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About snowdawg

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  1. snowdawg


    Trackir throttle   G15 Keyboard  X-52 Joystick  mouse Have had Trackir for about 2 years now. Won't fly without it.
  2. snowdawg

    Joystick preference?

    I have both the EVO and the X-52 sticks by Saitek. Both are good, but if your in to flight sims, the X-52 is the way to go.
  3. snowdawg

    Setting up a joystick

    Hey Adam Run the X-52 without a profile. Just use default Joystick setting from the game.  you will have to setup your throttle though. Increase thrust should say   stick Z- Axis Decrease thrust should say  stick Z+ Axis The rest should read Bank left     X- Axis Bank right    X+ axis Left pedal     Z- Rotate Right pedal    Z+ Rotate Nose down    Y-Axis Nose up      Y+ Axis This is what my buttons are set to Trigger or #1     fire Fire button or #2   next target A button or #3    Toggle weapons B button or #4 is free at the moment C button  or #5    auto hover D button on throttle or # 7  is   zoom in This may or may not work for you  I find them handy Also if you find the joystick to sensitive you can readup on this http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....itivity good luck
  4. I am running a microsoft sidewinder joystick and have no trouble with rudders.