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About rrores

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. if (alive player) then {_number = 0}; if (_number == 0) then {hint "Zero"}; //ERROR IN ARMA1 ALSO IN ARMA2: single I want to know if the functions return null values thanks
  2. (thanks to respond) that does not work either in arma1.
  3. Hi _func = { _return = nil; _return }; _var = [] call _func; if !(isNil "_var") then { ................... }; this gives error?
  4. rrores

    OnMapSingleClick question

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> onmapsingleclick "if (!_alt && !_shift)then{hint ""only click""}; if (_alt && !_shift)then{hint ""ALT""}; if (!_alt && _shift)then{hint ""SHIFT""}; if (_alt && _shift)then{hint ""ALT and SHIFT""}";
  5. rrores

    ArmA Extended Dll

    PLEASE, to make it compatible with DEDICATED SERVER Thanks
  6. rrores

    ArmA Extended Dll

    No. This is not a 3DEditor. This is for read and write in the disc.
  7. rrores

    ArmA Extended Dll

    hi good work! it works in dedicated server?
  8. rrores

    setPlayable workaround

    I do not write in ingles, I hope that it is understood. So that he walks to switchplayer well, the soldier must be local to the PC of the PLAYER. He is to say that createUnit in the same PC is due to use that tries to change of personage. for PCs non server: _ sold =... createUnit...; selectPlayer _ sold;
  9. rrores


    thank you very much, I work well
  10. Hello I create a single mission with the side the west. In order to be able to create units of the east use CREATECENTER (before createUnit). Result: the units of the east do not attack somebody knows that it happens?
  11. rrores

    Paa Image Browswer Dialog

    thanks, very practice
  12. hello that function does createDisplay?