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Everything posted by sgtdwetzel

  1. sgtdwetzel

    Armored Transport

    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from Jamesia on 10:59 pm on Dec. 5, 2001 I love the BMP though. It is probably my favourite tank. It can float, it can transport troops, it looks really cool AND it can be used on the front line. HAIL THE BMP!!! <span id='postcolor'> Jamesia.... I hate to burst your bubble, but the BMP is not a tank. It is VERY lightly armored: "The BMP has relatively thin armor, with a maximum thickness of 19 millimeters in the hull and 23 millimeters in the turret" "The vehicle is extremely vulnerable to ATGM and tank fire" "...penetration anywhere on the vehicle will normally result in a mobility, firepower, or personnel kill." - all from US Army FM 100-2-3 page 5-33 You want realism....I think they got is about right with the BMP
  2. sgtdwetzel

    Arent the Germans great?

    I can't believe you all left out the most important contribution of the Germans....... BEER !!!!! <-----I'm German descent myself (maybe why I like beer so much?? LOL)
  3. LOL...you brought back old memories with this post Living in tent city....open bay latrines....dealing with railhead/vehicle draw & turn-in. I remember prepping in the dust bowl...one of the tanks we drew ruptured a fuel cell...dumped about 60-70 gallons of diesel in the sand. We dug for almost 2 days before they said "enough" d*amn good training tho.... ...from a former 3/3 ACR trooper(when they were still at Ft Bliss)
  4. sgtdwetzel

    Why is there an M-60?

    The M60 was the mainstay tank for the US Marines in the GULF. With the M900 APFSDS DU round(we used to call it "SuperSabot" or "The Silver Bullet") AND, with ERA upgrades, the M60 is still a pretty decent tank. The M60 has two advantages over the M1... 1 - Running a conventional diesel engine, it gets better fuel mileage 2 - It is a better DEFENSIVE tank than the M1. What I mean by that is by using a gunners quadrant, you can set it up almost as as mobile artillery. The M60 isn't a bad tank....its just that the M1 is better.
  5. http://www.ofpeditingcenter.com/
  6. sgtdwetzel

    I\'m sorry..I know it\'s been said before...

    ...and I just noticed you hail from the land that is warmer than here right now LOL Trade ya...it hurt to put the golf clubs away for the winter :-)
  7. BIS and Codemasters.......... Your netcode and multiplayer format plain sucks. Great game...can't wait until you fix it.
  8. sgtdwetzel

    I\'m sorry..I know it\'s been said before...

    Suma...Frag...I know you are both right.... It's just frustration coming out....this is actually the first FPS I have ever enjoyed enough to buy...and I still play it often... I enjoy sims over all else...and this is one of the better ones. I just wish it was possible to play it over 56Krap. The local cable company here (Adelphia Cable) is not known for the most reliable connections - lots of teething probs - thats why I'm stuck on dialup. As soon as they get straight...you will not see me bi*ching any more about MP probs(hopefully LOL)
  9. sgtdwetzel

    I could settle for no JIP.....

    ...the #vote option. For the next patch please PLEASE make it available to only players currently in the mission, not to everyone that is on the server. Tried to play this past weekend....would get ready to enter a mission.....and would go back to the vote missions option because people not in the game were crying too loud(voted "#vote missions") and kicked everyone back. I am all for getting everybody playing MP...but it was getting ridiculous. It took literally 40 minutes to get a game going. And several times we would get 2-3 minutes into a mission......and the vote would bring us back to the vote missions screen AGAIN !!!!!!!!! C'mos guys.....if I don't get there in time, I wait. Have some courtesy.....
  10. sgtdwetzel

    I\'m sorry..I know it\'s been said before...

    I should have been a little bit more specific on my bi*ch.... My complaint is more towards the approach that BIS took to multiplayer... I was on last night trying to play. GameSpy is just too GD slow, and the Eye didn't have a single game OL that was waiting for players. My only option was GS..... Keep in mind here, I'm only on 56Krap.... I play other games OL, mostly Nascar Racing 4. Sierra uses their own MP servers, and I (almost) NEVER have any problems. With OFP - lag with only 4-6 players is TOO common. With Nascar4 - 32 player races are the norm, and there are plenty of servers that run 42 players !!!!!! I normally get pings of 129-192 on Nascar4 (on 56K!!!!!)....and the lowest I have EVER seen on OFP are in the high 300-low 400 range. I know, I know.....join MP playing direct IP....but I still have pings in the 300-400 range, even then... When I posted this last night - I was very frustrated. I tried to get in just 1 friggin game - I was OL trying to play for over an hour, and did not play once. It's just frustrating when 1 game-maker gets it VERY right.....and another just doesn't.....
  11. sgtdwetzel

    editing other player missions?

    Now...I am not an OFP editing guru - just a thought here... Why not take the file and drop it in your "users/*yournamehere*" folder??? I DO NOT KNOW IF THIS WILL WORK. But when you create a mission and want to play it in SP, the game basically does the same thing in reverse.....
  12. sgtdwetzel

    Avon\'s Powder-Dry Rollon Mission Pack Version 1.0

    Actually I prefer stick to roll-on...... Sorry - bad joke. I can't wait to get home from work and try it
  13. sgtdwetzel

    I could settle for no JIP.....

    It was on 007's ..... I don't know if the threshold can be changed - I have never hosted (56Krap LOL)....hopefully it can, if not by the host, then in the next patch.
  14. sgtdwetzel

    Group help.....

    Mercutio....thanks for the help - got it to work, but its a little weird.... Tried your suggestion......it DOES work, but for some reason, you can't put waypoints for the chopper and the troops in the same spot. If you do, chopper just flies in and leaves. I have a "get out" WP for the troops, and a "transport unload" for the chopper. I don't know why it does it...Im not arguing - it doens't really effect the mission. Thanks
  15. Now...please be gentle...I'm new at trying to design missions..... What I am doing is setting a Blackhawk w/squad on a radio trigger to come in as reinforcements. Everything works great....Blackhawk comes in, troopies get out, Blackhawk flies out.............. But now what?? I have tried assigning waypoints to the group to move....chopper doesnt drop troops. I'm kinda stuck here... I know its prob a VERY simple thing I need to do, but like I told you...I'm still learning.... Thanks in advance....
  16. sgtdwetzel

    Trouble moving units

    Have you tried to click(I think it its..its right at the top) the "Move" window in the create waypoint screen??? When you do - it pulls down different types of waypoints you can choose. Make their last waypoint "seek and destroy" that should do it
  17. sgtdwetzel

    NOTICE!!! about 1.30!!

    AvonLady...... If you set your Swap File to different sizes...you are not making a difference between that and letting Windows manage your swapfile. Windows still has to take up memory and MHz to decide what size to make the file. Best ting to do is make your min and max the same sixe....usually 4-5x your RAM is sufficient.
  18. sgtdwetzel


    I am trying to learn how to write these GD scripts...I'm getting ready to pull my hair out. I'm putting a mission together right now...a beach assault...and what I am trying to do is to get an A-10 perform CAS in support of the mission. I am trying to tie the plane into the mission with a trigger. What I am doing is setting the A10 way out on the map, on the ground with no fuel....when the trigger is hit, I have scripted a setpos of same position + 100m of altitude, and a flyinheight of 100. Before those I also give the A10 a full fuel load(I forget the exact scripting, but the fuel part does work. I run the mission...hit the trigger....and NOTHING. Plane doesn't even start..... What am I doing wrong/not doing/ forgetting??
  19. sgtdwetzel


    Its not just that tho.....I tried to run a test mission.....placed myself about 100m from the A10...tied the script to a global trigger....and nothing happened. I even tied music to the trigger just to make sure the trigger was being tripped......music played....and the A10 just sat there. Pilot asleep?? LOL My question now is......nowhere in all the tutorials I have d/l and printed (printer is STILL smokin LOL) is there a listing of actions???
  20. sgtdwetzel

    M2A2 Bradley problems

    I agree with pretty much all that was said - gamewise.....but I have to give a tanker's viewpoint on a few of the FAS comments.... 1 - Yes...the TOW2 is a very deadly weapon, and it is good out to 4000M.....BUT - flight time is a killer. Â Flight time for a TOW at standard engagement distance is in the range 15-17 SECONDS. Â AND...it has to be guided to the target by the gunner. Â In 15 seconds, I can have 4(possibly 5) main gun rounds hitting your position. Â And that is just from 1 tank - standard element is 4 tanks. Â AND - being optically guided...human error is magnified because of the flight time. Â I watched 4 TOW's get fired last year at 2500m targets.....2 hits. 2 - The Bradley did very well in the desert to keep up with the M1A1's.....but I can tell you from experience - in rough terrain, they CANNOT keep up. Â Plus....you really POUND the troops you have in the back. Aaron - the AT-5 is pretty much worthless on the battlefield, and has been since early 80's. Not enough penetration, shorter range(3000m),and VERY slow(200m/sec). Just my personal opinions and experiences here - but we call the Bradley the "Aluminium Coffin" (Edited by sgtdwetzel at 3:47 pm on Nov. 20, 2001)
  21. sgtdwetzel

    I demand accuracy

    Hehehehehe....... K....unless the ghillie(?) suit masks your IR signature...don't come within 2k of me I'm VERY anal with my gunner when it comes to boresight/zero my M240 GUNNER: I think I see something out there...pretty hot too.... TC: No friendlies to our front - shoot it up .........from your friendly neighborhood CDAT
  22. sgtdwetzel

    Nexts addons

    Instead of adding all this other stuff.....how about we have them concentrate on faults that are already there: - THROWING GRENADES Why, when laying prone, do you stand up to throw a grenade and expose yourself to fire?? Correct it to an over-the-head toss and not as much range - BUILDINGS Why can't we go into every building? - MEDICS Every US Army soldier carries bandages for first aid. Why not the option of getting under cover, and "Apply Field Dressing to Wound"?? - EMPTY WEAPONS Ability to drop empty weapons(addressed MANY times before) - M203 The M16 w/M203 mounted has its own independant sight for firing grenades...where is it?? - M1A1 I'm not even gonna go there(I've been a M1A1 tanker for the last 11 years...many faults there) Just my 2 cents here
  23. sgtdwetzel

    I demand accuracy

    Now...if you get all that for your Brad...I want this for my tank.... - tankers out making coffee/drying sleeping bags/just staying warm in the turbine exhaust(and if we do that, you must have the grunts BEGGING us tankers to keep the tank running so they can get warm too LOL) - tankers making hooches when it rains - tanks going down from clogges fuel filters and if you get MILES....so do I - and I want my Hoffman device LOL
  24. sgtdwetzel

    Word on the street:  Crewmen too weak!

    To all.... The most modern designs of ERA is pretty much impervious to small arms fire and artillery shrapnel. It doesn't detect anything coming towards it....what ERA is is pretty much high explosive sandwiched between steel plate. As the round hits the outside plate, the pressure sets off the detonator and throws that outside plate towards the incoming round. Against a HEAT round, it disrupts the explosive jet, thereby reducing its effectiveness. It is less effective against SABOT because of the rounds velocity, but on oblique hits (hitting at 30+ degrees relative to the armor), it reduces the chance of a solid hit to the armor. US armor does not use it because of the weight penalty. The Soviet's used it to reinforce their lightly armored tanks....the T-80 weighs almost 20 tons LESS than the M1A1
  25. Does it matter on the spacing between commands while editing scripts?? I am new at working with scripts, but am fairly computer literate. Any help would be appreciated.....thanx in advance.