Ok Here is a total noob question but ive been looking around the forums and still cant seem to get my server running correctly.
I have a Linux box  w/ 3GB ddr2 memory / core 2 duo 2.6 ghz cpu / 250 GB SATA HD, GIGA BIT Lan,  Just some of the basic specs.
Im trying to setup the arma.cfg file to run the server good. I only  need it to handle 3 - 5 people, nothing big.
When i go and test my bandwidth I usually use
www.speakeasy.net going to a NY server and the results i get are:
Download Speed: 31037 kbps (3879.6 KB/sec transfer rate)
Upload Speed: 4483 kbps (560.4 KB/sec transfer rate)
(can anyone tell be what exactly these would mean to me related to the config file )
Ive done test at diffrent times of the day  and my speed only changes a little bit but stayes almost the same
I think im getting lost on all the different bandwidth settings and all the other various settings. Â
So my question is there anyone who could help me with what setting i should be messing with to get my server running good  or do i really need a super computer and killer connection to host a sever for max of 5 people
would something like this be correct
MinBandwidth = 3500000 /MaxBandwidth = 4500000
are there other setting i need to change as well