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About richard_dean_anderson

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. richard_dean_anderson

    What's The Obsession With Coop?

    I stopped playing ARMA altogether, because of the lack of non-COOP servers... But what is "Evolution"? Yep, I've also stopped playing for that same reason. Coop is almost as boring as the small CTF maps where you're all boxed in wolfenstein 3D style. I think I just totally don't get the ArmA online community. With the exception of RTS, nothing is remotely close to enjoyable. Yet, I think I am in the minority so I'll just stfu. I'm glad some people enjoy it.
  2. richard_dean_anderson

    What's The Obsession With Coop?

    The thing is, coop was fun for like a month or two back in the 90's when playing Quake I/II. It's incredibly sad that more than 10 years later, we've got a game like Arma, and the most popular game type still consists of shooting robot enemies. This is going backwards. By now, we should be playing games like this, with such a huge map, with at least a hundred or so human players and no AI. Something like RTS but without AI.
  3. richard_dean_anderson

    I want to champion the AI

    You guys should post some clips of the AI actually doing something intelligent. I still don't believe that they are capable of doing it. Seems like they exist only to serve as something for human players to shoot at. I don't know what kind of game types you guys are playing, but I'd opt for a squad full of mediocre to borderline retarded human players (perhaps even BF2 fans) rather than AI soldiers any day.
  4. richard_dean_anderson

    Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures for ArmA

    I agree with Beagle. The AI is not worth playing with. It would be nice if a couple hundred human players could play at once. Unfortunately, you need to play with a bunch of AI in order to have the "large scale" mutiplayer games which I always thought were the only reason one would want to play Arma/OFP instead of other FPS games.
  5. richard_dean_anderson

    Does squad AI actually work?

    Yeah, I guess I usually use Engage. I Hit the corresponding F-key, and then just click on the tank, and that's the same as using Engage I think. So I should be using the "Target" command from the menu, scrolling through all the target lists, and the hitting the number of the target, hoping that I chose the correct target at "11 o clock" or "12 o clock" or whatever? That seems sort of unwieldy. Wouldnt it be better if you could select "Target" and then click on what you want them to target? I dunno,I just wish the AI would be a lot more intelligent and FASTER. My AI just always seems stupid and slow. They do so many foolish things that get them killed. Something as simple as entering a vehicle after you've ordered them to still takes longer than you would hope. Telling them to "take cover" doesnt seem effective, since they do so very slowly, and don't do a very good job of it anyway. How hard should it be for them to find cover? But I'm probably expecting far too much from them. I just cant wait until the day when you can play with 100+ or so human players online and not have to worry about having any AI in the game at all.
  6. richard_dean_anderson

    RTS-4 ArmA Released

    I for one would say that a more infantry-oriented version would be nice.
  7. richard_dean_anderson

    Does squad AI actually work?

    Nah, it doesn't work well at all. Just like in OFP. It seems that if you have to rely on AI AT soldiers to take out a tank/bmp, you are screwed a lot of the time. So many times, I tell them to attack a tank, they will wait a few seconds, take out the RPG, sit there for 2 seconds, put it away,take out their M4, lay down, crouch, take out the RPG, put it back, lay down, stand up, STAND UP and run a few feet, and by this time the tank has killed him, me, and all other members of my squad, even though we were pretty well hidden and all that was required was a couple easy RPG shots.
  8. richard_dean_anderson

    RTS-4 ArmA Released

    Yeah, I think that's a good idea, sorry if its too bf2 for anyone. Being that the chopper will have to take off, fly to your position without being shot down, and then drop the ammo makes it quite different than BF2 where it just magically drops to you. Thats why I like the idea of having an AI blackhawk pilot (in it's own group, commanded by no one) being able to drop new AI guys, who will then join your squad. Remotely training a new squad, then ordering them to get into the newly-deployed chopper, directing them where to go/land/disembark is just too much work, especially if you are simultaneously trying to regroup/heal etc. the remaining squad members that didn't die in the firefight you were just in. Hitting so many function keys isn't that much fun, especially when the guys you are deploying from the barracks show up right away on the list as soon as they get out of the barracks. Also, isn't there a way to set the respawn to "group" and then when the last group member dies, you respawn at the base like normal? As far as I know, thats still not possible. But, wouldn't that be nice if it was?
  9. richard_dean_anderson

    RTS-4 ArmA Released

    Yep, I like this idea too.
  10. richard_dean_anderson

    RTS-4 ArmA Released

    What exactly does this mean? Like you can have 10 guys added to your squad, starting in like a truck/chopper at the base? I thought it would be sweet if instead of having them spawn one-by-one at the barracks, bases, etc., you could have your new soldiers dropped, all at once, at your position from an AI-piloted blackhawk. From there, they will join your squad and the chopper will go back to the base so other squad leaders can use it. Like if I lose all but like 2 of my squad, I could just run to a safe place and order up what kind of guys I need, and have the AI attempt to drop them right on me. As it is now, I can train them, but then I have to worry about making a vehicle, loading my guys in it, and transporting them to where I need them, where I will probably abandon the vehicle anyway. Just an idea.
  11. richard_dean_anderson

    Too many crappy maps

    Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous. The sad thing is that all these maps maps I play in Arma are like bf2-style maps, only it's not as fun as playing a bf2-style map in BF2 (which isn't really all that fun to begin with). But, I didn't even know this Project Reality thing existed, I guess I'll give that a try for a while until I can find some Arma games/maps that are actually fun.
  12. richard_dean_anderson

    1.05 Causes performance Hits.

    Oh, I'm well aware of that. But, it ran pretty well in 1.04, now that is funny. Doesn't seem to be only people that have systems that are under the minimum requirements that are having these problems either.
  13. richard_dean_anderson

    1.05 Causes performance Hits.

    Yep, 1.04 was not too bad, 1.05 seems to be crap. It doesn't look like any of my settings were automatically changed by the upgrade. The graphics look different, sorta "brighter". and its a lot choppier. Using Z-Tweaked 91.47 Nvidia drivers for my xfx 256mb gf 6600GT. 1.9 ghz Athlon Gig of cheap Kingston RAM 1024x760 or whatever, with the first 3 graphics options set to Normal, and everything else low.
  14. richard_dean_anderson

    securom of my ass ...

    haha yeah. It was sarcastic
  15. richard_dean_anderson

    securom of my ass ...

    Yes, but at least they're preventing people who probably weren't going to buy it anyway from playing it illegally. It's a good tradeoff, I'm sure.