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Everything posted by radioman999

  1. I second that cyclone! Why not just modify the webpage so that it doesn't have to load something with script. It shouldn't be THAT hard I don't think. Especially with their "dedicated" technical support team. Right now, I've given up trying to go through the activation. I'm just hoping Softwrap will resolve the problem or BI will come up with some sort of answer. When worst comes to worst, I'll buy a DVD version when it comes out and get really mad
  2. It's getting ridiculous. No customer support from Sofrwrap for how many days from how many people. I've paid for the game that I can't even play. At least any response from the support would've been nice. Just so we know where there at.
  3. I haven't had much luck either. I've tried changing various browser settings, but that doesn't seem to help. SoftWrap would be the best bet in helping to resolve this problem since it's their service. I don't mind waiting for a couple more days to get help, it's just that I'm not sure if they can.
  4. I've sent email to SoftWrap support regarding the issue. Hopefully, they can provide some answers.
  5. Hey cyclone, I'm having the same problem here. It's frustrating to say the least. My guess is 1) antivirus program is blocking something, so the page is not loading properly. 2) Internet explorer setting is not properly configured to load the page. 3) it's not a working web page in the first place In any case, I was doing some search myself. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/308260 This gives some options to solve some script errors, I haven't tried them yet. The weird thing is I can install and run the downloaded version(Czech v.1.02) just fine. The problem occurs after I apply the 1.05 patch. So, let me know if you have better luck. I will post again if I get lucky.