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About rgndrock

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    PC Gaming, auto racing and football
  1. rgndrock


    I suggest changing your servers to www.seriouslyfortheloveofgodsomeonekillgazmen.co.uk
  2. rgndrock

    Psychology of killing.

    The real test of today's soldier is whether or not to hesitate to pull the trigger on anyone, anywhere and at any time when the fight is on to save his own life and the life of his brothers. Problem being with war nowadays, the enemy doesn't wear a specific uniform. Â He intentionally blends in to the masses of civilians. Â A weapon means nothing, as it is local law where we are fighting that everyone has the right to have one. Â And beyond that the weapon they carry isn't always visible. Â Today the battlefield isn't just filled with men carrying rifles. Â It is laden with women and children strapped (not always by choice) with explosives. Â Family cars turned into bombs with the families in them. Â Today's soldier has to be ready for doing even the unthinkable, in the face of death. Â We are taught repeatedly about target ID and things to look for in an attempt to save innocence but what it comes down to is a millisecond of reaction time. Â You yell, you shout, you may even fire a warning but if someone doesn't stop what do you do? Â They keep coming and you die...you kill them and find they had nothing and were just scared. Â So were you. Â It becomes more of being able to live with it afterwards. Â Can I do it? Â Yes. Â Will I? Â Most likely. Â Will I be happy about it? Â Not at all, but it depends on whether me and all my brothers come home afterwards. Â You enlist for country. Â You fight to come home. Real war isn't a cut and dry series of questions like the thread suggests. Â Not at all. Â But I do appreciate that it allows those of us that understand to enlighten those who haven't had the experience to see what goes on in our minds. That is the one thing that no game/sim can't ever recreate and who would want it if it could? Â Kind of makes you laugh at all the times in-game when someone gets TK'd and the dead guy complains about target ID, doesn't it?
  3. rgndrock

    Psychology of killing.

    The real test of today's soldier is whether or not to hesitate to pull the trigger on anyone, anywhere and at any time when the fight is on to save his own life and the life of his brothers. Problem being with war nowadays, the enemy doesn't wear a specific uniform. Â He intentionally blends in to the masses of civilians. Â A weapon means nothing, as it is local law where we are fighting that everyone has the right to have one. Â And beyond that the weapon they carry isn't always visible. Â Today the battlefield isn't just filled with men carrying rifles. Â It is laden with women and children strapped (not always by choice) with explosives. Â Family cars turned into bombs with the families in them. Â Today's soldier has to be ready for doing even the unthinkable, in the face of death. Â We are taught repeatedly about target ID and things to look for in an attempt to save innocence but what it comes down to is a millisecond of reaction time. Â You yell, you shout, you may even fire a warning but if someone doesn't stop what do you do? Â They keep coming and you die...you kill them and find they had nothing and were just scared. Â So were you. Â It becomes more of being able to live with it afterwards. Â Can I do it? Â Yes. Â Will I? Â Most likely. Â Will I be happy about it? Â Not at all, but it depends on whether me and all my brothers come home afterwards. Â You enlist for country. Â You fight to come home. Real war isn't a cut and dry series of questions like the thread suggests. Â Not at all. Â But I do appreciate that it allows those of us that understand to enlighten those who haven't had the experience to see what goes on in our minds. That is the one thing that no game/sim can't ever recreate and who would want it if it could? Â Kind of makes you laugh at all the times in-game when someone gets TK'd and the dead guy complains about target ID, doesn't it?
  4. Atari dropped the chalupa here in the US as well. Â In many places Arma still isn't on the shelves. Â Best Buys and some EB Games didn't have it on the shelves until 10-14 days after release. Â And not even all those chains got copies at all their stores. I know in my case when the game was supposed to be there on the 1st I spammed phone calls everywhere. Â In most places I was told the 8th if at all. Â I figured WTH, if I order the DVD online, it will take that long anyways (I don't trust downloading). Â I kept note of those stores and on the 8th I called them again. Â Again I was told "maybe this week or next". Â I finally just broke down and bought 4 copies of the game at EB online and they arrived in a day and a half. Â I'd probably still be waiting. Â S&H was minimal and didn't change no matter how many I bought, and I wanted to secure my friends copies. Â Before everyone asks to be my friend, they did pay me...hahaha. My advice to BI is to sever all ties with this useless gaming entity ASAP. Â They killed your North America profit by providing 0 publicity. Â I saw one add in one PC mag and nothing on TV or the radio. Â I didn't even know this was coming until I tripped over it 1 month prior to release. Â Embarrassing. Â I have seen far worse games pumped more than this.
  5. rgndrock

    ArmA Addon request thread

    Kudos to the modders. I have seen 1 ID and now 3 ID skins posted. I am from 2 ID. Currently we have 2 Brigades deployed fighting. I will be the first to admit I suck at modding. Would it be difficult to get our patch on both arms of an ACU pattern skin? http://www.flyingtigerssurplus.com/big-id-12-shbgid-11996.html
  6. rgndrock

    1UP Review Gives Arma 6.7

    This is the same guy who will mostly give an outstanding review to the bunny-hopper ridden, nade spammer raped, "BFG" loaded, and over-hyped flavor of the month title just because it has good graphics and a two year old can play it. I think it states a huge message towards realism that he says " I can't answer these questions for you yet (still waiting for my SAS diploma from the University of Phoenix), but I do know this: ArmA is a game best left to guys who know how to disassemble a .223 rifle." Â Basically he admits that real soldiers would recognize the good in this game and that his opinion is useless. Â The question is, why even post it? Due to my quest for authenticity, I personally refuse to buy a FPS that has either of 3 features. Â 1. A jump button. Â 2. Â A laser that kills people. Â 3. a "BFG". Â Thus, I will never buy CS, Quake, Fear, BF2/2142, Doom or any other "Arcade" style favorite. Â I would rather have a title with 100 buttons that confuse me to the point of ultimate n00bness, if it offers me more things that I recognize in my line of work. Â What would happen to me if I was being shot at and just started jumping up in down on the RL battlefield? Â With any luck, I suppose the insurgents would just drop to the ground in hysterical laughter. As an edit: Â I set my card settings to force "Quality" and changed all game settings to the highest I could. Â Even though the framerate was at 10-12 FPS, the graphics were impressive IMO. Â I have a decent system but just wanted to see everything as it could be with a sick system.
  7. rgndrock

    STRYKER driver view

    http://www.generaldynamics.com/prod_serv/combat/Stryker/Stryker%20Offloading%20From%20C-130.jpg Once, again the comment about only 15 deg on the Stryker hatch is flat out wrong.  I live this vehicle.  Haven't just seen it once or rode in it once.  For the love of god, look at my sig.  Here is a pic of the hatch while being unloaded set at about 30-45 deg.  Forgive me, but you have to copy  and paste the link , I am not a forum pro.  Notice the verticle green bar that is just to the right of the drivers head.  It has multiple notches for multiple settings and a locking mechanism so it don't slam your head by falling.  Notice that the driver is out almost to his shoulders.  It all depends on safety, security and preference.  The drivers seat actually raises on a piston to comfortably fit your size as well. That is why in some pics you see just a head but in others your see more. Here is a sweet vid link featuring 3rd Bde SBCT, the unit I was with prior to coming to 5th.  http://www.gdls.com/images/stryker.mpg But yes you can actually lay down in one and take a nap because of the air ride. It would be nice if the sentry hatches did open though, like you said.
  8. rgndrock

    STRYKER driver view

    As a driver in a RL Stryker unit, I have to tell you the vehicle is almost spot on. Â That was ultimately drew me to Arma. Â Every gauge in the cockpit...every display. Â The only things missing is our "sensitive" equipment. Â When you are turned out, it is how it looks to drive the vehicle with head out the hatch. Â The only flaw I have seen in the vehicle, is a rendering flaw of a small piece of equipment, that is actually how it used to look until the soldiers requested a modification. Â That is that thing in the field of view when turned out. Â It is not pop up like mentioned but now it is located in another location for the same reason you see in game. Â As to the turn out hatch flaw someone referenced before, he is partially mistaken. Â The hatch actually opens to multiple positions in RL. Â It is driver/secutiry preference as to where you are set. Â The game can't implement all settings, so they took the highest and the lowest. Â Yes, periscopes aren't there, but having driven with them, they would only make things worse. Â I don't think I have seen a game use for them yet. Â As far as the gunner station stuff, there is no magic number as to how much a vehicle carries for ammo. Â Yes, 500 does seem low. Â The zoom is kinda off as is the rotation but I can see how these features if put into the game could imbalance. Â The weapon system is sick in RL and killing people at 2000 meters would be imbalancing. As far as RL usefullness, don't question the vehicles mobility or power. Â There is a reason why the Army is standing up one of these units after the other. Â It is currently one of the fastest pieces of armor in the world and has about a dozen of designs including the MGS as someone mentioned before, which is the "Tank" version of it, which stands as a testament to it's versatility. Â You only see 3 of them in Arma so far. Â I won't get to deep into specifics as I think there is already enough out there on the net and I don't feel it is in my units best interest to be giving details. As far as in-game implementation, I think people just don't get how use them. Â They are not tanks. Â When used as infantry support in the city areas they can be devastaing. Â This is, after all, their primary function in RL. Â I think biggest the thing that makes them weak in-game, is the fact that everyone in the game that isn't carrying a saw is carrying some sort of anti-tank. Â For all the crying I see about the amount sniper rifles nobody takes issue with unlimited RPG/AT4/Javelins. Â Granted our enemy today has a strange ability for being able to "find" explosives this amount of anti-tank is a sort of imbalance. Â Depending on the modder I am sure maps will be released down the road that will showcase the vehicle, if nobody has made one yet. I for one would love to see the mortar variant added to the game. more pics and vids of my beloved vehicle can be seen here:http://www.generaldynamics.com/prod_serv/combat/Stryker/strykergraphics-new.htm