i know lets blow up some jewish chicldern thatll be nice!! and vice versa, Intervention is Demanded by comman sense, obviously it cant be sorted out by themselves so a neutral must be found somewhere to mediate and sort out once and for all the diferences. otherwise one of the countries will get wiped out awith a lot of innocent casualites
  2. stealth squirrel

    Getting date in afghanistan

    Both, pity about the lice though....still cant be helped....eh i dont fancy urs much
  3. stealth squirrel


    How many times do i have to say it I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST OTHER COUNTRIES AND ITS CITIZENS...all i want is an indepoendant wales. I live on the Welsh side of the border and all the ppl i talk to want and independant wales well at least the majority do..and im not talkinn rubbisgh im tellin the truth. my generation at least the ones i know ant an independant wales.
  4. stealth squirrel

    Greece has special forces!

    I do believe that the SAS are simply the best, cue song,
  5. stealth squirrel

    There is no spoon neo.

    it should be green and red and spinning and making a kinda PHHHREEEWWWWW noise and with that song playin sung by that creepy glove puppet lamb thing>>
  6. stealth squirrel

    There is no spoon neo.

    Nah green and red induce psychosis
  7. stealth squirrel

    Getting date in afghanistan

    Cool!they are HOT!!
  8. stealth squirrel


    err im welsh not scottish...not really been payin attention have we? and yes your opinion does insult me.however it is your opinion.and your entitled to it. and could you be more specific about the schoolboy metaphor, i have a problem understanding your ramblings firstly im annoyed about ppls lack of understanding about WALES role in the UK and i HAVE been correcting ppl and i have been trying to enhance ppls knowledge. and WALES is NOT BRITAIN, Wales is Wales and everyone iv talked to thinks independance is the way to go.and it is my humble opinion that if wales were to be made independant that to enter europe would be wrong. id rather be a free but poor country then a rich but enslaved one. Freedom is after all priceless.
  9. stealth squirrel

    Which firearm are you?

    oh crap im a beretta.....thats not particularly impressive.
  10. stealth squirrel


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (IsthatyouJohnWayne @ Feb. 28 2002,15:31)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Celtic nation- my arse wales is DIFFERENT than scotland is DIFFERENT than ireland is different than england they are ALL different with intertwined but seperate histories .However unlike 'Stealth Squirrel' i think difference is something to be cherished not SPURNED and hated like a little school boy who hates the kids who are not the same as him /have a different accent etc. and the diversity makes OUR country a culturally richer and more interesting place to live  ,there is no 'celtic race' thats a load of Braveheart BS spawned romantic historical revisionist horses@it like it or not a divided Britain would be weak and subservient to a France/Germany dominated EU im half scottish and half english (i regard myself as British) and i think a broken UK would be a disasterous loss for everyone on this island would i need a passport to visit the graves of my grandfathers? F<>CK THAT! you small minded monkeys, whether Scottish, English ,Welsh or Northern Irish, we are better off TOGETHER than apart and anyone who says differently has been smoking some of the good stuff. so there.<span id='postcolor'> get a grip you sad dillyusional freak, this WAS a sensible discussion not an insulting rant, so how about you shut up and try to talk like an adult huh? secondly OBVIOUSLY wales,scotland and ireland are different...but we all deserve freedom, many years ago we were CONQUERED either through military or political means agains the peoples will and so now the people should ahve a chance at independance...AND another thing why do people think britain is england NO ITS BLOODY NOT!! people are ignorant of the heritage of the rest oif britain.and its pisses me off, my m8 went to america and hes was asked many times where hes from and every timew he said he was from the uk they answered oh so ur english then?NO NO NO.INDEPENDANCE> and if the celtic countries were given independance then we could quite easily retain it.
  11. stealth squirrel


    They must have skills, farmers,administrators why arent they put to work where they are needed?
  12. stealth squirrel


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ran @ Feb. 28 2002,14:50)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">no , i wasn't talking about alll the european crap , but your reactions about illegal immigrants are very ..... surprising<span id='postcolor'> who are you referring to?
  13. stealth squirrel

    What is the usa`s next target?

    Iraq is the logical target.Saddam has made himself a target and the Americans are itching to pull the trigger
  14. stealth squirrel


    Its just that the Celts have inhabited this island for thousands of years,Then England come along or the Saxons and seize it, thats fine, we dont want war and because of the amount of time thats passed we are too similar anyway, the english are just percieved as being the 'old enemy' and i want independance for Wales
  15. stealth squirrel


    oh dont get me wrong i have nothing against other races, but i want independance for Wales and the other remaining celtic countries
  16. stealth squirrel


    its quite simple, the uk i essentially wales,scotland ireland and england...wales,scotland and ireland share a history, we are all celtic countires, england its the odd one out, so why are we still considered the same, ireland should be united, and given independance as should wales and scotland. and it IS opression.
  17. stealth squirrel

    What's the worst it related stunt you've done?

    where it says it related pranks
  18. stealth squirrel

    What is the usa`s next target?

    thank you for enlightning me mommy.
  19. stealth squirrel


    I dont want a free united kingdom i want free celtic states.
  20. stealth squirrel

    Do not try

    LOL a jeep and 50 satchel charges,,,,,YEEEHAAA
  21. stealth squirrel

    The us has never lost a war

    The US has lost wars it is quite obvious. dont talk rubbish or you might get your posting privilages removed.......
  22. stealth squirrel

    What's the worst it related stunt you've done?

    we were in a science class and we had to set up a spreadsheet concerning the solar system,the pcs were all networked and they were 286's. and you had to have a different file for each planet. in the whole of the class only four of us were any good n computers, and i was paired with the best,so every time the other pair saved a file we logged in and changed all the planets details!!!they got it in the neck big time when we changed all the values to 666,,(it was a catholic school) LOL it was great!!
  23. stealth squirrel


    I be welsh and i am in favour of devolution.the english forcebly took over wales and i want my country back. wales,scotland and ireland deserve independance. Sheep?i have never made love to a sheep but i guess its better than being english,,,cos no-one likes you..
  24. stealth squirrel

    What is the usa`s next target?

    iraq, the evil axis country fing....
  25. stealth squirrel

    Off topic

    Please if ypu wpuld be so kind as to enlighten me, offtopic? what exactly is permitted in offtopic? im confused some peopl are allowed to post useless crap others are penalised for it...