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Everything posted by silverdragon

  1. How create a full close sandbag bunker, Pilboxs, machine gun fighting position, trenchs, observation post, outposts, covered sheltet, covered trenchs, and recess to make realistic defensive possicions I use sandbags, but the lag is high, a example: http://www.comando111.com/Flashpo....nes.jpg this is a little forticication, no work properly, but is very funny. Any aid, help or sugerence to make this more great by light lag, or any script? more news to the front
  2. I have problems to create a soviet motorized infantry battalion. need more weapons and equip. this equip is lost in the game (with this simbol "(+)"): infantry squad (3 for platton,9 for company 27 for battalion): Standard office pistol: PM(+)......................1 AK-74..........................................................6 Standard LMG Squad: RPK-74(+)................2 40mm under grenade lancher: BG-15.........2 ATGL: RPG-7V(+).........................................1 ATRL: RPG-18/22(+)....................................2 Night vision Goggles...................................2 Night vision Sight (Small Arms)(+)...............1 Radio, VHF, ManPack, Low Power(?)...........1 Weapons Scuad (1 for platoon, 3 for company, 9 for battalion) PM(+)..........................................................5 Ak74............................................................4 PKM.............................................................3 40 mm BG-15...............................................1 ATGM: RPG-7V(+).........................................2 Night Vision Goggles....................................1 Night Vision Sight(Small Arms)(+).................1 Night Vision Sight(MG)(+).............................3 Radio, VHF, Manpack,Low-Power(?).............1 Mortal platoon (60mm) (1 for company, 3 for battalion) 60-mm Mortar, Light(+)..................................3 AK74.............................................................12 40mm BG-15..................................................2 ATRL, RPG-18/22(+).......................................6 Night-Vision-Goggles.....................................4 Night Vision Sight (Small Arms)(+).................3 Radio, VHF; Manpack, Low Power(?).............5 Weaponws Company (1 for battalion) 1 Mortal platoon, 1 SAM platoon, 1 antitank platoon and a AGL platoon 82 mm, mortar, M1937(+)..............................3 Sam, Shoulder fired........................................9 ATGM, Manpack, AT-7/Saxhorn(+)..................3 73mm Recoilless Gun, SPS-9(+)......................2 PM(+)............................................................20 AK-74............................................................66 40mm BG-15...................................................4 30mm Automatic Grenade Lancher AGS-17(+).6 ATGM, RPG-7V(+).............................................3 ATRL, RPG-18/22(+).........................................2 Rangefinder(+)................................................1 Periscope(+)....................................................1 Collimator(+)...................................................3 Night Vision Sight (AGL)(+)..............................6 Night Vision Sight (Small Arms)(+)..................12 VHF, Manpack, Low-Power(?).........................13 VHF, Portable, Very Low Power(+)...................4 signal platoon(1 for battalion) ACV. BTR (R-145BM)(+).....................................1 PM(+)................................................................1 AK-74..............................................................13 Truck Utility........................................................1 Truck Light.........................................................1 Van, Signal(+)....................................................1 Night Vision Goggles (Driver)(+)........................3 Night Vision Sight (Small Arms)(+).....................2 VHF, Manpack, Low power(?).............................3 VHF. Vehicule Mount, Medium Power(+).............2 HF; Vehicle Mount, Medium power(+).................1 HF/VHF Vehicle Mount, Medium-Power(+)...........1 Suppkly & Service platoon (1 for battalion) PM(+)..................................................................1 AK-74................................................................19 ATRL, RPG-18/22(+)............................................1 Truck, Light.........................................................6 Truck, Medium(+)................................................2 Van, Kitchen(+)...................................................1 Ambulance(+).....................................................1 Trailer, Cargo, 2-Axle(+)......................................1 Trailer, Kitchen(+)................................................3 Trailer, POL (4200 liter)(+)...................................1 Trailer, Water (900 or 1200 liter)(+)....................1 Night Vision Goggles (Driver)(+)...........................2 Night Vision Sight (Small Arms)(+)........................4 VHF, Manpack, Low-Power(?)...............................1 How create this equip? Have tutorials? Have tools? How create mods? All equip in this list is show in the WorldWide Equip Guide and que FM 100-63 of the American Army
  3. silverdragon

    Soviet Infantry Motorized Batallion

    Jamesia in this mission the lag is Light to moderate, but the game is playable.
  4. silverdragon

    Soviet Infantry Motorized Batallion

    this is two screenshots of the mission (beta) 1: <a href="http://www.comando111.com/Flashpoint/Imagenes/Screenshots/fortificaciones.jpg I" target="_blank">http://www.comando111.com/Flashpo....jpg I</a> have in the sandbag bunker, the photo show a secound trench, the comunication trench (simulate), the frontline trench, and two fighting pisition, a sandbag pilbox and to the left a LMG posicion, the trench has 200-300 meters long and 150 meters depth, in two lines, but the lag is cautions. In the horizon, has 2 Antiarmour Blocks to fix the enemy. 2: <a href="http://www.comando111.com/Flashpoint/Imagenes/Screenshots/defensa%20por%20cojontes_1.jpg In" target="_blank">http://www.comando111.com/Flashpo....pg In</a> this image, i use the binoculars to track the enemy aproach, this force is only a 1/3 of enemy assault, the force is a USA infantry platton, (4 groups os infantry squads (~34 soldiers, 9 people each) 3 squads, 1 support MG squad, and de platoon HQ) the assault force is a infantry company (~120 soldiers). happy new year
  5. silverdragon

    Soviet Infantry Motorized Batallion

    I make a lot of editor test to calibrate the maximun object in a mission. 1000 peoples create a horrible lag and the game is very short in more aspects. the motorized batallion is posible, but scatered in groups and a earthwork to create fortifications, bunkers, tank driftch has imposible, nothing of a battallion defense fronline posicion: Any help? More equip is lost: Medium truks, trailers, support waponws, artillery, Radio command Nets, Logistic, supporr, etc. Any addon? i make only a defensive posicion, but no worlk properly. a lot of Sandbags (simulate Trencks), any help? my last opcion is use all scrips and addons in internet to make the game more realistic, s**t. BIS, make the patch 1.50, to make more realistic the game please. more news to the front
  6. silverdragon

    Russian Add-ons? Please?!

    Hi people Others addons and interesting equipment to the rusian infantry: - AGS17 30mm automatic grenade lancher, a cool suport weaponw - SPG-9 71mm recoillers gun a big punch to the tanks and enemy troops - B-10 82mm recoillers gun - B-11 107mm recoillers gun - RPG-7V other AT weaponw - RPG-18/22 the Soviet LAW - RPO/LPO a COOL weaponw, a rocket NAPAL launcher - ZPU-4 AAA Heavy machinegun - ZU-23 other AAA gun
  7. silverdragon

    CAnt get 1.40 working

    My problems has in the instalation procedures: -The mision B01, B02 and B03 has corrupted or modifiqued(?), go out and no continue the instalation. What is this? Help, please.
  8. umm, More efective: - artillery shells with VX - Antrax - Mapping Tool"l Nuclear Warheads and all destroyed all people destroyed.
  9. This is my sugerences: 1) Realistic Ranks and troops organization (Platoons, Companies, batalions) 2) More Support Weaponws (ATGM "AT Grenade Lanchers", AT Recoilers Guns, Heavy MG, Light MG, ATGM "Tow, Dragon, Hot") 3) AAA Weaponws (ZU-23, Bofords 40mm, 2S6, SA-11, ZPU-4) 4) Realistic Logistic 5) Realistic Enginer, Make Fortifications, Trenchs, and AP Mines 6) Realistic Balistic and Explosions 7) Mortars, Artillery and Rockets Support 8) More Transport and armored Vehicles (BTR, BMD, Truck 5Tons, and Briding and Breaching equipment) 9) Sidearms (Pistols, Knifes, Ballonets) 10) Realistic ammo and equipment load, (the rusian soldier carry a AK74, 10 Magazines, and Other equipment, the US version equal)
  10. silverdragon

    Interesting OFP facts

    Sorry people, but in the editor 2 the guard houses in Everon has Letrines More news to the front
  11. silverdragon

    2 questions to make missions

    Thanks vitoal125 for the information.
  12. hello everybody 1- How create briefings and debriefings 2- How change in the briefings equipment, the ammo configuration and add more equipmens selectable Sorry, my english is a s**t. I am Spanish (Canary Islands) More news to the front
  13. silverdragon

    Soldier classes - Need more info

    Other imposible in opf, people: Realistic combat load to soviet soldiers: Infantry squad: --------------------- Organization: Squad leader..............: AK-74 Machinegunner (x2)....: RPK-74 Rifleman(x5)................: AK-74 Grenadier....................: RPG-7V/PM Squad Equipment: PM...........................................................: 1 AK-74......................................................: 6 RPK-74....................................................: 2 Under-Barrel Grenade Launcher BG-15...: 2 ATGL, RPG-7V..........................................: 1 ATRL, RPG-18/22.....................................: 2 Night Vision Gloggles..............................: 1 Night Vision Sight (small arms)...............: 1 Radio, VHF, Manpack, Low power...........: 1 Standard Weaponw load: ej: weapong: bullets (ammo clips or recharges when aplicable) AK-74........: 300 (10) RPK-74......: 320 (10) BG-15........: 10 (10) RPG-7V......: 5 (5) RPG-18/22.: 1 (N/A, disposable) all information has extract of field manual FM-100-63 and the WEG (Worldwide equipment guide). To make a realistic scuad in OPF: 1 Officer (nocturne equipment) 1 rifleman 2 RPG soldier 2 Grenadier 1 AT Soldier 2 machinegunner (no RPK-74) this equipment no have grenades or other equipment more news to the front
  14. silverdragon


    Oh sorry Wrote post
  15. silverdragon


    This vehicle is a AAVTP-7 standard marine landing armored transport vehicle (all amphivious capacity) launcher of the LPD Landing transport. Carry 20 marines and your armament is: a MG and a Grenade lancher in the commander turret, a a smoke lancher in the both side of the vehicle, and reactive armour. more notices of the front
  16. silverdragon

    Will some one please make me an anti tank gun!

    I have information of modern antitank gun to the soviet/Rusian army in 1960 to tomorrow Name Caliber DofI MaxRng MaxRng(with ATGM) ZIL-3 75mm 1942 1000m N/A D-44 85mm 1942 1500m N/A MT-12 100mm 1972 3000m 5000m (AT10) 2A45M 125mm 1980 3000m 5000m (AT11) DofI: Date of Introduction More news to the front. ........
  17. silverdragon

    Will some one please make me an anti tank gun!

    Hi desantnik Iam in your equal situation. Mi motorized batallion, has no recoillers, mortar, ATGL or ATGM support, the game is very sort in this aspect, i join to you need, but is very hard make this if we no counter by help o tools for this.
  18. silverdragon

    Soviet Infantry Motorized Batallion

    Hi everybody: New time to the proyect I use some unofficial addons to create te batallion Can you help to simulate 60mm mortar file? What script use to create this? I check the game when a batle into infantry companies, (200 soldiers), 1 USA infantry company and a Rusian motorized infantry company, great battle, but no mortar assistance, no recoillerss guns. My subsecuente target is create a full battallion and engage in battle to other adversary battalion, and create a breifing, debreifing, and cut scenes. Gunner, open fire!
  19. silverdragon

    Soviet Infantry Motorized Batallion

    Need this equip: Can you help me? Standard office pistol: PM Standard LMG Squad: RPK-74 ATGL: RPG-7V ATRL: RPG-18/22 60-mm Mortar, Light Night vision Sight (Small Arms) Night Vision Sight (MG) This equip is esencial to create realistic battles in 1985, any help? Gunner, Open Fire!
  20. silverdragon

    Soviet Infantry Motorized Batallion

    hi everibody. No the end,the proyect continue I create a battle intro infantry platoons, Russia forward defense posicion Vs Usa atacks Win Russia with moderade losses and USA Retreat with heavy losses the battle is 100% realistic, all personal, and all equip (with restrictions in the equip), but very funny my next objetive, battle into companys, a Usa infantry company atack a Russia fortifiqued company posicion in this fist phase only cover foot troops, no motoriced or armored troops. To the next news report of the front Open fire!
  21. silverdragon

    Soviet Infantry Motorized Batallion

    hi hmm i see with this proyect is imposible, ok the end wait to Operation Flashpoint 2 bye, and thanks