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Everything posted by render

  1. Thanks, Just like u said i put those values and now everything back to normal... Units now move smoothly but little rough.. - ( little shaking while walking ) Q = minErrorToSend - how much i will have to rise this value to get visible impact on smoothing... i had MinErrorToSend=0.005; Now have MinErrorToSend=0.0005 this is large difference So now for fine tune i should put =0.0006, 0.0007, or =0.00010 , 0.00020 how large should be this step.... to not get dizzy with instant kill -9 and server start ? Also have strange behavior... at the moment have ECS, XAM.1.4 and Urban Patrol Script... Fist thought that addons could mess thing up..and warp units around. Now when all back to normal have only one issue... I have simple map with tank and UAZ.....after change to =0.0005 Tank start to move smoot on the ground, rest of the units too but my UAZ sometimes is flying above ground about 2m while moving this is quite strange ... this re-appearing could be efect of some kind of lag? In offline mission testing it does not happening..so it should be some kind of lag thig...?
  2. Hi everyone, Frome some time i'm trying to set up my dedicated server 1.14 on FeeBSD. Now is time to set up my bandwidth config but im very frustrated after reading tones of posts about the same issue without simple rule "Simple Question = Simple Answer" So i will try to ask shortly and easy as is possble... 1st. Q - I could not figure out how to set up demon for autolunch so for a now im using only ./armaserver start -kill -9 pid... commands.. In my arrmaserver i have added some 1 line after CONFIG=server.cfg CFG=arma.cfg so now I have ${SERVER} >>${LOGFILE} 2>&1 -server -config=${CONFIG} -cfg=${CFG} -port=${PORT} -pid=${PIDFILE} -mod= Is this correct? In this way my arma.cfg will be loaded? 2nd. Q - can anyone whit a lot of knowledge help me set arma.cfg ? I'm trying to set up server on 1+1Mbit connection there is posiblity to have 2+2 but not at this moment... What i have to put in my arma.cfg to have no unit warping around...in front of my aim...?? - 1Mbit connection can handle 4? or 8? players in Coop Mission? - and what exectly have to put in arma.cfg to make it work.. for 4 or 8 players on that 1Mbit connection <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> language = "English"; adapter = -1; 3D_Performance = 0.000000; Resolution_W = 0; Resolution_H = 0; Resolution_Bpp = 0; MaxMsgSend = 256; // 128 default MaxSizeGuaranteed = 1024; // 512 default MaxSizeNonguaranteed = 64; // 256 default MinBandwidth=131072; // 131072 default MaxBandwidth = 10000000000; MinErrorToSend=0.005; // 0.001 default I know that evereyone are cant wait for arma2 but i have a feeling that arma is somehow abandoned ship... Especialy when i talk about Linux Dedicated Version subject....
  3. Hi Everyone This is my first post on BI forum so i will try to be quick From some time im trying to create my own mission for ArmA but it is not the point... The point is I want to create or find suitable ranking system that will be totaly independent form any mission! For example. I wish to create typical ranking system dependent on regular army ranks... private , srgt..,cpt, col, gen... and so on and so on... as many ranks ass possible But.. 1. i wish to add something elese... ( i have some exeperience from Evolution mission ...and its there 1 enoying thing... Everyone after some time and promotion can get to any vechicle.. - i wish that could be simply imposible... for example... - If you chose at start to be "medic" - all time you should be allowed only to drive hummer, medic vechicle.. and every medic could be allowed to mount as gunner only on LtMG... even in Tank... - If you chose at start to be "enginer" - you could simply drive any vechicle as driver, tank but can not to pilot any thing elese but littlebird - If you chose at start to be sniper - you could be only sniper , go only ass passenger and cary any thing elese but light weapons.. ( not allowed to use rpg, bazookas etc...) But.. i wihs to medic have some "in game promotion, to get better equipment , on start only m16 and after some score for example 5000 kills, 2000 points overall could get for example weapon with acog... The good thing is to have separate points and kills So player with 200000 kils need to have points for destroing or mission goals points to be promoted.. The main thing is to create independent addon that could overrride all missions and be main rangikn system for every mission on the server... something like BF2 ranking system but not soooo complicated.. And it will be great if ths adddon could write to server log some data that everyone after joining on any map could have the last score and rank... I hope you can understand what im trying to do... if not just ask... But Question It is possible? - i saw some part of this in Evolutiom missions...but don't know how it works Can anyone direct me to the correct source...? Or to any mod that i could modify, recreate..etc...im totaly new with scripting.. but i dlike to learn it...