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About rizzomeki

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  1. Very informative post! Being a non technical person, I'd like to ask one question to make matters clearer: Can tearing happen when FPS is below the refresh rate, with Vsync turned off? From what I understand if Vsync is OFF, tearing diseappears only when FPS and refresh rate are equal. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
  2. rizzomeki

    Operation Black Mamba - UPDATED!

    @ofpchaos I read the included readme and used the recommanded settings. Unfortunately my current computer is crap by today's standards (read well below 2Ghz) Missions like yours are a strong incentive to make me upgrade. Thanks again for your work, I do enjoy playing it. @all I understand that some of the forum users were rebuked by the OFPMDB site being in German. All the more since the translated version does not seem to work (at least it did not for me on several attempts) So for those interested, here is a quick guide on how to register on ofpmdb and download ofpchaos's great mission. Operation black mamba is really a work of art, so I advise you to take the time to download it. 1- navigate to http://www.ofpmdb.de.vu/ 2- Scroll down some and click on "Registrieren" on the bottom left, in the Community box 3- Scroll down the general conditions page and click the "Akzeptiert" button 4- Choose a user name (Benutzername) and type your e-mail address (E-Mail Adresse) Â Click "Senden" 5- You will receive a confirmation e-mail giving you a direct link to the DL site 6- Clik the link and sign in 7- Click "Missionsdatenbank" on the start page (bottom left again, just over Community) 8- Operation Black Mamba is the first mission in the list, click download and you're done. Easy and straightforward.
  3. rizzomeki

    Operation Black Mamba - UPDATED!

    Thank you for this incredible mission. I began playing it last night and enjoyed it a lot. The sole regret I have is that my computer is not fast enough to provide good FPS. Guess I'll spend this evening and part of the night trying to save the Tonalese oil minister.
  4. rizzomeki

    Search for the retextured addons

    Salut Eric I'm playing RETALIATION right now. I launched the mission you mention in your post using Thunderbird FFUR mod. Framerate dropped below 5 making it unplayable. I intend to replay it tonight without any addon (plain BIS config) to benchmark the loss of FPS. I will also try the first missions of the campaign to see wether the decrease of FPS happens in this one mission or is global. A+
  5. rizzomeki

    FlashFx Units Replacement pack 5.0!

    Hello Thundrbird I've used your mod from the very beginning and I love it. It rocks. The latest versions are pretty stable on my machine. Just one question: During a campaign I recently finished, in some russian spec ops missions the character was replaced by an american looking one (woodland camo, US helmet and hood). He used a suppressed HK too.??? I wondered wether it was linked to the choices of the mission maker or a config tweak in your mod. Keep it up man, you bring the fun back to an old game. Salut Â