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Everything posted by rebuilder

  1. rebuilder

    Last night I had a VERY GOOD idea

    A better solution would be to just display friendly tags up to a certain range, with maybe a slight delay before showing. The only thing the challenge idea adds to that is the option for a friendly NOT to identify themselves as such, which I don't really see the point of.
  2. rebuilder

    CTF Hexenkessel

    I hate you Frantic. I used to have fun on ctf servers in ArmA, but nowadays, whenever I check all 3 or so of them that are populated are playing Hexenkessel. To be honest, I guess I can't blame you. Judging by how many people (brain damage must be more common than I thought) want to play Hex, someone would have made the map for ArmA sooner or later. Anyone mind putting together a worm that would just erase the map from all servers everywhere?
  3. rebuilder

    Dated audio

    I recommend getting the FDF sounds mod.
  4. rebuilder

    Identifying players?

    regarding challenge-password system, I don't really see how that is much better than just having the id tag pop up at a slight delay. That's what would happen anyway, except you'd need to press that key to id.
  5. rebuilder

    Multiplayer browser problem

    same, in Finland, using my home connection. The most interesting part for me is that last night at least, if I opened a vpn connection to my school, located in the same city, the server browser and joining servers worked just fine! Very strange especially since this seems to be a pretty widespread issue, geographically speaking.
  6. rebuilder

    Free Alternative to TrackIR

    I've been messing with this a bit myself, and I got the cam2pan+newview setup working, in principle. Under "controlled conditions" it is fine, you have pretty good control of your head movements etc. In combat however, you (well, I anyway) mostly don't have the presence of mind to control your head movements to the degree that is necessary with this setup. What happens in reality is that you'll notice an enemy, go into scoped mode and WHAM WTF, you're looking the wrong way because you moved your head too fast in your excitement, and now you're dead. Also since the resolution is pretty limited in arma compared to real life, you'll often be hunching over to get a closer look at your crosshair and the couple of pixels behind it that might be a hostile. Cam2pan doesn't understand this at all, it will just send your view flying up or down. A few hints I have come up with for those who do want to try it: set the y speed in cam2pan quite low. This will limit the amount you can look up and down, but in infantry combat at least it makes using ironsights much more tolerable. If you have a small webcam, consider mounting that on your head and a led on your monitor instead of the other way around. This way you can utilize the entire field of vision of the camera, which results in a much smoother experience. Also if the led you use is not a very wide-angle one, if mounted on the head it's brightness in the camera view will drop rather dramatically when you turn your head. With the camera mounted on your head instead this problem is removed. It does mean you will only be able to turn your head so much before the led marker goes out of the camera's view. In my case at least I found a suitable movement speed that would let me turn my head at a fairly natural-feeling rate and allows me to turn about 50 degrees to each side, maybe a bit more. Overall, though, I find you have to pay a bit too much attention to what you're doing with your head for it to be more than a fun gimmick. Mostly it will just get you killed in my experience. I'll see if I can tweak the settings a bit to get a more usable system, but I'm not very optimistic at this point. Overall, ask yourself how often you've felt that being able to freelook around more intuitively would have made the game better for you. For infantry, I find the alt button to be a very good solution for this in the end. Pilots will probably benefit the most, I tried a chopper mission briefly and it did lessen the claustrofobic feel of the cockpit considerably. I did also crash a lot more though, but then this was before some tweaks I did to my settings that made the tracking smoother for me.
  7. rebuilder

    Sahrani Virus: A New Beginning (MP)

    I just played this, it was good fun. The zombos don't actually seem to do that much though... I don't think anyone got killed by them, they mainly run and stand around. And leap of course, that freaked me out when I first saw it happen.
  8. rebuilder

    "Blood Sweat & Tears" Bug

    I got to the part with the specops character where the harrier bombed the enemy base, and then the character runs off somewhere, camera pans to some scenery, sounds of vehicles driving around... and nothing happens. After a few minutes, the view fades to black, and sound continues, and nothing happens.
  9. rebuilder

    Can't find servers

    nevermind me as well.
  10. rebuilder

    Problem with the SPR mk12 weapon

    I get the same problem with the 505 release in the "blood sweat and tears" single mission, except I don't need to die at all. If I choose to play the specops type, when he's given the option to take the spr, the gun model is invisible.