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About skeletonkeys

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  1. skeletonkeys

    Patch downloading

    ta very much. I'm blaming the download problems on gozilla, as it appears to be shite. It found no mirrors, and said half of ur links didn't work. hmm. Anyway, i'm downloading getright now. hopefully i won't be bothering you again. Thanks, skeletonkeys.
  2. skeletonkeys

    A little favour

    Could someone host my avatar for me on their (non-geocities) website? Geocities won't let you link to an image on their server, and the only place that i could upload my avatar to would be my geocities homepage. But if someone else could upload it to their non-geocities homepage, i could link to that and it'd work. so if someone could contact me and i'll send them the gif (17KB) and they can give me the URL i need to put in for it to work. elite_keys@hotmail.com skeletonkeys
  3. skeletonkeys

    Patch downloading

    the 1.3 upgrade link doesn't work. I can't see any obvious typos either. Are you sure thats the only mirror. oh well. I got the other two upgrades fine thanks to those mirros, so thanks. skeletonkeys.
  4. skeletonkeys

    Patch downloading

    ok thanks barrysworld doesn't work but planet.nl is nice and fast. do the same mirrors apply for the other two "ultimate upgrades", just with different filenames at the end? If so what are the filenames? thanks again, skeletonkeys
  5. skeletonkeys

    Patch downloading

    errr, ok sorry. im downloading it from flashpoint1985.com and its the ultimate upgrade 1.2 skeletonkeys
  6. skeletonkeys

    Patch downloading

    errr, ok sorry. im downloading it from flashpoint1985.com and its the ultimate upgrade 1.2 skeletonkeys
  7. skeletonkeys

    Patch downloading

    Is it me or is the patch really slow to download. If anyone else has had this problem and has solved it, I would like to know how. Thanks, skeletonkeys
  8. skeletonkeys

    Patch downloading

    Is it me or is the patch really slow to download. If anyone else has had this problem and has solved it, I would like to know how. Thanks, skeletonkeys