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About rjpear

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  1. rjpear

    OFP : Happy Birthday 5 Years

    Happy Belated Birthday.. but remember folks..what made the Game last 5 years were the Modders/scripters that Brought the Game, kicking and screaming, to the next level... Without you , there would not have been a 3rd birthday to celebrate, let alone a Fifth! To the Modders! I lift up a Mug!! Salud!! Peardog... Former member... SHoP (RIP)
  2. rjpear

    Guide to on-line play for noobs

    Dixi- I just reinstalled OFP for the first time in a Few YEars... What I found was a Nice Clean install (which you have)..then I installed "OFPWATCH" program from http://www.binarybone.com/ofpwatch.zip One you run it the program will Auto Scan Your OFP directory and detect what you have ... then if you hit the @@Browser button it will list a few (Like 10 for me) OFP Servers... There are more out there but you have to manually add them (Like the GREAT VS-COOP!!http://www.vetsquad.com/files.cfm .. What nice here is you can see what Mods You need to play on the server, the program will go and get them for ya and Install them into OFP.. Then when you are good to go you can even Launch the game right from OFP watch to the Server... Much better than manually researching what was on the server etc..