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About sgtdwetzel

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. sgtdwetzel

    Episode ii spoiler thread

    The biggest arguement I have is the way that Jengo dies. When he fights Obi-Wan in space and on the ground, he fights the way a merc would fight - with everything he has, and fighting to win. When he gets cut down by Mace - all he does is stand there like a deer in the headlights. You would think that a merc would realize that he was in a losing position, and GET THE HELL OUTTA THERE..... I do like the way that he portrayed the Jedi....not invincible, just very VERY good at what they do - and some better at it than others.
  2. sgtdwetzel


    </span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (denoir @ May 09 2002,21:55)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Tank gunners are not known to be very bright <span id='postcolor'> I gotta take offense to this......some of us CDAT's aren't anywhere NEAR as dim as some of those 11Bulletstoppers j/k.....about the bulletstopper part at least LOL
  3. sgtdwetzel

    Soldier of fortune

    Not really a secret what US soldiers make(easy to find on the web), so here's what I get: BASE PAY(E6 over 10 years): $2337.30 BAS(food allowance): $ 262.50 BAH(housing): $630.60 Plus a clothing allowance every year of around $400 Best part is the only taxable income is the base pay - the BAH and BAS are compensations due to the fact there is no housing or mess hall at my duty station
  4. sgtdwetzel

    Jedi knight outcast

    Yea...thats why I like to no Force duels LOL I get sick and tired of trying to get a good duel going(especially in the FFA servers).....and have someone do that to me....just seems a little cheap to me
  5. sgtdwetzel

    What do you want to see in the next patch?

    OK..how about 1 - new netcode(PLEASE !!!!!!! 2 - main gun stabilization on the tanks 3 - new maps 4 - smoke grenades for the M203 I'll think of more later, I'm sure
  6. sgtdwetzel

    Ok, i need a cat name..

    Uther(sp?) Pendragon - father of King Arthur
  7. sgtdwetzel

    Jedi knight outcast

    Try multiplayer....key to the sabre only, no Force power duels. Almost pulled me away from OFP
  8. sgtdwetzel

    Lbe or lbv

    I can't comment on the vest(we use LBE)...and as a tanker, the first thing we do is take off the LBE when we climb on the vehicle The LBV looks a little limiting compared to the LBE....if you are wearing your flak jacket and rucksack, how are you supposed to access any equipment?? With the LBE, everything is pretty much accessible on the belt and shoulder straps. I can see the advantage of the vest being to spread the weight better - but if you wear the LBE correctly, all the weight is on your shoulders anyway.... Same as a tanker - we go into combat wearing a spall vest, balaclava, nomex, cooling vest, and shoulder hoster. There's not enough room in the tank to wear all that crap the way it is....and they want to add another vest on top of it all???
  9. sgtdwetzel

    Bis: age-old tank glitches everyone hates

    2 rebuttals..... Wobble - it's not the gun smoke that blinds the crew - its the dirt/ground lifting from the compression of the main gun firing. If you want to be more realistic, you would have so much dust that framerates would drop to nothing. advocatexxx - IMHO, the tank speed is too SLOW. I have been in M1A1 Heavy's(68 tons) that have been able to do close to 50mph. The governors are not electronic - they are mechanical. You get good hull mechanics that know what they are doing....you can pretty much go as fast as you want. The uphill speed is WAY too slow also. Yes, a 60 degree grade slows it to a crawl, but it seems that BIS modeled the M1 performance after a truck - you take the slightest grade, and you slow down. Doesn't happen that way...
  10. sgtdwetzel

    Installed mods

    How did you get Satchels' mod to work with 1.46 I have had to re-install twice after trying to get it to work....
  11. sgtdwetzel

    Installed mods

    How did you get Satchels' mod to work with 1.46 I have had to re-install twice after trying to get it to work....
  12. sgtdwetzel

    Hit 3 years today

    Congrats 11B....stick with it. I still wonder if I should have gone your route instead of the one that I took. Thought about SF and all the hoowah stuff when I came in....and became a CDAT instead LOL 11+ years on tanks = hundreds of scars on hands/elbows/knees/head, 3 knee surgeries, bad back.....but it's still fun Nothing beats the feeling of that 120mm....anything I can see within 4000m is TOAST Just gotta bust balls for a sec tho..........HEY CRUNCHIE...GET OUTTA THE WAY !!!! LOL
  13. sgtdwetzel

    Do t-80's have a faster reload time?

    All Soviet-built tanks since the T-62 have been auto loader. The 2 big drawbacks are that if your mechanical loader goes "tits up", manual reloading is VERY slow....and the fact that you only have a 3 man crew. Ether - you are right on the spot about the breech having to be in a specific position to re-load, but that is an automatic process. It is very similar to what is on the Abrams - "elevation uncouple". What happens is after the round is fired, and the main gun is placed on safe, the gun is brought to 0 elevation to make it easier for the loader to reload. While this is going on, the ballistic computer still keeps the gunner's sights on the target. He is still able to lase and track targets, but cannot fire. After the main gun is reloaded and armed, the gun returns to match the sights. This takes place only in "normal" mode (where the gun is slaved to the sights). As for the Soviet system, I imagine it is something very similar. Personally - I would MUCH rather have a human loader. #1 - you can beat him when he screws up #2 - you have 4 bodies for maintanence, not 3 #3 - malfunctions are not a possibility One of the reasons that the Block III was never really considered as a replacement for the M1 was the fact that a 2 man crew could never handle the maintenance aspect of a combat tracked vehicle.
  14. sgtdwetzel

    why did you use your username

    Its what I am...SGT D Wetzel
  15. sgtdwetzel

    T-80 vs M60

    Panzer Jaeger..... I'm just curious about where you get your information.....specifically about the M1A2 having an autoloader. Funny......the M1A2's I have been on have the normal Western style of a 4 man crew...just like the M1A1, M1IP, and slick M1's I have been on...... Good info on the use of DU....that is the other reason why we use DU besides cost.....Tungsten is a HELL of a lot more expensive than spent nuclear fuel... Not bustin you on the 3 man crew thing....just clarifying...