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About sonic

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    Private First Class
  1. sonic

    Requisite of models...

    Thanks... If you need a "beta tester" of your tutorial just contact me on ICQ (1632214) so I can give you some suggestion.
  2. Ok.. Now (after browsing posts and posts) I know how to import .3DS in Oxygen, how to make a polygon, a cube and an M16 (and a little bird told me that you must enable "View normals" in Options to see them) and I know what are the LODs.... But.. Which are the requisite of a models, i.e. a plane or a car? I guess I can read all the commented config.cpp to find out it by myself, but it would make me go mad! Every LOD in an object has many Named Selections... I guess you can't name "Pippo" the selection "proxy:jeepcodriver.01" and "Paperino" the selection "Component41"... Also, the selection "Volant" (the steering_wheel) is there because it is needed by OFP engine or just because the disigner didn't want anyone would think it's a donut? And do these Named Selection require a particolar shape? (i.e. proxy should be a 3 vertex face, "tlumic" singles vertex) So the question is, I can't make just a box with four wheels and expect it to move in OFP... what does it need my box to work? Could someone (an angel) take a simple .P3D (PLEASE SUMA AND MARUK! GIVE USE A JEEPPPPPPP!!!! and explain the meaning of every named selection? (Commented jeep.P3D) Thanks to everyone who care my questions!!!! Bye
  3. sonic


    handgun are a Must,
  4. too specific question? or do my English is good as was good the one spoken by E.T.???? sorry...
  5. why nobody ever answer to my questions??
  6. If I would have my mines in any arry I would try to find them in and to delete or at least to meve them away... But the problem is that mines and similar dows not activate any trigger I know... I tried also to group together a trigger and a mine, (as I did to get a trigger activated by a static house) but that trigger is not yet activated by anyone! My problem is to remove mine placed by players... If there isn't any way to solve this please Suma, would you mind to implement some commands that research all game objects (I don't know what kind of container do you use for games object, does the language you use for OPF is C/C++?)  and returns Array whit all the object that respond to specific condition? When you use "thislist" in a trigger or "list Triggername" anywhere I suppose the game search all the units (of te same side of  the activationBy field, any unit (but not weapons ) which are whitin the coordinates of the trigger.... Is such different to make a   list "type" command that return all units of that type or a   list "condition" (ex.  list "side _x == civilian") that return an array with all _x for wich condition is true....? or maybe something similar... which would be easy to implement! Remember the problem of getting weapons object!!! Thank you all and thank you Suma if you take care od these words! (if you prefer you can send me the code and I can try to add these commands... dehehihohoh!  ) Bye! ------------------------------------ sonic@ngi.it
  7. Hi, I'm making a MP mission, based on the "real paintball" model, (you are respawned out of the game area until next round begins) I got some problems... first of all, the mission crash to windows! Why? after lot of researches I find that the game goes on when I disable AI whit unit disableAI "Area" for both "Target" and "Autotarget" areas... so... the mission editing goes on (because I'm making it for players... I decided to accept the compromise of stupids AI! :-) the second problem happend when I decided to try hitting the West APC whit 8 units in, named W1 W2 ...W8, with an RPG! Boom! so the round should restart... alle the units die... the script wait for all units alive after respawn... @ (alive E1 OR E1!=E1) AND(alive E2 OR E2!=E2) ...... AND(alive W7 OR W7!=W7) AND(alive W8 OR W8!=W8) for each unit, but the game stop... because W1 disapper! looks at the screen shot, the hint show the name and the status (alive or not) of alle the units in the game; looks what happend after shoting with RPG, Bho!?!?!? :-) then... in the end I'll show what happend using the moveincargo for a group, looks what the commander ( W1 :-) ) see for the other units in his group inside the APC, they are all APC! Ok, I konw I made a lot of errors writing in english this time, but I'm tired this night and frustrated I didn't made things working... maybe Tomorrow I'll edit this post to correct syntax error! good night!
  8. sonic

    Internet connection sharing

    thanks... can you tel me a way to open ports? also the way to enable winsock proxy? or a name of a real proxy server that supports winsock? Thank you very much!
  9. Hi all! I use Internet connection sharing in my home... I have 2 PC... I have this problem... When ICS is enabled I cannot connect to my favourite server... at I use win 2000, OFP version 1.42, and the server runs the standalone dedicated server version 1.42... it is strange because I can successfully connect to some other server (same version) and I can connect to ALL server from the other PC in my lan... The modem is installed on the PC which cannot connect to So... the problem is mine or do I have to tell the server administrator to reinstall everything on the main server??? Thanks!
  10. sonic

    Throttle Control

    suma... could the fordward/reverse throttle option be set on the options both for Planes and Choppers? also... could I make you some question about programming games in general? (where do I may begin?...) Thanks!
  11. Does it is correct if I set respawn to 3 and respawndelay to 9999 in the description.ext and I respawn/resurrect units by my own with unit setDammage 0 (yes... the corpse disappear I know, but it's ok for me) If use respawn value different value of respawn the game end when the player is killed, and If I use smaller value of respawndelay I get a resurrected unit alive controlled by myself until respawndelay expires, and I find myself in te new respawned unit ...with a M16 or AK47!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Does anybody had already used this metod??
  12. sonic

    CreateUnit Bug/Missing function

    " should the setIdentity give him the name ? setIdentity SoldierOne " No, because the command setIdentity need the "person" (which is an Object, check the command reference) to work, if the createunit command does return "Nothing" and not an "Object", using your syntax you just give that identity to "Nothing"... so you maybe would kill "Nothing" with setdammage command.... There is also another big bug you are in: a setIdentity b is Incorrect, because b is not an "identity" (check the command reference... "identity" is a STRING) in the way you use b it seem to be any undeclared variable, and an undelared variable would work only as leftvalue of the command "=" bye!
  13. Desert Island REALPAINTBALL respawn! Does not work for me.... I'm trying to get a respawn like REAL PAINTBAL on desert island.... So I made my script... I have something like this: it wait until any unit is respawned and then it remove all the weapon from that... @(alive _aP) removeAllWeapons _aP; but that condition never become true because after unit is respawned, _ap still point to the corpse of the unit! in fact, before respawn condition (alive player) is "false" (alive _aP) is "false" and (name _ap) is "sonic" (my name ) and after respawn (alive player) is "true" (alive _aP) is "false" (name _ap) is "No Unit" That does not seem to happend in Real paintball... in which variables R1 etc. seems to point everytime to player... Anyone (maye the Realpaintball creator) could help me?
  14. sonic

    Dedicated server question:

    when you play a mission, on a dedicated server, without param1 and param2 default in the donfig file for the server, which are the defoult value? I also want to ask if is it possible to get on a dedicated server the same windows for chosing param1 and param2 you get when you play multiplayer missions on a non-dedicated server game... so chose every time how long should last the mission... thanks!
  15. Dear Friends, I've just bought OFP: Gold Update... I live in Italy, so I bought the italian version.... So I open the the box and... TADA! the strategy guide is only in Spanish!!!! I can read English... (and Italian, of course) but not Spanish! Anyone else got this surprise? Thank you! bye