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Everything posted by swatsniper13

  1. hi, im kinda new at this so i was wondering hwo you end the intro? besides pressing esc. i am making it in the mission editor and not scripted.........
  2. swatsniper13

    this may be a dumb question but...

    thanx, i got it working now.yea, i would like to use scripts but im still working on the basics also, for the briefing, i kknow i write it in html but where do i save it? do i save in my ofp/users/mission/mission? and do i save it as briefing html?
  3. swatsniper13

    this may be a dumb question but...

    is that all you do?
  4. swatsniper13

    Preview: Civilian Pack - 20 New Vehicles

    looks good..... why does everyone ask for a SDK SDK stand for SOFTWARE DEVOLOPING KIT we dont want to devlop software, we want flashpoint to be compatible witha builder like 3d Studio Max...
  5. swatsniper13

    Devil is saw a bunker of yours

    lol, notice how you ALWAYS respond to a post by, or concerning Devil?? what are you a stalker??............
  6. swatsniper13


    eyes, i talking about the post about devils naked lady
  7. swatsniper13


    some one needs to be 18 to get internet access for porn sites huh? just foolin with you..............
  8. swatsniper13

    CRIMECITY research

    ummm i am sure you mean the terrorists are lower than gangs right? i mean, gangs dont fly planes in to the WTC Twin Towers, killing thousands of people.......... Oh yea weapons how about the MP5 Room Broom? you know the little machine gun pistol? or a Ingram for the baddies.......
  9. swatsniper13

    Where can I get.......

    thanx i guys, i got the Pave hawk at Vega's site...
  10. swatsniper13

    Where can I get.......

    Is there a UH-60 blackhawk that is the special operations version? If so, can give me the site??