Hey dude I just wanna say great work on the usmc vehicles espicaly The aavp7 and the mtvr. I just got a few questions and commets I used to be a marine and I got a chance to work with some of this gear first hand. So if you need any Input on capabilities or anything let me know. first question is ther gonna be an aavc7 or r7 variant? and with the lvs without the trailer the only time you would see one of thoes is in the maint bay because its dangerous if you were to slam on the brakes the whole cab would tilt foward and slam inito the ground. If your going for realism I'd go with the M983 version. that variant has a traler hitch for a lowbed trailer to carry lav's, aav's, d7's and such pretty much anything thats not a m1 abrams. thats also the variant in your schematicson page 7. I hope I was somewhat helpful to you. one last question is there gonna be an m88 to go with your abrams?