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Everything posted by sel

  1. sel

    USAF Base Gateway

    I also tried making them move using direct moves rather than paths that also failed so it looks like once an object is placed on the map it stores the info in memory. It must be something to do witht the map, what may be needed is a way to flush the memory. The only way thay I could get a vehicle through would have been to write some script to move it pixel by pixel or use the momentum thing. I forget the names exactly as I don't have OFP installed right now. But both ways would be a poor way to go and prone to errors.
  2. sel

    USAF Base Gateway

    A while back I made a set of swing gates using the chain link fence as gates they opend and closed it looked ok but the vehicles wouldn't go through those either. I spent along time trying many things but nothing worked. I tried things like creating the gates a second or two after the game had started in the hope of fooling the AI into thinking they wern't there. Just as a test I deleted the gates while the game was runing but they still refuse to pass, it's as if once the route is blocked it stays blocked they seem to remember. I know this isn't what your trying to do but thought it may be worth saying.
  3. you could try  lampname setdamage 0 and put in a loop using script. something like this. put this in your lamp init line: [this] exec "nodamage.sqs" do it or all three lamps In script try this _lamp = _this select 0 #loop _lamp setdammage 0 goto "loop" I'm not at may Home PC just now so I could be wrong.
  4. I have made a set of gates which swing open however the AI units refuse to pass through them, the will go out anyehere but through th gates. Has anybody got a clue on how to force them to do what I want, as simple move commands will not do it?. thanks